3 Ways to Stay on Track this Holiday Season

My kid’s Halloween candy lasts him through January. I know. Ridic.
I usually love to steal his Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups…and weirdly, this year, I did NOT indulge in my yearly tradition!
I’m off sugar for an auto-immune eating protocol, which got me thinking about how I normally behave as we descend into the Holiday Season…
It’s that time of year for bullshitting ourselves that we deserve to indulge.
I mean, we all deserve some fricking time off from the rigidity and protocol we normally follow. Right?
This year, I want to come out on the other side of 2018 heading toward my goals, not having to start over again in January!
How can I do this? How can you, if you want to?
- Get aware: Where do you indulge?
Me? In my 20s, it was shopping and drinking. Now, food.
- Get real: Does the indulgence really serve you?
Only you can decide (or admit) whether this indulgence moves you closer to what you want - or away from it
Ask: Do my indulgences in [spending, shopping, overworking, drinking] serve me? How & why?
- Get moving: Now’s the time to take baby steps forward.
Stop trying to overhaul your life. If you think about that too much, you’ll be paralyzed
Instead, focus on just the next meal. The next hour. The next choice.
Try to do too much and you’ll fall prey to thoughts like…
- “Ima wait until after the holidays.” {Noooooo! Why make life harder & restart…again?}
- “It’s good enough the way it is.” {No it is fucking NOT! You know that deep down!}
- “This’ll make me feel better.” {For 15 minutes…until REGRET settles in.}
Do you indulge in something that feels good right now but doesn’t serve you later? Maybe the indulgence is self-pity? Comparison? Confusion? Anger? Resentment?
Do you “deserve” that? Hey, you don’t have to justify it to anyone else but you.
Do you like your answer?
Need support around this? I’m watching the women in my group coaching program gain tools that move ‘em through the tough spots!
We’re humming along. Are you? Join us in The Idea Space!
We’ll be so happy to have you.