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Are you re-opening old wounds via your phone?

Ever share the intricate back & forth of an entire text conversation with a friend?

He wrote…And I said back…then he responded with…

Can you BELIEVE THAT? Do you see the INJUSTICE!?!? No?

Ok, well, let me explain WHY this is so terrible! First, she said….Then I said….

Many of us relive these painful dramas numerous times, and I realized something about this practice:

It’s SUPER bad for our brain, searing the perceived wound! We wallow & ruminate…

“Lemme make sure I got what she said right!”

“Did I miss something? Ima re-read this again.”
“What do you think I should’ve said?”

It solves ZERO problems! It merely reinforces negative emotions, pain, and harmful experiences!

It’s indulgent.


If you had a scratch on your favorite table, would you keep running a knife over it to make it better? No! That would deepen the groove…

This is what we do with our brains: If you like to re-read old emails, messages, texts, journals, or letters that hurt you, you’re not helping yourself.

Want things to be different? Rewrite the story! Not re-read the story.

A client tortured herself re-reading old messages! I’d ask her to block the offender, delete messages, or not respond.

Until she took responsibility for that, she was unhappy & had excuses WHY she couldn’t make changes. Over time, she tried my suggestions.

The result? She stopped ruminating & over-analyzing: life became much less dramatic. Happier! She could move forward!

Indulging in these harmful old stories is like re-opening a wound that doesn’t need any more attention.

Stop re-opening wounds so that you can heal them!

You can heal, and I promise it doesn't happen by re-visiting these harmful conversations.

Need support staying accountable to yourself? That’s why people hire a coach, my friends.

I’ve got two offers to help: private coaching & group coaching. Both are effective. Curious? Apply for a Consultation Call here! Or join a community of women who are moving past the stuck and into results in The Idea Space.

I’d love to support you because I know how incredible it feels to move beyond the stuck!

Xo, Jen


Explore The Idea Space

…And if you’d like to get through the holiday season with less stress & more time, join my FREE 6-week Time Mastery Accountability Group. Click below to join, and share with your friends & family!

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