A classic mistake that keeps you from the success you desire…
At the very beginning of my clients' journey of creating a business, they make one major mistake. So many are frustrated as to why they aren’t making money! The first thing that I do is have them get very clear as to who they want to help and how. This is something that everyone with a new business should do and it’s honestly exciting to go through ts process.
Then “shiny object syndrome” sets in…
They start thinking of ALL the different services they could offer people to attract different clients. So many ideas come into their head and they want to put out every single one. They want to offer anyone a buffet of options. This is a mistake!
When you offer the buffet, you are then distracted
Offering too much too soon to people gets them confused. It gets really distracting for people to listen to all the different things you could provide for others. When there are too many options presented to people...they don’t die. Decision anxiety sets in and your potential clients back away from you.
Having a ton of options can keep you from achieving your original goals and distract you from reaching the full potential of your business.
Is there something that you’ve wanted to achieve? Are you just too broad in what you are offering?
If 2019 is your year to FINALLY bring your idea to life and make that goal a reality, start by examining your relationship to confusion about where your time goes.
I help you learn exactly how to do this.
Our #1 Priority? Master your time.
When you MASTER YOUR TIME, you learn how to control your life.
In 90 days, learn the 3 steps needed to achieve your goal.
No more confusion. No more exhaustion. Ready to make a choice that feels good?
This free strategic call focuses on clarifying your goals, understanding where you're stuck, & knowing how to prioritize next steps. You'll leave feeling clearer & knowing where to head next.