Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

Am I a Moron or Just Trying To Trick You?

It’s a fair question. Am I a complete moron? Or, is there a catch somewhere?

Am I trying to trick you into buying something from me?

TBH, the answer to both those questions is NO.

Why do I give away so much for free? 

  1. I’m a teacher at heart. Teaching fills me up. So, it’s kinda selfish of me, actually. 
  1. At the beginning of an entrepreneur’s journey, money is tight. You’ve got to have something to help you get started. Free content is vital to get the ball rolling.
  2. The digital space is NOISY! Free content helps you learn that I’m knowledgeable & trustworthy. Creating the Know, Like, & Trust factor is VITAL in attracting the right clients to me.

But mostly, here’s the thing:

90% of the people out there will consume my content and do NOTHING with the information.

10% will be able to take it and implement it.

Are you part of that 10%? If you are, FANTASTIC for you!

BUT! At some point, even that 10% who can implement get TIRED of chasing down free content. They get tired of spending hours researching, watching webinars & master classes, and doing everything by trial & error.

Doing everything for free is time- & energy-consuming.

At some point, they learn that it’s worth it to invest in themselves. To invest in their businesses.

They learn it’s time for someone to hold their hand & take them through the process…

Saving them TONS of time & energy. And eventually, saving them money.

So, why do I give so much away for free?

Because it creates goodwill - both in myself and in my audience. I am here to be of service.


If you’re here to be of service…

If you’re a heart-centered entrepreneur…

Then you MUST remember TWO THINGS: 

  1. People do NOT pay for information.
  2. People pay for TRANSFORMATION.

 We can all find information for free. There’s tons of it out there, and no one wants to pay for it.

People buy something because of how it will make them FEEL. Because of how it will help make their life BETTER.


So, for all you entrepreneurs out there, you must know the value you create in the world!

Don’t be afraid to put value out there. You don't need to live in fear that your “stuff” will be stolen. Or that giving it away will stop people from buying for you.

Let me explain how this journey works. 


At the beginning for many entrepreneurs, it’s not worth it yet (to them) to invest in working with me.

They have a story that it’s more worth it to struggle along, feel overwhelmed, or stay small rather than invest in someone to hold their hand.

They have a strong belief that they’re not worth investing in themselves. They don't yet trust how the process works, they’re not sure they can actually follow through.

And they don’t like asking for help.


To them, at that point, It’s not yet worth it to admit that getting help makes them strong, not weak.

 They simply haven’t gotten there yet.

And if you’re an entrepreneur who’s putting a LOT of value out into the world, and you’re frustrated with the people in your audience who aren’t yet sure you’re worth the value you know you bring…

It’s ok! Send those people love. Give them high quality free content. Allow them to help themselves as long as they can.

At some point, you’ll have shown your value so much that they will realize investing in your help is WORTH IT!

Part of the problem is that the marketplace is noisy. Some would say it’s saturated.


Yes, yes, the world is a busy, noisy place. There are many people selling many services & products out there. Some are solid, knowledgeable, and trustworthy.

Many others are not. They are trying to make a quick dollar and don’t care about integrity. 

If you’re here to serve, you must know it takes time to develop your audience…

They need to know you offer value. 

That you make their lives better.

That you’re worth listening to!

And after they know, like, and trust you, only then will they CONSIDER buying from you.

 Here’s an example: when I began my first business, I had no idea what I was doing. But I knew I was smart, resourceful, hard-working.

 Remember that 10% of implementers I was talking about? I am one of those people! I can take something I hear and put it into action right away.

 I took every free resource available to me and used the SHIT out of it. If there was a webinar on marketing, sales, copywriting, I carved out the time to be there & engage fully!

 I’m an awesome student. But I’m sucky at seeing my blind spots.

And one blind spot I had was that I thought I could keep consuming free information forever.

 Here’s the thing about that:

 There is so much free information out there, that it can overwhelm you. ALSO! There are a LOT of people with a lot of opinions on the topic of how to grow a business.

Are you listening to them ALL? I was. At some point, it got confusing for me.

If this is true for you, you’re either overwhelmed by the sheer amount of it all, or you’re confused by which person to listen to…because they all have different strategies, opinions, etc.

 One of the most valuable things I did was clean up how much I was consuming.

I stopped downloading freebies. They were living on my computer and I was doing nothing with them except feeling guilty.

 I stopped following people who didn’t speak to a way of doing business that felt good to me. That allowed me to stop comparing and despairing.

I stopped listening to over 20 varied podcasts from business experts and follow just a few people whose message & strategy resonates with me.

 And I hired people to help me. To hold my hand. To take me THROUGH the problems, avoid the pitfalls, and sometimes tell me exactly what to DO, SAY, or WRITE so I don’t have to figure it out myself!

 It cleaned up my time, energy, and my mind.

How much are you consuming? Of that stuff, what’s REALLY VALUABLE? What’s in alignment with who YOU are?

Then…how much are you implementing? Are you sitting on a whole bunch of shit to read & calling it “work”? Are you taking class after course after workshop & calling it “success”?

If you want to be successful in your business, you’ve got to get real with yourself.

How much are you giving away for free?

How much are you consuming for free?



It’s where the gold is.


I have one last thing to say on this topic:

If you think I give great content…

Content that’s helpful…that moves you forward & has helped change your mind & your business…

Then can you imagine what you get when you PAY to work with me?

Can you imagine what kind of value I bring to my clients?

^^ That’s the kind of CONFIDENCE I want you to have in knowing YOUR value.

If you’re tired of merely consuming & are ready to dig deeper, get some shit done, and move forward, then let’s talk!

I’ll have openings for private clients this fall, and I currently have openings in my online group program, The Idea Space!

Let’s get you the TRANSFORMATION you’re craving! In other words, let’s actually build you a business that gives you what you want, makes you money, and fulfils your soul.


3 Steps to Unlock the Content
that magnetizess your audience to you!

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