3 Steps to Squash Confusion & Create More Time

Are you confused about why -at the end of the week - you feel so exhausted?
Are you confused why you just can’t get it all done?
I mean - you probably have a new planner, right?
You probably have a to-do list, and you try to be as focused as possible.
I was doing this. I had lists and planners and plans. I carved out time & knew what I should be doing every moment of the day.
Yet, I was still overwhelmed. Exhausted. And not getting near enough done!
By the time most of my clients come to me, they’re at the same place I was: at end of their rope!
This makes it hard to know what we should be working on. It also makes it incredibly hard to put ourselves - taking care of ourselves - on the list of priorities.
This is beyond the type of self-care that looks like pedicures and massages here (even though I’m a huuuuge advocate for that stuff!) - I’m talking about taking care to reach your own goals.
Making what you want to achieve next a priority.
Here’s the huge paradox: We’re doing so much, and achieving so little.
Do you know what I mean?
We’re going and going and going. It’s impossible for us to achieve what we want when we’re constantly merely trying to stay afloat.
Trying to not drown.
This might be you.
It makes it difficult to make a decision about what you want for yourself?
To make goals and achieve them?
Your stuff is probably not even on the list!
It’s hard as HELL to make decisions about YOUR OWN GOALS if you’re constantly overwhelmed, confused, exhausted, and anxious.
That’s why I’m sharing the 3 steps I take my clients through to overcome confusion:
1. Awareness: I always start here. What’s the problem? If you don’t name it, you can’t solve it.
I used to tell my college & high school students: Look, if you have a complaint about me or the class, you need to communicate that. TO ME.
How in the world can I help you if I don’t know what’s wrong?
We do this in our relationships too. Have you ever been confused about why your friend, child, or partner is unhappy with you?
But you don’t ask? Or you are upset with someone, but you don’t share it with them in a clean way?
In these scenarios, everyone remains confused.
Interestingly, we do this to ourselves, too. WE keep ourselves unaware - in confusion - because it feels easier.
Awareness is not easy. Hearing my students tell me they didn't like my approach to something or hearing my son tell me how his feelings are hurt is not my favorite. It’s painful. Uncomfortable. But jeez - once I hear it, I can DO something about it!
You can do this FOR yourself! Get aware of what’s really going on. Where is your time going? Where are you feeling overwhelmed? What don’t you want to do anymore?
Admitting it is the first step, my friend. Say it out loud. Write it down. Tell a friend.
You will not die. I promise.
2. Take a baby step risk. Whatever it is you need to change to overcome the confusion, I promise you don’t want to make a 180-degree change. Overhauling your life is usually unsustainable! Instead, take a baby step forward.
Let’s use the example I’ve been exploring all month in my blogs, videos, and podcast - the one about other people stealing your time…which I call Other People’s Bullshit.
Let’s take a baby step with it and…say NO.
Right. You heard me.
Just. Say. No. Provide a natural consequence. And do it without apology or fanfare.
Try a simple, ‘I can’t make that happen today.” Period. That goes a long way. Stop trying to solve everyone else’s problems and watch the clarity come back into your life.
When you know what’s important TO YOU - when you get really clear on that - confusion disappears.
And when confusion disappears, you will get so much more time & energy back into your day.
3. Assess what’s working: Once you took the baby step, notice what worked for you? It’s ok if another person was not happy! People do not have to be happy all the time. Both kids & grown-ups are allowed to be disappointed, upset, or unhappy.
In fact, if we don’t let people learn how to feel these things, they don’t learn the skills to navigate real life.
So! Notice what worked FOR YOU! Did you get more time back? Did you feel clearer & less confused? Did the other person learn a natural consequence?
Did you learn that you can respect your own time?
Without the noticing, you’ll likely fall back into old patterns. Don't’ forget step 3!
Overcoming confusion is vital to your vitality!
Are you using being confused - which leads to overwhelm & anxiety - as an excuse?
Obviously, only you can answer this question. Remember - being confused is a choice.
Feeling overwhelmed is a choice.
It stems from sometimes too much information, too many choices, or a resistance to making a decision.
If 2019 is your year to FINALLY bring your idea to life and make that goal a reality, start by examining your relationship to confusion about where your time goes.
I help you learn exactly how to do this.
Our #1 Priority? Master your time.
When you MASTER YOUR TIME, you learn how to control your life.
In 90 days, learn the 3 steps needed to achieve your goal.
No more confusion. No more exhaustion. Ready to make a choice that feels good?
This free strategic call focuses on clarifying your goals, understanding where you're stuck, & knowing how to prioritize next steps. You'll leave feeling clearer & knowing where to head next.