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An old, tragic story lives in my head...does it keep me safe or limit me?


Some Stories Keep Us Safe

I spent a lot of time with my mom’s best friend Beverly. She told me this story about someone who was once driving on the freeway behind a semi-truck carrying a load of used cars on a carrier trailer. Well, something happened where the carrier broke and the cars ended up killed this person Beverly knew of.  

I realized on my way home, I still have that story in my head. I still have that anxiousness that I feel towards these trucks. My response is to drive safely and aware of my surroundings. Now, I’ve never seen one of them topple over. I’ve never heard of another death by theses. But I still have the memory of this story. This story helps me to be a safer driver.

Some Stories Limit Us

When I was younger, I was a dancer. Three to four times a week I would go to dance class and one classmate would make fun of my thighs. I still think about that moment in class when I felt so much shame. This girl probably doesn’t remember me. I, however, remember everything about her, the words she used, and the way it made me feel.

Ballet also can cause you to have ugly feet. My friend would make fun of my feet and when we went to the beach I would bury my toes in the sand. The self-consciousness I felt around them really affected my confidence and even my hiding them became a bit of a joke.

You Aren’t “Just” Anything

Now I could sit here and talk about just the shame I felt towards my body. This feeling could keep me from growing as a person. There are people who make off-hand or pointed comments to us that keep us from becoming something more. I could have also allowed being “just” a teacher to keep me from becoming an entrepreneur. I could have let it keep me from doing something I had never done before. Now, it’s not easy but if you can recognize the story it’s worth investigating how that is affecting you now.

What’s your story?

Is it keeping you from bringing the world an idea that it needs?

Are you limiting yourself with these stories?

We all have stories as to why we can’t do anything. But the truth is that something that is keeping us from our potential more than anything someone else believes. What matters is if you can see the excuses you are making for yourself that are keeping you from doing that thing that would bring you happiness in your life.

In my online coaching group, the creative, busy women there are getting to ease, happiness, and success much more quickly than they ever anticipated!

Last week, one of them told me that she’d crossed off something off her list that had been there for 6 months!

That feels SO DAMN GOOD!

Are you ready for that?  Get some ease & success for yourself: join us in The Idea Space.

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