Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

Regretting our decisions when we buy into 'good' marketing - Part 2

**This is the second part of the conversation. If you missed Part 1, start there!

What happens when the marketing of a program is so good that you can't resist it

Then you BUY the thing…

But it wasn't what you actually needed?

Or it didn't deliver what you thought it would?

Or you didn't get the promised results?

*This is a real issue in today's online world and as marketers is what we're breaking down today on Content Creation Made Easy.

To help us make sense of and process this issue, it's important to talk openly and cleanly about it, without slamming any program or person.


Which is why I was thrilled when my friend & colleague Jacqui Acree agreed to talk about navigating the marketing world in a way that makes us feel good 

Instead of feeling duped, disappointed, or regretful over what we spent money on as a result of great marketing!


This is PART 2 of my conversation with Jacqui.

Over our two-part chat, we talk real talk about how we've…

  • Spent money on big-name programs & felt buyer’s remorse.
  • Navigated persuasive marketing tactics & purchased something out of sheer urgency or scarcity.
  • Looked back at things we bought with self-judgment, regret, anger, frustration.


It's one thing to recognize your own buying patterns…

It's another thing to know

a) WHY you did it

b) HOW to discharge your emotions around it 

c) WHAT to look for in the future to keep you on track


If this sounds like anything you've ever dealt with, listen in as Jacqui & I…

*Debunk the tactics of online marketing

*Talk about making decisions from a place of wholeness, not lack

*Reject the idea that you've made mistakes


With strategies to help you stay calm, clear, and grounded, especially during "SELL SELL SELL" season!


Jacqui and I both hope you enjoy our brutally honest, thought-provoking discussion and leave feeling empowered rather than overwhelmed. 


You should know this about Jacqui:

She's a highly sensitive, Enneagram 8, non-woo certified Advanced EFT Practitioner. Because of her woo-skepticism, she inadvertently became the go-to gal for the science behind tapping. 3 things you can always count on with Jacqui

#1 - a deeply nuanced conversation

#2 - feeling seen and heard, and

#3 - a whole lotta laughter.


Find her at




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