Blobby Brown is helping me write this

It’s basically summer here. 46 degrees on February 23 in Syracuse, NY!
Like a total badass, I walked around all day without a coat or socks.
My desk, facing 3 giant, ancient windows, is cleared off- ready for work.
These windows are 115-years old - and if you stand close to them, you’ll feel your hair start to blow.
The work on the docket for this afternoon is writing.
But I don’t seem to be doing much of that. Instead, I’m staring out the breezy windows, wondering how it’s cold in my office but warm outside?
Then I notice - The birdfeeders are empty! It’s been weeks since I refilled ‘em.
I should go out there do that because it’s basically SUMMER out there!
No. NO! Get back to the writing, Jen.
Sigh…I DO love the red cardinals who visit when the feeders are full.
Relentlessly, the cursor blinks, the only thing alive on my white screen.
Then I notice a blobby brown mark. Is that chocolate? How the hell did chocolate make it onto the screen?
I say “blobby brown” out loud, and laugh. And then of course think of Whitney Houston’s husband, Bobby Brown, and his song “My Prerogative”. I consider asking Alexa to play it, since I haven’t heard it in YEARS…
But then - why are there fingerprints on the screen? It’s a laptop - not an iPad!
I’ve gotta clean this off. Let’s find the gentle Norwex screen-cleaning cloth I paid an absurd amount for.
No! Jesus, Jen - just get back to the writing!
Sigh - looking back out the window…the 5 - 6 inches of snow from last week is disappearing, letting all the leaves we didn’t rake up last fall peek through.
I truly loathe raking. I think about that for a few minutes, then how happy I am winter’s practically over.
Then how sad my hubs & son are when ski season is done for them.
Oh well. Too bad for them.
Suddenly, two little assholes on noisy, terrifying motorbikes race up my street - our city is plagued with them - (bikes, not assholes) -, and they aren’t wearing helmets.
I take a moment to judge them, like they’d care! Then I worry about them.
Maybe they’ll hit someone!? Oh, hello! Righteous indignation is back.
Welcome to the rabbit hole of my mind today.
Sometimes the writing is like this. Fits & starts. Muddy. Unclear.
EVEN though I write all the time.
EVEN THOUGH I have a system for doing it.
If you’re a small business owner, you know that creating good content your audience finds valuable is WAY UP THERE in the -
“Things You Should Be Doing”
category of running your business.
So why am I telling you today all about the struggles I'm having on this sunny, warmish February afternoon?
Because I want you to know I understand.
I know that you want to show up for your audience...your followers…your peeps.
Everyone who’s raised their hand to hear from you.
Especially when you have a lot going on or feel particularly uninspired.
As a high school teacher, this sometimes happened to me. I’d get stuck with planning a lesson, and would do some research, talk with a colleague, or even Google someone else’s lesson plan IDEAS!
Entrepreneurs believe (falsely) that everything has to be 100% SOLID GOLD.
Absolutely riveting, original content no one’s ever heard before.
Well, this isn't 100% original riveting content. I’ve basically gone Seinfeld on you - telling you about a really banal afternoon I’m having, struggling to write content…
But I bet you can RELATE to it. I bet you feel my pain.
And that’s what good content does.
I’m here to remind you that creating content is one of the BEST returns on investment in your business...
And that even though it’s time-consuming…
EVEN THOUGH it’s not always easy…IT’S WORTH IT.
WE just make it harder than it has to be.
That’s why I created this month’s virtual Workshop for you…
To make it much EASIER for you to create content on the regular.
It’s a 2-day online intensive workshop called The Customized Content Solution -
When you join the workshop, you’ll leave with a personalized VAULT of on-demand content you can dip into whenever you need good stuff!
Think of it as a customized BANK of ideas & content to withdraw from any time you need messaging.
Or a cupboard that’s full, every time you open it - without having to go back to the grocery story.
If you’ve ever thought creating content is too hard & time consuming -
Or you don’t feel confident knowing what your audience needs to hear...
The Customized Content Solution Workshop is for you!
It’s NOT canned prompts or blanks for you to fill in. You’ll create the foundations of exactly what YOUR audience for YOUR business needs to hear.
Imagine ideas & topics to
- make it EASY to reach out & connect with your audience on the regular.
- stop wasting time wracking your brain about what to write or talk about
- share your expertise without feeling salesy, pushy, or aggressive
If you’d like to speak directly TO your audience…and reduce the pain of sitting, watching the cursor blink at you, get in on this 2-day WORKSHOP INTENSIVE.
It feels so good to speak directly to the people who need to hear from you most…and to help them with good content.
If this is speaking to YOUR need to connect with YOUR audience, register here.
Spaces are limited - and it won’t be offered again until the Fall…
I’d LOVE to work with you in this workshop!
Xo, Jen