Can we REALLY stop doing certain things in our marketing? with Claudia Schalkx

What if you could play to your STRENGTHS in marketing, instead of thinking you have to overcome your weaknesses?
Marketing is a lot of energy; creating content takes a lot of time.
Let's do them BETTER, so we don't have to do MORE.
Better marketing. Not more.
How’s that sound?
Today marketing expert Claudia Schalkx & I discuss this idea of streamlining your marketing efforts, strategy, & tactics by focusing on your STRENGTHS.
Watch The Full Interview!

Full Transcript
Jen Liddy
You know, one of the things about marketing that I think defeats people and depletes them is that it's always this multi-pronged approach - that kind of feels like you're just being packed to death by a thousand hens. And so when Claudia and I talk about marketing, we really try to focus on strength and with her clients and with my clients. And then, when we work together, we focus on our strengths.
So what would it be like for you to focus on your strengths and your marketing? And do you even know what your strengths are? And then how do you give yourself permission to do that and to have a more streamlined marketing approach? That's what I'm going to pick Claudia's brain about today.
Claudia Schalkx
My philosophy is that marketing has to be in alignment with who you are. And if you try to do things that are not in your style or what you call the strength, then marketing will be a constant upstream fight.
Jen Liddy
Oh - I like that. And that's what it feels like - a constant upstream fight.
Claudia Schalkx
And since marketing is one of the pillars of your business growth, it's ideal that we find a way that works in alignment and in harmony with us. The trick is finding a strategy that goes with your natural strengths or your personality.
Jen Liddy
So let's just talk about you for a second because your expert marketing is just so natural to you. It's almost like breathing marketing to you. I did not have that experience; I had to learn how to become a good marketer. So what would you say after doing all of the learning that you've done and leaning into your natural abilities? What have you found is your natural marketing style?
Claudia Schalkx
Well, what I enjoy most is one on one conversation. So also, because I'm a very intuitive person, when I put it one on one, I can combine my marketing expertise with what my intuition is telling me. And intuition is normally what is not being said that you can still pick up from the words or precisely what's not being said. So the marketing strategy that works for me is the one that allows me to create these one-on-one conversations. This is one of the best examples of one-on-one conversations; though it's not client-related, it's peer-related.
Claudia Schalkx
So, you know, when you and I need to talk about marketing, I am at my best. So my knowledge comes out, I can think on my feet. My answers are continuous, and my real personality comes through these talks. Well, when I write, which I enjoy, but it's not my favorite.
Jen Liddy
And you're good at it, too.
Claudia Schalkx
Yes, I am more formal because I really think that's my communication background. I really think about what I want to say, and that sparkly or not, a part of my personality really deludes when I write.
Jen Liddy
Claudia Schalkx
Then when people see my writings, they might learn a lot, but they might think, "Oh my God, that's the most disciplined, strict person in the world."
While it's not the case, writing is good for me. It helps me because I also love unraveling marketing and solving people's problems. So that works good for me, but it's not my main state. My main strategy is to have one on one conversations.
Jen Liddy
I love that you said I know that I do really well with my intuition - I can help people through my intuition. But the only way you can do that is with a one-to-one conversation or a small group. So you know that being in front of, like being on a stage, is not a marketing strategy that you're interested in as one of your primary things.
Claudia Schalkx
Yes, because on the one hand, I have two things working against me. I love watching people do their thing. In a large room, I will stand in a corner to watch people do their thing. And on the other hand, because I'm so interested while being in a large room with a lot of people, I block myself. That's why I'm happy with networking one on one online.
And when I go to events, I really get home exhausted and very barely make any new connections. Most probably, what I did was refresh existing connections or catch up with people I already knew. But that's why for me, it's so important to generate this one-on-one conversation, because if I only had these large events, my business would have died a long time ago.
Jen Liddy
The other thing about a one-to-one connection is you could get on a discovery call with somebody. And I know that when you do these calls, you can pinpoint the holes in their marketing and help them plug the hole through the one-to-one conversation and your intuition.
But then the other thing that happens is when you develop these relationships because that's your strength. People refer people to you, so I think, especially in the online world, many of us are discounting the importance of that one-to-one. That is marketing spoke that many people are not even thinking about using at this point.
Claudia Schalkx
Well, one thing is that it's ironic because a lot of people say, "Oh, I would love people to refer my business."
A referral is a form of one on one marketing.
Jen Liddy
Yes, yes.
Claudia Schalkx
But people leave referrals up to coincidence.
The goodwill of the people to refer you and referral is something you have to include in your marketing strategies. You have to make it happen!
Very rarely will this happen spontaneously. It goes with you because you're so generous with pushing other people's success. But the thing with referrals is that you really need to connect with the other person and have these exchanges, and that's how the relationship has grown.
Jen Liddy
Well, Liz just asked a really great question in the comments, which is how she has done business for 30 years. She knows this is a strength of hers, but how do you get that done online?
Claudia Schalkx
Well, I want to add to the first remark because I have to admit that I lost track of my phone while I was talking. When you do one on one, most probably the speed at which your business grows is somewhat slower.
So you need to understand that if you choose one strategy, it might impact the speed with which it grows.
Jen Liddy
I want to just add to that - it might be slower, but I think it's more sustainable if that's your strength, that you're not going to go whoop, and then I can't do this anymore. And so, it might feel slow, but it's certainly more sustainable.
Claudia Schalkx
And it's more solid because you really create this relationship with your clients, you really know them well, and then you can help them on a really long term because you know the struggle.
You can create a plan, and they understand that you understand; you figure them out without even needing to talk to them. For some people, that's very nice when they have a hard time putting their emotions into words. Going back to these questions, I have a 20-minute free consultation where I solve one marketing problem you have.
So I do it with the idea of getting information or input for blogs for content. But at the same time, I help people move on with the program they've been sitting on for quite some time. But because I am there with my five senses, I really see more happening than only the topic they are bringing.
For instance, what happens is that a problem is not an isolated thing. So people have to see the point of the iceberg in the problem, and they solve that.
If you lay them out in a conversation, okay, this is the problem you have, but you want to get here - this is the path you have to go. It doesn't end up solving the problem, you have more steps, and you can do that in the conversation.
Jen Liddy
So sometimes you'll get on a call with somebody, and you'll say this is the thing that's causing you the pain right now, but this is actually where it started. We can solve this, but it's going to keep happening if you don't solve for this.
Claudia Schalkx
A lot of people know that I help them to figure out their signature solution. They come to me and say, "Can you help me with a signature solution? I don't have a signature solution if I tried it, and it's not working."
So when we go deeper in the conversation, I understand they don't have clarity on the buying persona, and the message to the market isn't clear. If either isn't clear, your signature system or your signature solution won't do the heavy lifting for your business because its foundation is already rocky.
So when you tell them this is why your signature solution is not working or why you cannot come up with a signature solution that is appealing to you. Then they understand they have to take a step back.
So I solved the problem because I gave them clarity, and they understood the roadmap to solve the problem, and that tells them, okay, she understands my problem. You can really help me throughout my entire thing.
Jen Liddy
So let's talk about some other strengths that people can play off of that you've seen when you work with people because not everybody is the one to one person. Not everybody wants to do 20-minute calls or build those long-term relationships.
Claudia Schalkx
Well, in my time working with entrepreneurs, I've identified four styles.
You have two extremes - introverts and extroverts. So the two classical extremes, you know, and then you will have less introverts and less extroverts. So you would have person to person, myself and tribal, which is something between person to person and extroverts. So, for instance, tribal it's people who lost groups and lost small communities because creating a relationship for them is important, but they have the ability to be in a group.
Like, for instance, you have the membership, even though you're a person, you have very strong characteristics of a tribal person because you are very good at communities. I've seen you in other groups, and you know how to manage that very well. So a tribal person is somebody who enjoys groups and can help talk to more people at the same time. So, for instance, borrows or groups or membership are the best place for them to find out because they will be in a group of like-minded people.
Jen Liddy
So, for example, what a tribal person? Let's use me as an example. I have a trial strength - so one of the things that I like to do is offer free training, not a webinar, but a true training for people where they see the value, they are able to do something, and they walk away, but I can manage the group while I'm teaching, which I've learned a lot of people can't do that. I think that's just from being a high school teacher; you can manage a lot of things at the same time.
So is that an example of using my tribal strength to connect with others?
Claudia Schalkx
What you are doing here is combining your experience as a teacher with your natural strengths of being a tribal person. Being a teacher allows you to manage the group, but the tribal person allows you to identify the common issue in the group and find out how to manage the group and keep the group unified. It's that combination of your teaching background with your natural strength.
How would you react if I threw you to a podium or speaking gig or something where you don't have direct input from other people?
Jen Liddy
I don't like that.
I don't like doing Facebook Lives.
I much prefer to do our conversations like this, like I will have a conversation all day long, but I really don't like getting on a Facebook live because it feels like I open it up. I am just like I might as well open the window and yell out to the window. There's no pushback for me, so that's a way that I have learned to use my strengths.
Claudia Schalkx
For instance, my strength of communication comes through these conversations. Extroverts shine on a podium - they don't need what they need is the general energy of a group, the sea of people looking at them and following every gesture. They do everything they do, but tribal people need a shorter line of connection with people.
Jen Liddy
That is the perfect way to say it like I need a shorter tether.
Claudia Schalkx
But introverts, for instance, can be very close, but they don't want the pressure of the response.
They can have a very short line, but they don't like things like, "Okay, I'm waiting for your answer." So, for instance, introverts could use social media that has a different pace for LinkedIn, which is more formal, doesn't have that pressure. It's more like you can take a step back, take your answer, and reply; email marketing is also a good thing for introverts because they can think beforehand. But videos, for instance, are ideal for extroverts because they don't need direct feedback from somebody else.
Jen Liddy
I feel like I knew this, but I have never had the vocabulary or the containers to put this into.
Claudia Schalkx
The moment you know what you are, you can create and combine it with your business goals. Then you can say, okay, if this is what I want to achieve, and this is my strength for my style, it's easy for you to decide where to put your effort.
Then you see how to talk or use social media or other vehicles.
Jen Liddy
Somebody said: "As a more introverted person, I prefer talking into stories because getting the responses in the DMs, this person can reply at their own pace."
Claudia Schalkx
That's exactly what we just said before. You can take your time to reply to them in a way that you don't feel the pressure; that is exactly what happens with introverts.
Jen Liddy
Love this!
And then here's another one: "It makes sense about the emails. I need to do more with my email list because it would work for my introverted preferences."
And I hear from so many people that email is dead - people are not checking their emails. Email is not dead! It is a great way for those who really want to get to you from that platform. So imagine for this person if they used stories and email together, how that could be powerful, and then let go of something that's not working so that you have the energy to stop doing what doesn't work.
Claudia Schalkx
It doesn't work that we bring forward emails because email marketing is one of the few marketing tactics that work for most minimally.
So it works for introverts because they can really think about their message and the reaction, and they can plan in advance and roll it out in advance. But for instance, you're a genius at typing emails for your groups in a window.
You really connect and use your email to keep close to the people you are already serving, and you use it as a reminder and food for thought. It's an ideal vehicle depending on how you manage it or if you are somebody who does it in a moment or you want to plan more of your stuff.
I have a very hard time with email marketing, and it's the best asset, and an email list is the best asset you can have. But I am so bad because I become demotivated if I don't get people's reactions.
Jen Liddy
That is hard.
I will say over the past four weeks, I've been doing a whole email series on debunking the myths of my latest launch, kind of like the secrets from inside my launch, and I had great things happen, but depleting things happened. And every week, I've been really giving away this information, and it is the most feedback I've ever gotten from my list. My list is often very quiet; even if I ask a question, they don't often respond to me when I see somebody or get on the phone with somebody on my email list; they'll always comment on my email. People are not necessarily ignoring them or not responding. Sorry, they are not ignoring them, but they're absorbing them, but they don't necessarily respond. And it is very hard to stay motivated to keep going.
Claudia Schalkx
I can see that that trend is also happening in social media. We've talked about this in previous conversations where we talk about voyeurism. You have a shot and say, "Oh, I've been following you for eight years, and I love this piece about you," and you are like that would have helped to know that before!
That also speaks to how important consistency marketing is so if you put all these elements together, consistency as the pillar, how can you guarantee that you will be consistent when you place your strengths.
Jen Liddy
So if we can leave people with one thing, it's important to know your strengths, and Claudia actually has a quiz. Is your quiz live yet for this?
Claudia Schalkx
Yes, it is.
Jen Liddy
I'll add a link in the comments so you can take a quiz to figure out what your strengths are.
The other thing is what we're talking about once you know your strength is easier to stay consistent. Claudia helps on the marketing strategy side to help you create your signature system. And I do the same thing with my clients because you have to know your content style. You have to know where to be and what to say in a way that feels good for you. So knowing your strengths is so huge!
I have no interest in Reels - I have no interest in spending time learning them. I'm sure they would be wonderful, but it's just not a strength of mine. But I will give free trainings every single week if you want me to and for some people that would be like the death knell for them. And so you just have to know your strengths and play to them.
Claudia Schalkx
For instance, you are great at creating trainings and carrying them out and implementing. I am better at being asked questions and giving you an answer like that. That's where I shine at my best. What is interesting about the content thing is knowing your style allows you to have the same shape everywhere. And in that way, you protect your brand. And in that way, you are also consistent.
Every time people come in contact with your brand, you are the same shape. You are always on and bringing that thing that makes you you.
Jen Liddy
There's been so much gold in this conversation.
If you have any questions and you're watching this in the future, tag Claudia and tag me; we can answer your questions. What are your strengths? Do you know them and then think, "Oh my god - How good would it feel to only do that!"
Like, just to even be on this call with you, Claudia, and say, I really love training. I will do trainings every single week and not ever think about Reels.
It's just, like, so energizing for me, and so I would love for other people to kind of put their oxygen mask on, give themselves permission and stay in the lane of the thing that they love.
Claudia Schalkx
Definitely. Yeah.
Jen Liddy
So beautiful.
They can get the quiz at:
Claudia Schalkx
It's in the resources menu and in the home page.
Jen Liddy
Okay, perfect! It's on the home page!
And then I actually opened up my membership. So I put a new link to that if you want to join my membership, too. So I hope this has been helpful. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Claudia, do you have any last thoughts?
Claudia Schalkx
Well, if you consider seriously joining the membership because it has really improved the way I generate content, it has.
Jen Liddy
Thank you.
And I will say, get on the call with Claudia because she can help you in 20 minutes in a way that is really impressive. So thank you for showing up, everybody. And thanks, Claudia, for coming.