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What to do when you’re totally unmotivated!

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We all have days where we wake up and we don’t want to get out of our pajamas. We lounge around scrolling through social media and possibly indulging in other guilty pleasures. My husband found me in such a state and asked me what was going on.


I was feeling lonely and lacking hobbies and interests. He pointed out to me how much I enjoy yoga and suggested it as something that could help me solve this problem. I found a thousand excuses as to why I couldn’t. I was that unmotivated.

Have you ever felt this way?


Let’s be real I can make time for yoga. I can look for a class or hobby that sparks my interest. But for some reason I lacked the motivation to make the first move. I’ll end up getting caught up doing something else and distracting myself from the thing that could bring me something positive in my life.


My husband pointed out a time slot where I COULD go to yoga. He had a point. I had no excuses.


Then a miracle happened

I got out of my robe and went to yoga.


This was the best thing that I could have done. I took a shower and got ready for the rest of my day after the class with a new found motivation for everything else that was happening in my life.


There will always be work that you need to do. There will always be something demanding your attention. But what have you done for you today that benefits your life? Where could you be putting your attention to inspire motivation? What’s the hobby or ritual that helps you to feel centered?


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