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2 Practical Strategies for More Money

Oh my God, she said. I couldn’t even charge for tutoring! I feel so bad asking parents to pay me!

This from a new friend - a teacher on hiatus, home raising her 18-month-old daughter.

She’d asked about my business, fascinated by the whole thing: my programs, marketing, pricing -

So when I told her how it all works, her eyes got big…

She was horrified that I actually had to TELL people how much I charge, then ask them to pay me!

That’s when it hit me - Riiiiight!

When I was a teacher…talking about MONEY or having to promote YOURSELF was EW!


We, teachers, are taught to be selfless because we’re here to serve & help.

Wanting. More. Money. Is. Gross.

Until this conversation, I kinda forgot I used to be horrified by wanting to make money.

Seven years ago, I made a GIGANTIC leap into entrepreneurship & brought that GROSSNESS with me.

The belief was cemented into reality when I made ZERO DOLLARS in my first business!

Talk about EVIDENCE - Oh, you believe you DON’T DESERVE money, Jen?

Great! Then here’s ZERO money for all your hard work - proof that you DON’T deserve it!

Teachers are not the only ones suffering. Many women struggle to talk about pricing & ask for payment.

I don’t want to talk about WHY this happens -

Instead, I want to talk about how ALL of us - whether we’re educators or entrepreneurs - or something else entirely -

want to make MORE money.

But are we making ROOM for money? This month, I’m focused on one thing: MAKING SPACE FOR WHAT YOU WANT MORE OF IN 2021.

Let’s go!

There are 2 practical things most people are NOT doing - because frankly, money brings up a lot of shit for us. So - we avoid…

First up: Do you know WHY you want more money?

This seems like a ridiculous question, but it’s foundational. Many people do NOT know WHY they want more money!

To pay off an old debt? Save up for a dream vacation? Put your kid through college?

To buy that dream handbag - or fancy shoes with a red bottom?

One client had an absolute breakthrough when she realized she wanted to make REAL money so she could travel the world!

I wish you could’ve seen her joy when she finally understood her motivation!

THEN - I swear, only THEN - was she ready to grow her business for real.

Before that, she was kinda dickin’ around in her business. Dabbling, but never focused or motivated.

Once she realized why she wanted to make money, she got real focused & real motivated REAL FAST>

Second: Are you engaging with your money? Is your bank account messy? What’s going on in your wallet?

Do you ever look?

This is a practical & easy strategy that again sounds too simple to make a difference, but toooo many of use don’t know what’s going on in our accounts - or we’re paying for shit we’re not using!

Subscriptions to apps we never open. Gyms we never attend. Services we’re not using!

Tickets inside a messy wallet collecting late fees.

Gift certificates NEVER used.

Don’t judge yourself about this. Looking at your wallet & your bank accounts is research.

You’re collecting information - consider it data!

Here’s my dumbass story: 4 months into quarantine at the beginning of COVID, I realized we were paying for my son’s membership at his climbing gym.

FOUR MONTHS of payments at $157!!  

Ugggggg! Yes! I was pissed off - not at them, but at us for not being clean with our accounts.

There was literally nothing I could do about it except choose to feel glad we were helping support that business during a lean time and then CANCEL that shit!

Stop judging yourself - just FREAKING do clean up those accounts - and start with looking at them weekly!

I began these two practices about a year ago, and it’s been a 100% game changer.

No longer afraid to open my bank app - where I used to avoid it. Whatever’s going on there, I can handle.

PS: you can handle it too, because YOU ALREADY ARE handling it!

You’ve already survived whatever shitty ass thing is happening in your bank account, but you’ve probably done it with fear or worry or anxiety.

Go ahead & handle it with neutrality like a badass. Make room for money to flow INTO a clear space.

I’d bet MONEY you want MORE MONEY.

Put these two simple, straightforward, practical tools into place & see what shifts for you.

Feel anxious or judgy while doing it? OK. You will not die from that.

Breathe. Use all the tools we talk about weekly on this blog and think of FUTURE you.

Next-Year-You, who has the income of her dreams and a clean relationship with money to allow it to flow in with ease will LOVE Today-You!

Get going!

Xo, Jen

PS: if you’re an entrepreneur who’s tired of the overwhelm & exhaustion of marketing…

Who wakes up every day & thinks, SHIT!! I forgot to post on Instagram! What should I even say? 😩 

Then you’re gonna want to download the Customized Content Creation Planner

This simple 3-step system to help you finally get quality content out consistently for your audience…wait for it…SO YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY!!

Download here - it’s made FOR YOU.


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that magnetizess your audience to you!

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