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Articulate Your Message So Your Audience Loves It - LIVE COACHING Episode wtih Shaneice "Love" Jones

content creation made easy

Two problems arise when trying to take action on your content:

"I don’t know how to CONCISELY articulate what I do."

"I don’t know how to say it in a way that ALSO gets my audience excited."

No wonder creating content feels so tough!

When it feels impossible to clearly express what you do, who you help, and why people should follow & hire you - well - you'd naturally want to avoid that!

So how to stop feeling like you’re all over the place -

OR that you say too much - or too little?

Stop thinking you're BAD at marketing.

Today’s podcast is a conversation with Jen as she live coaches her client Shaneice Jones, a relationship coach, to help her find the sweet spot IN HER MESSAGING!

Listen in on their session to

  • Nail down YOUR brand messaging - clearly & concisely
  • Articulate it to your audience so THEY love it too…
  • Use that as a jumping off point to create content that feels easy!
  • See what going from MEH…to YEAH!!! messaging can do for your confidence, content, and energy!

By the end of the session, Shaneice feels excited about her messaging and gets incredible clarity about what to do next - with just a few shifts that are a total game changer for her!

Want this kind of clarity for yourself? LISTEN IN - and share with that friend who’s also struggling to master HER message!

Connect with Shaneice here: 



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Full Transcript

Jen Liddy

Well, welcome to this version of Content Creation Made Easy. This episode is really exciting for me because I'm getting to spotlight one of my clients. This is a client who shows up in the studio for her business all all the time. She does the work, she shows up, and she's really putting forth the effort to make her content land with her audience. Today I have Shanice Jones with me. She is the owner and founder of Love Jones. She is a relationship and love coach. And we are here today to talk through a problem that is just driving her crazy. And I know that once she gets to the other side of it, she's going to feel so free in our content. So, Shanise, thank you so much for being here. Yes, thank you for having me excited to talk about your particular concern because you're not alone. This is an issue that most people deal with. And so why don't you start out by telling us a little bit about the problem that you're having with your content, and then people are going to find out what you do and who you help as we go.


Jen Liddy

But let's talk about what's driving you bonkers with your content.


Shaneice Love Jones

I'm actually really glad that you asked the question in that way because my messaging and just describing what I do is a big part of my problem. So I think with my content, it's just me trying to articulate what it is that I do concisely, but that also makes my audience excited. I think that's probably my biggest issue with content. And so with that being said, I'm not able to really, like, chunk things down, like take the ideas that I have and chunk it down into little bite size because you always say give them fish food pieces of content because I'm so all over the place and I don't know where to really zone in on because I don't have that message.


Jen Liddy

Yeah, I do. I want to talk a little bit about your love and relationship coach. You are really passionate about helping people who are your people? Like, what are they struggling with and what do they want?


Shaneice Love Jones

Okay, so my people are single women. Single women. They are struggling and they're frustrated in their singleness they're frustrated with their felt relationships and their connections with men. But what they really want is just to have a healthy relationship. They want to get married quite simply.


Jen Liddy

So are these women who have had a toxic relationship or have they had toxic experiences in relationships?


Shaneice Love Jones

Absolutely. So they have a history of a string of toxic and dysfunctional relationships, and history is actually what they're quite used to. They're not really familiar with healthy relationships at all.


Jen Liddy

Okay. So if you had a woman who was just like, I don't know, she was single, but she was single because she was focused on her profession or she was focused on maybe taking care of elderly parents, but she maybe had never had a relationship before. Is that somebody who's in your audience, or is your audience really made up of people who have either had trauma or toxicity or dysfunction? If we can help you getting more focused because there's a lot of people who are single out there. Exactly.


Shaneice Love Jones

That's the biggest part. It's like it's so many people that single. A lot of people want to find love. So how do I hold it in? I will say, to answer your question, no, she is not somebody who's never had a relationship before and has only been single because she's busy. I will say she is a professional or an entrepreneurial woman, and she is busy. And that busyness does prevent her from being able to date intentionally the way that she would like to. It prevents her from showing up in certain ways and spaces. But she definitely has experience with relationships in the past. And like I said, they're mostly toxic, mostly dysfunctional.


Jen Liddy

She's been hurt a lot before. Okay. So do you see already how just talking this through, like, we're starting to really narrow the lanes down of people looking for love, and we're not just talking to every woman who's looking for love. Right?


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

So let's talk even a little bit more. One of the things you mentioned before we got on the call was you're really highly passionate about speaking specifically to black and African American women, because that's something that's really important to you. And I want to dig into that. Why do black and African American women need what you have?


Shaneice Love Jones

Well, specifically because black and African American women are disproportionately affected by divorce. The demographics and the statistics speak for themselves in the sense that we are married the least. We have the most out of wedlock children on and on. And being a part of the community I actually see growing up, I see it in my family dynamics. I see it with my friends that there's really a disconnect when it comes to us being able to find love.


Jen Liddy

Okay. So this is something that you have a long history witnessing, studying, exploring, helping with, right?


Shaneice Love Jones

For sure.


Jen Liddy

Okay. So I want to think about the content you've already been putting out. Is it speaking to that black woman, that African American woman who has already been in a relationship and been hurt? Do you think that you really have gotten into that Lane with what you've been sharing on Instagram already?


Shaneice Love Jones

Yes, I do. I think it's been broadly, but yes, it's been speaking to her for sure.


Jen Liddy

Okay. This is great because this means that we already have narrowed the Lane and getting the messaging clear is going to be that much easier. So then the next question I have is once you have this woman in your mind who she is and who she isn't, we know, like, the person we got the problem. Right. Like the pain point for her. You said the solution that she's looking for is marriage. And then you also talk at the same time about love and healthy relationships. Do those three things all mean the same thing to you?


Shaneice Love Jones

No, they don't all mean the same thing. But that's the confusing part. So they all kind of mean the same thing. The end goal, because love in marriage. Right. To be in love, the natural progression would be to marriage. So ultimately my target audience wants marriage.


Jen Liddy



Shaneice Love Jones

I do use the verbiage of a healthy relationship and love just because we know that that is the step first and then that could lead you to marriage. Okay.


Jen Liddy

But you know that your people really want that outcome of getting married again or not again. But like getting married, getting into a healthy relationship that leads to marriage.


Shaneice Love Jones

Yes. They feel like their biological pockets and they are ready to get married and have children.


Jen Liddy

So this is now another interesting angle, because does this mean that your woman has not yet had children?


Shaneice Love Jones

It does. She has not had children.


Jen Liddy

This is making so much sense. Like who this woman is is becoming clearer and clearer and clearer. So we're not talking about a 50 something year old woman who's already been divorced and maybe has grown children. You really want to work with that woman who has been on a path of been in destructive or toxic relationships and has an end goal in mind. And part of that is marriage. And part of that is children. And she has not had either one of those two successfully yet.


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy



Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

So when she talks about it to herself because maybe she can't talk about it with even a friend, how would she describe what she wants? My life would be so good if I could just what would that be.


Shaneice Love Jones

If I just had somebody to love me, somebody to love me and support me?


Jen Liddy

And are they saying you and I both know because being coaches, we both know to get to the point where you have somebody who loves and supports you and accepts you as you are, like, there's a lot of self work you have to do. But we also know that these women don't quite know that yet. They just think, I just got to find the right guy. Right?


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

Okay. So did they want somebody who I just wish I could find a guy without the drama. I wish I could have a relationship without any bullshit. I wish I could have a relationship where I was treated like the Queen that I am. What is it that they would add as a tagline on there?


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

Let's see.


Shaneice Love Jones

And I think that's a big part of really wanting to understand how they would say in their words. But what you just said, all three of those, like, they want a relationship without the drama, without the mess. They don't want their I'm trying to like, basically a low quality man. Somebody who's going to be playing games. Somebody who's not going to want to commit, somebody who's not going to even want to take them out on dates and treat them like a Queen. So they want that. They want a relationship with marriage minded man or a high quality or a high value man. Yes. They don't want low quality experiences. They don't want to pay on dates. They don't want somebody that's using dating tactics and stuff to make them feel bad about themselves, the nagging and all of that. They want love without all of that. They don't want to go continue swiping left and right on Tinder and having to have those conversations and speaking with people who can't even carry a conversation. They don't want any of that.


Jen Liddy

Everything that you just said is pure content gold. I don't want a low quality man. I don't want to be paying for dates anymore. I don't want a guy who's playing with me and who's using manipulation and he's still swiping while I'm still here trying to have a relationship. I don't want that anymore. Like, all of that is website gold, content gold. And if we can take that and use it in your messaging, we know that they need to know that they deserve that. But we can't talk about that in our marketing because that's not what's going to land with them. But I can teach you how to have the relationship. The no drama, no mess relationship, even if you've never been able to have that before. Is that, like, along the vein of what they want to hear?


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

Okay. So what's the word that would resonate more with your audience? No mess, no drama, high quality man. What is that thing that you always hear them saying?


Shaneice Love Jones

The thing that I hear them saying? I think that's the hard part, because the one way I can hear them saying it is a language that I'm probably not going to really want to use in my marketing.


Jen Liddy

Can you say it to me, though? Can you just say it and let's hear what it would be unadulterated. Oh, yeah, go ahead.


Shaneice Love Jones

It's a fuck boy. That's just a long and short of it. It's almost not enough words because that one does it so well. It's a fuck boy. They do not want that. That's what they would say. I would like a relationship without that.


Jen Liddy

I'm just going to tease this out a little bit because I know you're like, I don't necessarily want to use that in my messaging, but imagine if your exact woman who gets you and falls in love with you, she has seen this thing. Like, I'm going to show you how to have a relationship where you don't tolerate anymore. Fboys. Like, even if you don't use the word fuck boys. But you said Fboys and you spelled it with that BOI, right? Like that woman would know, like, oh, my God, Shanise is my person. She gets me. Right.


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

So I'm wondering how we can kind of cultivate this brand where you're like, this is the one word that just nails it. I'm going to take you out of that F boy drama, you know, no more F boy mess or whatever it is. And this might not feel right to you because your brand might not feel that raw. Right. If this is the vein, we've got to figure out the wording that lets you just get them like, no more of this mess.


Shaneice Love Jones

Another word or another phrase I thought of was struggle, love. That's also kind of a bit of a popular point term struggle of which is, again, just a dysfunctional relationship. And I also can see that resonating with my audience.


Jen Liddy

Okay, great. So if we can kind of put into your messaging, like, it's no more of this. And I think your people really need to know, even if it's never happened for you before, I can show you how to get a high quality relationship and never put up with any more struggle of, like, something along those lines. We can streamline it. But I think this is along the lines of what you've been searching for. Does that feel right?


Shaneice Love Jones

Yeah, it does.


Jen Liddy

Okay, so we're talking about, remember, like, a mess message is too generic. Like saying something like, I'm a love and relationship coach. Actually, when I met you, I don't know if you remember this. You said to me, I help people get married. And I was like, oh, are you a wedding planner? I just want to honor how far you've come with your messaging. And I know you're still driving you bonkers, but you're just almost there, right?


Shaneice Love Jones

Yes. I've come such a long way. Yeah. This has been really helpful, even being in a membership, because I have come a long way.


Jen Liddy

So you've been awesome. Yeah. Okay, so we now know we've got that the pain point is I have messed up relationships. I have toxic, dysfunctional relationships. Right. And then the person is a young black woman who is really ready to settle down and get her home life started. Right.


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

I love that. I love that. Again, this is all gold. Right? I know that you're ready to get your home life started yesterday, but you've been in messed up toxic relationships. I can show you how to stop the struggle, love and get a high quality man, even if it's never been able to happen for you before. So does that feel like your people?


Shaneice Love Jones

Yes. That's awesome.


Jen Liddy

And what I love about it is it says, like, we got your people, we've got the problem. We've got the solution. High quality man love relationship. And what I really want to Hone in on here is how will helping these people. What's the. So what factor? Like, so what you finally get a great relationship. Why does it matter to your women.


Shaneice Love Jones

Who you marry is extremely important. Maybe one of the single most important decisions you make in your entire life. It changes the whole trajectory of your life. So a high value relationship, high valued life. Right.


Jen Liddy

Oh, my God. That's amazing what you just said. So really what you stand for is I'm going to teach you how to have a high value life, and we're going to add in that high value relationship to take your life even to the next level.


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

So high value relationship and high value life go hand in hand.


Shaneice Love Jones

Yes, absolutely.


Jen Liddy

So that's really one of your.


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

Go ahead.


Shaneice Love Jones

Oh, no, you're fine. I was just saying the women that I speak to, they're still focused. They still want to focus on themselves. Right. And walking in their own purpose and fulfilling their other goals and their other dreams. And so just understanding that the right man beside them and walking with them and meeting them in marriage is going to allow for them to have that kind of life in that lifestyle.


Jen Liddy

I love it. So they have to let go of the garbage kind of guy. They have to let go of the mess, the drama, the toxicity. You teach them all of those hows once they start working with you, you teach them that, right. But they have to know that you're the right person to help them, even if they've never been able to do it before, right? Yeah. And what I hear you saying also is you're not saying, like, oh, a high quality relationship completes you. You're saying a high quality relationship helps you be a better you and gets you to the next level even better and faster, right?


Shaneice Love Jones

Yes. I mean, absolutely. The goal is always going to be interdependent, right?


Jen Liddy



Shaneice Love Jones

Nasa's hierarchy needs whatever we know that we need. But you just want to come into a whole. So you're going to walk in that wholeness first. It will not complete you at all, but it will add and highlight your life. And then you guys come together and fulfill purpose together in the world in whatever way that looks like. So that's the next step for your life. Yeah.


Jen Liddy

Okay. So if that's the next step, really, the first step is meeting your audience where they are, which is speaking to their problem, speaking to their pain points and speaking to what's possible. Like those P's. Right. Like the possibility, the problems, the pain. So some of your content, your content can't be I'm going to teach you self worth because they don't get that piece of it. Right?


Shaneice Love Jones

Right, exactly. And that's what a lot of my content has been.


Jen Liddy

Yeah. But your content almost feel like your content needs to kind of scale back more to the center of, hey, I know you've been in dysfunctional relationships. I know this is what's been modeled for you, maybe by your mom and your grandma and your aunts. I know that this is what you've seen. Right. So like kind of modeling the pain almost normalizing, that this is how it has been and it doesn't have to be that way anymore.


Shaneice Love Jones

Yeah, I think that's huge, actually.


Jen Liddy

Yeah. And once, you know, the thing about doing this work that's so important is once, you know, your message, which I think we got really clear on today, and you've also got like a million ways after our conversation to say it.


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

But once, you know your message. Oh, now taking all those swirling ideas for you and starting to put them out on Instagram. Oh, they're going to be drawn to you because Janice is talking like she's speaking my language. She gets me.


Shaneice Love Jones

Yes, absolutely.


Jen Liddy

How are you feeling right now?


Shaneice Love Jones

I feel good. Okay. It is amazing because I feel like it was just a small shift I just had during this conversation. But it's going to be big just even looking at it that way. The things that I said to you, the questions that you just asked me, have been things that I've known about my audience and obviously, things that I know, but I didn't understand how to put that into content. But even just hearing you highlight that's all content. And so I say these things, but it's like this is what I need to be putting out instead of my actual coaching. I end up putting out things that would end up probably being in my coaching program.


Jen Liddy

Yes. And for anybody who's listening, it's not like we hold things back from what's in our coaching program to be like stingy or we don't want to help people. But honestly, the stuff that people are going to find in the middle of your coaching program, like they're not ready for in your free content. We still have to kind of help them understand that it's possible that they could have what they want. And you're going to help show them that through the pain, the problems and the possibility this is the way it could be for you kind of thing.


Shaneice Love Jones

I love it. I really do.


Jen Liddy

That's this is just something that Shanise knows because she's in the studio membership. But remember, there's that whole training on how not to give away the house. Right. Like that pasta framework so that you can give impactful content without giving away all the house. And that's what we are going to probably focus on now that we've got your messaging, we can see your person so clearly. Now you can start talking to them with like a theme per month and then using that pasta where you're just not giving away all of your how to.


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

All right, cool. So you're feeling good?


Shaneice Love Jones

I am. I'm feeling really good. Even what you just said, I can start thinking of, like, my themes for the month. That was also very hard. So, yeah, now that my brain is going. I've been getting more clarity over the past several weeks, but, yeah, I'm excited.


Jen Liddy

Thank you. Hey, so thanks for showing up for this call today. I'm curious, based on all the work that you've been doing inside the studio membership, what has changed for you, what's been helpful?


Shaneice Love Jones

Oh, my goodness. So much has changed for me. I think that well one. And thank you for acknowledging. You said at the beginning, like, me just showing up, because at first I was worried. I wasn't sure, like, okay, I'm pretty new in my business. Would this be a fit? But I think when we have our one to one and you were just like, just right now because I was feeling overwhelmed at first, you were like, just show up. And so just showing up has helped because I realized and I love that you were a teacher. That matters to me because I kind of show up as a student and I'm able to retain things. So now you're helping me think. It's not like telling us what to do or just kind of your methods, and we follow you're helping me think like a content creator so I'm able to see the stories in the world. So I'm catching my thought processes, catching content, and I'm writing it down. So I love it.


Jen Liddy

You just made me cry, because when I was a teacher, I remember this so clearly. One of my students at the end of the semester said to me, she's like, oh, you don't teach English 102. What am I going to do without you? And I'm like, you have learned how to think. Nobody can take that away from you. Once you understand how to make it, how to critically think, it's all yours, you get it. It's all yours. So thank you for saying that. That's amazing.


Shaneice Love Jones



Jen Liddy

You're such a doll. Well, is there any other question that you have, or do you feel like you got the light flipped for you?


Shaneice Love Jones

You know, the light literally just flipped for me. I feel really good. I feel like I can just keep running with this. I know it'll continue to build, but I love where I'm at. I'm really super excited.


Jen Liddy

That's awesome. I love when people are excited about their content. So remember now we can just start planning your content out together and getting it out there in the world. But let's talk about how people can get in touch with you and follow you on Instagram.


Shaneice Love Jones

Yes. So if you are interested in Lovejones, if you are a single woman and you're looking for love, definitely follow me on Instagram. My Instagram is Siftscore Lovejones, and that's also Shanise Lovejones. You can find me on YouTube as well. I have some really exciting things coming up this year, so definitely check out my platform.


Jen Liddy

I love that your mission is to elevate women of color who have been in toxic, hurtful relationships and completely break that paradigm. Because then, you know once they have kids, they're going to help break that paradigm for their kids. It's just a generational ripple effect and it's such an important I'm so excited for you and I'm excited for your clients.


Shaneice Love Jones

Thank you. Me too. And it is so important and even just remembering that why I always need to do that because it's so helpful as well. But yes, thank you. This is big for me. This is huge and so I've been wanting to do something like this for a while and so I'm really excited.


Jen Liddy

I'm so proud of you because you are working so hard and you are showing up and it is not easy and you just keep doing it. So Bravo, Shanise, I'm so happy for you. Thank you again for coming on today. If you have any questions, you can always leave a comment, leave a message. We will get back to you. But I highly suggest following Shanice on her journey on Instagram because she's going to be talking about how to break these dysfunctional, toxic habits that we have when it comes to love relationships. So thanks again, Shanise. Talk soon.

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