Becoming More Visible In Your Business with Anna Sabino

One of the things I hear all the time from women who are trying to be more visible is that FEAR is the main reason they don’t take the next steps in their business.
You may be fearful of being judged, and maybe it’s from the discussion of having to set your prices and knowing your WORTH.
If this is something that you resonate with, I'd love for you to meet Anna Sabino! Anna is a result-driven and efficiency-focused branding and business coach who an expert on how to get started on being seen.
She knows all about creating a visibility strategy that is sustainable and how exposure follows CLARITY!
Let us know below if this interview has inspired you to take the next steps in being visible in your own business and if this topic was relatable for you.
To connect with Anna, you can find her on Facebook @AnnaSabinoAuthor, Instagram @lucidanna, YouTube @ Anna Sabino, and her website
Watch The Full Interview!

Full Transcript:
Jen: Hey, you know, one of the things I hear all the time from women who are trying to be more visible trying to grow their business. Is that they're in all the places, they're doing all the things they're scared to be visible because they feel like people are going to judge them. And frankly, the other thing that happens is they keep themselves invisible because they know that once they start to get visible, people are going to want to work with them. And then they're gonna have to talk about their pricing. So obviously there's so much that scares us about being visible.
And that is why I have brought on Anna Sabino. She is a result-driven and efficiency-focused branding coach and business coach. And so she teaches her clients how to be visible. She has some very specific strategies and I'm so excited to have her here today because she's in one of my favorite places, Hawaii, first of all. So we're talking to her Syracuse to Hawaii who's got the better place to live and hands down Anna does.
Anna, thank you so much for being here today. I really appreciate it.
Anna: Thank you so much for having me, and what a great topic. I'm very excited.
Jen: Yeah, well, I know that you're an expert on it, so let's just jump in. Can you get started by talking to my audience about who you help and what you do exactly.
Anna: Sure! So my name is Anna Sabino and I help founders, people who want t increase their influence and their impact by being a guest on podcasts. And by creating a visibility strategy for themselves, that is sustainable.
Jen: I love it. You're so speaking my language. So all this month and next month I'm talking about visibility because I've really watched my clients kind of get clarity. But then they kind of fall back into this lull of like, "Okay. I know what I'm doing."
And then they kind of fart around in their businesses. And I was like we have to get you guys seen by other people now that you're clear with what you offer, your clear with who you help, now, people have to know about it so I love this idea of it being sustainable.
Anna: Absolutely, and you know, Jen I also think that clarity comes with exposure. So I agree that you have to do a bit of work beforehand, but then just run with all these ideas and clarity will come by getting visible, by getting on podcast, by getting on social media. Literally, the answers will come.
Jen: I love that. Can you talk to us about your experience that? What have you seen with women entrepreneurs, and their fear of visibility? What's your experience with this?
Anna: Unfortunately, what I really noticed, what made me sad is so many women are afraid to get visible and afraid to put themselves out there because of their look. I asked my audience questions like, "What stops you from getting on video? What stops you from putting yourself out there?"
So there were a lot of responses of "I am not confident. I'm not gonna sound right." But there was an overwhelming amount of responses of "I just don't think I look good."
Jen: So it's like old stories about self-esteem, body image, what I look like, how I compare myself to other people etc.
Anna: Right. And that can be powerful and very crippling, I would have to say. Like, that is what stands in the way of our growth.
Jen: I've actually struggled with that myself. And I had another guest a couple of weeks ago, a food and body love coach, and we talked about this in-depth. And then interestingly, on the other side of it, I always struggle with my weight and looking like I'm too big., like I don't fit the norm of what a quote-unquote , you know "I should look like." And then recently I had a conversation with a woman who because she got ill she lost, like, 40 pounds. And she says, I'm stuck at a size two. And she can't like gain weight and her whole story is she doesn't want to be visible because people call her anorexic and are you sick? And they kind of talk down to her, because she's too thin.
And it just hit me. Like we don't know what everybody's stories are and no matter what we do, there is no one right way to show up and be visible that's going to please everybody, right?
Anna: Yeah, absolutely. I believe that we all have to work on these voices and I'm actually filming a lot of videos and publishing videos about normalizing these voices that everybody hears them. We all have them. But it's about this empowerment to quiet in them because if we don't do that it's just going to stop our growth and trust me, we all have these voices. They show up in different forms at different times, but it's like a constant struggle, right?
Jen: Yes, what are some of the ones that you hear the most from your clients, those inner voices or those limiting beliefs that the inner conversations basically that we have what you hear the most from your clients.
Anna: So very often my clients just are... I mean, they have too many passions, I would have to say. Too many interests and they don't know which one to choose. And in their minds it's basically they are choosing they're working on it they are getting clarity but it's actually procrastination. And I believe that these are actually these voices that keep showing up and getting clarity can be pretty much an excuse. My answer to this is to just pick one because it's impossible to pick like a perfect thing right away.
I can guarantee you're going to be changing. Your stories will be changing. Your brand will be changing. Your business will be changing. So it's time to start. Just pick something and just get it out to the world,.
Jen: Okay, can I just unpack this for a minute? The story is I'm not clear enough. I have a million things going on. I don't know which one to do. So, instead of just picking one I'm going to use a story like I'm not pretty enough. I don't look good enough on camera. I'm not thin enough. I'm not fashionable enough.
Like they're going to use those stories to stay hidden rather than just choose a lane and pick it and get going. Is that what happens.
Anna: Right, and because there's no, deadline technically, we have to impose that deadline and we just keep postponing. And, you know, keep waiting, keep waiting for that website. Keep waiting for something to be done before we can start and then time just passes. Opportunities, just passing by.
Jen: And then seven years go by.
Anna: And I think we tend to spend up energy on the agony of choices of making choices of getting clear, instead of just like pushing something forward, you know.
Jen: And doing it imperfectly right?
Anna: Right.
Jen: So, can you talk a little bit about the imperfect nature of being visible. How does that show up for your clients? And what do you do to help them with that?
Anna: That's a great question because I've seen such great results of those who started booking themselves on podcasts or putting themselves out there before we even start the program. You know, they just get free things and they just patch things together. And just they start putting themselves out there. So by the time, for example, we start the coaching program they are already on their interview number five or seven and every single exposure teaches, them of what they want, what they don't want, what they want, more of... I just think it's the best way to get clear.
Jen: I love the strategy of being on other people's podcasts and here you are in my podcast. Right? So you're walking the walk. Can you tell us a little bit about how you help your clients actually use this as a venue for more visibility and exposure?
Anna: Sure. So it is a relatively new way to grow your business. So, a lot of people are skeptical and that's the time to get into it. What I say is this is what Instagram used to be in 2012. The undiscovered territory. So it's just such a fun way to grow a business. And like you never know who's going to hear you, who will invite you on more shows, and what's going to come out of these interviews. And the best thing Jen is like these interviews are search-friendly so somebody may hear this interview in, like three years from now and they contact me. May contact you. Podcasts are just such a beautiful way and fun way to grow a business.
Jen: It's so true they last forever. They don't get pushed down in a feed. They don't get pushed down in your grid on Instagram. That's such a great conversation. Now, you were saying that podcasts are now to what Instagram was in 2012 which means it's kind of like this is time to be an early adopter, which means you have to take action before you're ready.
Anna: Yes, absolutely. And before the website is done. Before you have all the ducks in a row. The time is right now because it's going to be harder and harder. More people are going to be discovering being a guest on podcasts and how well it's working. And it's going to be more and more saturated. And I predict you guys gonna start charging. I already saw some charges there.
When I work with my clients and it's going to be more normal to be charged for interviews. So, for now, a lot of interviews are free. And wow it's a great way to take advantage. I mean, to get free leads, nowadays. Highly recommend.
Jen: Okay, so let's talk about the "how's" of getting on a podcast because I love doing interviews, I could literally my favorite thing to do is interviewing other women, or being interviewed talking with people gives me energy. But in my visibility plan, it's always the thing I feel like I don't have the bandwidth for. Reaching out to podcasts, pitching myself. How do you help people create the bandwidth, so that this doesn't feel like a whole other thing that they have to deal with?
Jen: Yes, so you are the queen of systems. You teach how to create your system. So I recommend creating a system for this as well. And I definitely recommend to pitch instead of waiting for invites. Because a lot of people who are just starting out they're surprised that they are not getting invited. But I know that podcast hosts are so busy and they get so many pitches already those can just pick the guests from the pitches.
So to wait for getting invited it's not really a strategy that can really contribute to business growth because in order for this to work really well like I recommend booking yourself on 10, 20, 30 podcasts. I guess not like one or two and then you have more chances to connect with more people and more audiences.
So the first thing I would do would start with a strong pitch and I would start with the pitch that is "other" centered. I was pitched with an open heart. So how can I help the host? How can I contribute to the show? How can I promote? Because we have to remember that hosts start their shows to grow their businesses?
So what if we don't make it about us even though we are the guests but about them. What can we do to help their show grow? And I'm getting such an incredible responses from hosts because they tell me that nobody, not many people, pay attention to how they can help the show. How they can help the host.
Anna: That strategy of... I call it being "you" focused versus using the "I" narrative and it is something that is not natural to people because they want to say "I'm an expert in this I've been doing this. I can teach your audience about this." And "I" language falls on deaf ears.
People are not that interested in us. They're interested in how we can help them or the result that we can get for them and so I use this strategy all the time. And I'm so glad to hear you repeat it. And we need to remember to not just use that strategy in our emails or our blog posts or our social media, but to use it in our pitches as well.
Anna: Absolutely and another thing that's really important is to pitch the right podcast.
Jen: Okay,.
Anna: So you are a coach that helps attract and magnetize the right clients. And when I saw that in your buy on LinkedIn I'm like this is so important because many people focus on the vanity metrics, more followers, bigger audience. But what type of audience so what type of audience are you going to be talking to?
Because if you fill up your business with people who don't care about your offers, you're just going to be growing in the wrong way. It's not gonna be a sustainable business. So creating a good pitch and then choosing the right podcast to be on is very, very important. And then you need a system because I would recommend to batch it. To batch pitching. So send 10, 5, 10, tailored to each show pitches.
Jen: I love this advice. Thank you so much. Now, when you are looking for the perfect podcast, are you searching certain keywords on like Spotify or iTunes or are you actually listening to all of these podcasts? How do you kind of streamline that strategy?
Anna: That is a great question. So I would not recommend keywords because if we use keywords, only the large podcast will show up. And, of course, I wish everyone to be on the biggest shows out there but I recommend to pick a show that you know that your audience listens to and then put it in iTunes and click on related.
Jen: Oh! That is so simple!
Anna: So then you basically make your list with the shows that are related to the show that your audience listen to.
Jen: Very smart.
Anna: Right?
Jen: Yeah, just related instead of keywords. And you could do LinkedIn as well, just type in podcast host. And then see who is your connection and do it this way? Because this way you're just more connected.
Jen: So smart. Hey, do you have any myths that you hear a lot from women like beliefs that they have that are kind of like, "No, no, no that's a big lie about this strategy." Anything that comes to mind?
Anna: Strategy as far as being a guest on podcasts for visibility?
Jen: Yes. Do you have any myths about that?
Anna: Yeah, absolutely. So a lot of people think that they want to be on the biggest one, they want to hit for the highest one, for the biggest ones, the most popular ones. And why do they think that it's possible to go from zero to Oprah? It is not.
So what they spend time on is preparing themselves for these huge shows, instead of building their podcast guest resume with the shows that are open to have them as guests. Because you never know what's going to come out of an open interview. We have no idea.
Jen: You never know who's listening.
Anna: Exactly.
Jen: That's such a great point. Thank you for sharing that. That's a good one. Do you have any other advice for people on the importance of being visible and any other strategies that you like to tell your clients?
Anna: So I would definitely recommend to start getting visible and start getting on podcasts. Create your social media strategy as soon as possible. Because with visibility comes confidence and with visibility comes charging more being this authority in your field. Like very often I hear people say "Oh, Anna, this means a lot coming from you," and you know, at first, when I heard I'm like it's kind of intimidating. But because I am all over like, I do LinkedIn videos every day. I'm on podcast. I teach, I share knowledge. And of course, I share a lot of value with this abundant mindset.
So then I appear. And I am this authority in my field as far as branding and building a business based on getting visible.
Jen: Right, So you mentioned a social media strategy. So we don't just work in an isolation tank. We don't just do podcasts. We also have to fold in some other things. And at the very beginning of our conversation today, I think, before we hit record, we started talking a little bit about podcasting and social media. And at the same time how to not burn out. You don't have to be everywhere, right?
Anna: Yeah, definitely. It's important to create this sustainable strategy because if we shoot for their stars right away and we can't maintain it...I'm sure, we all experience that. I have. I just give up overall. Daily videos on YouTube it's not sustainable unless you have a big team and you have a system to back it up. But creating something that we can sustain that fits our lifestyle is very important instead of comparing ourselves to somebody who has a big team working on repurpose percent content for them.
We are on Chapter 2 and we are comparing ourselves to Chapter 20 of somebody else's but it's a different context.
Jen: You talked earlier about going from zero to Oprah. I think that's a great line. And a lot of people are like, well, if I can't be on Amy Porterfield's podcast or Marie Forleo podcast, then why bother? But there's a lot of people who have an audience. I don't even listen to those podcasts anymore. I listen to smaller podcasts done by people that I have known or connected with. And it's the same thing.
If you think about Amy Porterfield or Marie Forleo as two examples, I can think of off the top of my head they have enormous teams behind them. So, yes, she records something and then it's repurposed and chopped up because she has an entire team behind them.
Most of the people I'm working with are one-woman shows. And so they don't even have the bandwidth. So I love that we are talking about making this sustainable bite-size batching it, creating a system. These are all things we really need people to remember because you can be visible and you don't need to be an Amy Porterfield or a Marie Forleo to have a successful business.
Anna: Yes, absolutely. There are so many ways to run a business successfully and we just have to find a sauce that works for us.
Jen: That's right. I always tell my clients there's no one size fits all.
Anna: Exactly.
Jen: So what is one last thing you'd like to share with us,? Something that you think most women don't know when it comes to either branding or visibility. I know these are your areas of expertise. What's something you think that we just really could benefit from knowing?
Anna: Yeah, so I really recommend to just shift our mindset and trust the process and trust the fact that clarity will come with exposure. So if you are stopping yourself from getting visible, because you don't have your story straight. You don't have the hooks. You don't have the story hooks. Put yourself out there and start talking and refining your message because the answers will not come when we're just sitting on our own. In front of our laptops closed in a room. That's not when the answers come the answers come when we start talking to our audience and we should do it when we are not ready. Like right now.
Jen: I love it. Thank you for sharing your expertise. Your strategy and also your insight and experience. Thank you so much how can people connect with you? Anna I've been to your business Facebook page and I can personally speak to how much value you provide there. Every day a video, very searchable, really wonderful.
So how can people connect with you so that they can benefit from all of your knowledge?
Anna: Yeah, absolutely, so I actually have a three-pitch download on my website on because this is what I see that it stops people like that pitch. So I am sharing the exact email copy I've been sending to podcast. That in the past has secured me over 70 interviews right now.
And so you could just grab it and copy-paste, teak it a bit and start booking your interviews. It's on
Jen: So I'm gonna have the link in the comments if this is on video and in the description for the podcast . So, I will let everybody know. That's a really generous offer. Thank you so much.
Anna: Absolutely.
Jen: So you're on Facebook. Where else can people find you?
Anna: I am on Instagram at @LucidAnna . YouTube, Anna Sabino.
Jen: Okay, great. My dog has been going crazy this entire intervie, so thank you for putting up with him. He's just bonkers. So, let's wrap this video up.
I hope that you have enjoyed it. Not only enjoyed listening to Anna, but learned from her and understood that there's not just one way. Visibility is a nonnegotiable and you can make it work for you. It doesn't have to be like you're shooting for getting on the Joe Rogan podcast, the number one podcast in America. You don't have to be that. You can just be on the next podcast that has space for you.
So why not just do it before you're ready. So, just make the leap right?
Anna: Absolutely, so many opportunities out there. I can't wait to hear you guys on all these shows. Thank you so much for having me.
Jen: Thank you, Anna. All right, everybody, talk to you next week. Bye.