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Creating Copy that feels HUMAN: Content designed for YOUR personality!

content creation made easy

Can you "do content" if you're highly introverted, think marketing feels performative, & are reserved or private?

YES - but HOW?

Today Jen talks to Ariana Joy, a copywriter who teaches us how to create copy, content, & messaging that's 100% customized & specific to YOU.

YOUR specific personality, way of being in the world, and orientation to marketing!

She uses Human Design, a kind of personal inventory or way of knowing yourself even better -to drive a marketing plan that feels right for you!

Marketing that feels HUMAN and is DESIGNED specifically for who you are.

So, can I “do content” if I’m introverted, think content feels performative, and am reserved? HELL YES! Tune in today & learn what Arianna Joy - human design copywriter, teaches us about becoming more YOU in your content.


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Jen Liddy

Hey, welcome to this week's Content Creation Made Easy podcast!

Today I'm interviewing Arianna Joy, and I don't know how the universe put me exactly in touch with her, but I'm really excited that she's here because she's an expert who knows a ton about copywriting. She is a copywriter and a professional Human Design reader; if you don't know about human design, that's okay. I'm going to share about it today, but I have her on because my clients and I sometimes, too, when we are creating content for any platform, we get exhausted; sometimes, we want to hide from it. Sometimes we don't trust ourselves. And I just want to make sure that you understand that there's no one right way to do copy, there's no one right way to do content, and sometimes you are fighting against your own energy - you're fighting against who you are.

And I want to make sure that you give yourself some grace when it comes to actually creating. Ariana, with that introduction, I'm so excited to have you here because I think this is what we're going to discover for ourselves today: how to create and create content going with the flow of our own energy.

Ariana Joy

Oh, my gosh, well, first off, I'm so excited!

And second, I don't think I could have put it any better than what you just basically, everything I teach, there is no one way. And that's why I love human design so much. So absolutely - let's do it.

Jen Liddy

Okay, let's go. So, first of all, for those who don't know what human design is, and it probably sounds kind of woo woo to some people, what is human design?

Ariana Joy

Oh, well, yeah, 100% definitely.

Human design is this idea that everybody is born with a different energetic makeup, which means that this idea that we each have one way to get things done, whether that is hitting a goal, whether that is you know, creating a really great relationship, whether that is getting a job making money, whatever it is for you, it's going to be different for each person, our process is going to be different for each person.

So we live in this world where there's an idea that if you don't fit into this cookie-cutter idea of what success means, then it's not going to work for you. But in reality, that couldn't be farther from the truth. And that's why there are so many different things that work for so many different people and why you have the inclinations you do, the desires you do even, and just overall the way you like to work and live.

Human design really acknowledges that and focuses on that, and you can use it in many different parts of your life. Yeah, so it's basically all about your energetic makeup; it even affects the way there are any super woowoo people listening right now. It even affects the way you can manifest. So yeah, that's it. That's essentially what it is, and then they're like, we're gonna go into this more later.

Jen Liddy

Yeah, we're actually I know, we're going to talk about each type of energy. When I first learned about human design, I was like, "What the hell is this?"

I kind of had to frame it for myself that it was like a Myers Briggs or a DISC assessment, or it's just like another way of knowing yourself a little bit better. And I am all about, like, all the different ways we can know ourselves or the Enneagram - but the human design framework is another way to know ourselves better, essentially.

Ariana Joy

100%, and it's unsurprising to me that you would be that way because you are a projector, and projectors are people who tend to find human design the most fascinating and tend to really love understanding, not just themselves, but other people.

If I ever work with someone or meet someone and introduce them to human design, they're interested in it, and they look it up afterward. I'm like, "Oh, that person was definitely a projector."
It's funny I've heard Human Design described as, like, your spiritual personality type. In reality, there are some parts of your human design that can be that way. But overall, what I love about it is it's really just about the way we operate. You know, it's the way we exchange energy with the universe. And I've never seen a different personality test or anything like that actually shows you how to do that.

It's what I like to call your soul's blueprint for success.

Jen Liddy

When I learned that Myers Briggs is the way you interact with the world, and there's another personality test that shows how the world sees you. But this is really when I got my human design. I was like; this is how I see my soul - this is why my soul is the way my soul is. When I understood that I was a projector and we'll talk about what that means. I was like, "Oh, this is why I can never insert myself into something!" and I always have to ask to be invited in, like, all of it made sense. Why cold calling would never work for me like all of it made sense. So I'm really excited for people to understand more about their own energy and then how it affects their content and writing.

Ariana Joy

As Jen and I were chatting before this, and I was choosing, I think that it can really help people. I'm like, Oh, 100% it can be like knowing your energy type can affect no matter what kind of content you create, right? You know, like, I'm a copywriter, and I love that. But I'm also a long-form blogger, etc. I'm a podcaster. And it affects everything I do, and it will for you no matter who you are. But yeah, for sure.

Jen Liddy

So let's get into it - tell us about the different energy types. I don't know if I'm saying this correctly, that is it energy types, or the different names for types? Or how, what's the right way to say it?

Ariana Joy

Yeah, you nailed it.

There are five main energy types in the world And basically, what that means is that there are five main energy structures of how we work in order to hit our goals - whatever those might be for us.

It's right now, you know, we're speaking to business owners, probably around your business, but it could be anything. So the first type is called manifestors, and manifestors are the initiators of the world. Whenever they take action, especially an action that's highly aligned for them, they're the spark that builds a fire. And all the other energy types, which we'll talk about, are the people who fanned the flames and made it go higher.

But basically, manifestors are the only people here on Earth, about 8% of the world now. They are here to truly do that, take action, make it happen, be inspired from within, and just blast through fear and go ahead like they're here to do that because they're here to be energetic leaders. So if they don't do that, if they hold back, they're really preventing a lot of the world from moving forward because they're the people who get the ball rolling for everybody else, and the rest of the world is going to accept or respond or just work with that in general.

So basically, manifestors are here, so they get like an impulse, just, I want to do that. I don't know why I do, but I want to do it, and they go do it. And so for that reason, often manifestors have a reputation as sort of being ghosters because they'll get an impulse, they kind of, they move very fast so they'll forget to tell people where they're going or why. They're gonna go off and do their own thing for a little while. But I love my manifestor friends - they're amazing! That's how manifestor’s work.

Then the second type is generators so I'm what's called a pure generator. And basically, generators are the workers of the world like we're the people who built the pyramids in the past. That's because we do something because we have really long-lasting energy, something called life force energy and how we tap into that is by doing things we love.

That's literally anything that lights you up and on a day-to-day basis - that's saying yes to the things that feel like a yes to you and saying no to the things that do not feel like a yes to you. Because the more a generator will do something they love, the more they put their energy into things that feel like a yes, the more energy they're going to create for themselves.

Generators are the kind of people who will be like, I don't know why, but I can write this kind of content for hours and hours and hours and never get tired until finally I have to drop into bed and I'm just done for the day. Then they spend one hour doing a task they hate, and they're drained. You know, because that's the way their energy works. It's so important for generators to have boundaries around themselves, in their business, in their lives, in their relationships, whatever so they can save their energy to put it into a yes.

Another thing is that what's so important for generators to know is that when they create lifeforce energy, even when they're saying no to something they think was really going to help other people, you know, in their business. Maybe it's writing something because they think people really want this, they really need this. When they can, instead say no to that and say yes to what they want, they end up creating an overflow of life force energy that everybody else gets to use. Because I say that if we live in a world of unhappy generators, we live in an unhappy world. Because we create lifeforce energy everyone uses.

Jen Liddy

So doing something that somebody told you to do or using a paradigm or a framework that doesn't work for you? Logging through - that's what that feels like for them.

Ariana Joy

Oh, it feels like getting stuck in the sludge!

Yeah, and for a manifestor, doing what someone told you to do, by the way, is going to feel like why are you trying to control me - stop trying to block me.

Then third, we have Jen's type, which is projectors, and projectors are really amazing because they're the newest energy type on Earth. And so oftentimes, people don't really understand projectors or how they work, especially when it comes to getting results or making things happen for yourself because projectors aren't really here to do as much.

You're known as the guide, the seers, efficiency makers. But in reality, it's not for you about working, working, working all the time; it's about creating better results with less work because you guys have this eye for efficiency. And it's for that reason that projectors are actually becoming some like, or they're becoming the new leaders of our world. And they're supposed to be that's why they came down, they came down at a time when we were shifting from, I don't want to get too into this to confuse people, but from like, a lot of monarchies, like top-down control, to we're moving into a more democratic world where we are our own authorities.

That's the main reason why so many human design experts are projectors because they realize that this is the way humanity is going. And y'all's job is to guide us to get there in a way that works for everybody. Because of that, because we're living in more of a democratic world.

Now, the projector, the way that you all work is that you're supposed to wait to be recognized by someone to share that wisdom, or else it's gonna fall flat, and it's a waste of energy for you. But that's also that's what Jen was talking about, like, everyone works so differently. So the projector tries to like, push, reach out, and like, get in there, and make it happen. It's just gonna, it's not like people are gonna be resentful, but they're gonna be like, "Who are you again?"

Oh, and then we have something called the manifesting generators, which I totally forgot; how could I forget because I love my manifesting generators. But they're exactly what they sound like - they're a hybrid between manifestors and generators.

So how I like to say it is basically manifesting generators essentially work in the same way as generators. But if you think of it this way, it's like generators; if they're both runners, generators are the, or the marathon runners, and MG's are sprinters. So MG's will also often feel like they have these impulses. And I'm interested in that, like, they'll have a million different hobbies that aren't related in any way, pick things up and drop them just because like, I'm not interested in that anymore and that's the manifestor impulse in them. And then they have the generator ability to make it happen once they dig in and really want to move forward. So there, they have some of the biggest engines in the world. They're absolute powerhouses, Tony Robbins is an MG. You know, they're these really, I just love MG's - they're super sparkly!

And then last, we have reflectors, and reflectors are 1% of the population.

Jen Liddy

I don't remember learning about this when I learned about human design. Is this a newer energy type?

Ariana Joy

No, they've been around for a very, very long time.

If there's any energy that gets forgotten, it's reflectors because people do always put them last, unfortunately, and it's not that they are least by any means all - it's because they're so rare. There just isn't as much information out there for them.

I saw this hilarious meme actually, and it said when you're a reflector looking for more information on your type, and that's it's that comic where someone is reaching out of the water for someone to pull them out and someone reaches over and just high fives them.

That's kind of how it feels for some reflectors, but essentially, they are known as the mirrors of humanity or the oracles of humanity. So their ability is to deeply know the people around them and the energy around them because they're like giant sponges. They really just take in and like all the energy around them, and they see what's going on here. A reflector is the kind of person who can walk into a room and say, everyone here looks really happy, but I can tell underneath there's something's wrong.

Jen Liddy

How is that different from being an empath?

Ariana Joy

Well, I actually like to say that reflectors are kind of the ultimate empaths.

In human design, you have what are called energy centers, and they're based on the chakras, they're different, but you can have them either what's called defined which means you create and or process energy consistently there.

You kind of have a buffer to other people's energy or could be undefined, which means if you look at a human design chart, it would be white instead of colored in there. And that means that you receive amplified energy there, and reflectors have all of their centers white, so they take in and amplify that energy, and that's why they're like a mirror - they're chameleons or shapeshifters, and they reflect where they are.

That's actually their job in the world is to show everybody what's going on in the world through how they act and how they feel and what they sense, and it's going to show up in their body. So if they're in a bad place or around bad people that don't feel good, it's really a barometer for that area, and it's also sometimes they can get sick.

Jen Liddy

Does that manifest physically - are they exhausted? That would be like, the worst thing that I can imagine happening to me. I would be wiped out by that kind of job, that kind of role responsibility that would exist.

Ariana Joy

Oh, yeah.

What's so funny about reflectors is that many of them early in their lives don't understand that their sensitivity is a superpower. We live in this world, it's like get over it, be strong, work through it, push, but reflectors aren't made for that. And in fact, they're made for a slower rhythm of life or at least following their own rhythm of life.

That's why I think they're so truly fantastic, and I really love all of my reflector friends because they're doing a lot of heavy lifting for the world. So our projectors, yeah, projectors are doing some big work too, because you're literally moving humanity forward.

You were telling me that you used to be an English teacher. You were saying I could get people to love reading, who didn't want to be readers, and that I was listening and thinking that is the most projector thing ever because you're using that ability to guide and move people into something they needed. Without that, you know, we wouldn't have people who read who knows, maybe the people that you work with are going to become English professors one day, and then they teach someone something that they need, or they just become an English teacher and help other people get more opportunities. Who knows? It's that ripple effect.

 Jen Liddy

When I'm thinking about all five of these types, because I'm seeing the whole pattern, right, like and they all need each other, none of them can operate in a vacuum.

So I have this imagination that, you know, the manifestors are the spark, and they're the idea - they're the quickstart. And then you've got the generators, who are the endurance people almost like they are handed the flame, it's like that run to the Olympic flame, like they're handed the torch, and then they're running. Then the projectors might be on the side, like guiding them or helping them like I just imagine that there's, you know, all of these people are working together, and then the reflectors are there mirroring it so that we can see where we need to go next, or what, you know, what's working, or what's not working? I just can't imagine it's kind of like this interconnectedness.

Ariana Joy

Yeah, it's like the Olympic Games, right?

The projectors, the coach over there, and the reflectors, the announcer explaining everything and what's happening to someone across the world. And yeah, and, you know, my mentor says that we're consciousness broken into a bunch of different pieces. And this is how the universe experiences itself through all of us and that's why we all do have to depend on each other in one way or another. We're moving into a paradigm now that we each get to do that because people are starting to realize that when you operate in a way that feels good in the way that your soul designed your life for you. Everyone gets to win because you're playing to your strengths.

Even if you know you are a manifestor, and you're going your own way, and people say, "Why are you doing that? Stop, come be with the crowd." that they're not meant to do that. If they do that, then, you know, the founder of human design was a manifestor, and he did a lot of things people didn't like, and he shared a lot of stuff people didn't agree with, but without him doing that, we wouldn't have human design, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Projectors are these like eagles or it's like you're in a plane above everybody else looking down at everybody running through a forest, like we can't see the forest from the trees, so we're just gonna bump into a ton of shit, we might make it to the out of the forest, who knows, but it's gonna take a lot longer, right?

So if a projector can recognize their own power and share that everyone wins.

Jen Liddy
I'm starting to see now why my role is the way it is in my business and how I help my clients even more clearly after our conversation.

This leads us into a very clear understanding that there is no one right way to do anything and that if you have been doing something that doesn't feel good, it's time to honor that and know yourself. And I really want to dive into how this looks in terms of the content that we create, and the copy that we write, and why sometimes people will rage against what somebody shoulds all over them about, and how we can honor our energy

Ariana Joy

Yeah, I'm all for that. Well, first off, I mean, this is really why I decided to use human design in copywriting. I started off in copywriting and then found human design and then thought, why not combine the two. I see in marketing now and because this is the way it's always been, again, we're moving into a different time now - it has been for a while, but it's kind of accelerated at the moment. Where we've been in this one way to market ideas for so long, there's one way to create success and your business through your content creation.

And that's posting regularly on Instagram or Facebook that's sending an email at the same time that's having a very specific launch strategy. Writing in a certain way, using certain words, never talk about yourself, never talk about this, that's off limits, people won't listen to you, if you don't do that, we're moving out of a time where that doesn't work anymore.

For some people, that might have worked, and then it actually never worked for other people in the past, but now we're realizing that it can change. My work shows people that what feels good is your answer, and I can give them strategies because strategy does matter. I'm never going to say that you shouldn't use strategies because they work; there's a reason why we have them, right? People have seen results from them, but it's this idea that the same strategies aren't necessarily going to work for everyone.

It's like your diet; the food that nourishes you and makes you thrive, will be different from the food that nourishes me and makes me thrive. We can see the same results, possibly hitting the same result or what we want by doing very different things. I always say that all the energy types can get to the same place; they're just going to take very different paths to get there.

It's all about mastering your energy first. Again, I could give people strategies, and I do, but I first say we need to align your energy. And then overlay strategies on top of that, because one, if you don't have your energy behind it, it's like a pinata with no candy in it, like beautiful on the outside, but it's not there's none of the good stuff in it. And then two you have your energy aligned, you're going to be automatically directed to the strategies that will work for you. Because what I want everyone to know is what feels good and right to you is probably already the answer. Like what they say, if you're looking for the answer, you probably already know it. We just have to really align with our bodies and tune into that because human design tells us that our mind never makes the decision. It's our intuition, essentially, and our intuition feels different for everyone.

Jen Liddy

One quick question about energy because until I understood this word, I really thought it was something inaccessible to me - I thought it was something for really only spiritual people. And I remember a long time ago, a spiritual teacher was talking about the vibrations of the Earth and energy and it all seemed very unclear to me until you realize when I feel resistant, and sluggish, and depressed or low, or all of those things, tell me that my energy is out of whack.

It's not like a woo woo thing. If we can normalize talking about energy, and in this conversation, it will really help people understand how to get in flow so that they can get in the boat and go with the waves rather than crashing against them all the time.

Ariana Joy

I love that so much!

You know, it's funny Rahu Rahu, again the founder of human design, when he was sharing Human Design I'm not gonna deny he took a spiritual approach, but that was even hard for him. He didn't find that accessible before, but the way human design was manifested, was or channeled through him was he like, said he got blitzed by a blinding light.

He walked into his house and was like, bam, here's human design, like meditated for eight days. But he, you know, I don't think he ever really believed in that stuff beforehand, he had left to go find himself, and then that happened, but when he approached, the way he approached and shared human design was really from this idea.

There's all this energy up here in like, you know, in woo woo land but let's bring this back down to your body because energy is everything. As I said, everything is connected, so I really love you saying that because even strategies are energy. That's what people don't realize, like when you're talking about getting into energetic alignment, what we're talking about is feminine energy and feminine flow, which is intuition, which is the essence of the universe.

When we're talking about strategies, we're really talking about structure here and like what we can see and what we can take action on, and that has to do with masculine energy. So it's their two halves of a whole, and all of it is energy. They work together, so when you can think of it outweighing everything is energy anyway, you know, like, vibrational theory or like the idea that everything is a vibration anyway like you, me, this table, my water bottle - are thoughts.

Everything is energy already, so if you think of it that way, it can ground things for you because you already know you're working with it anyway; this is just a different kind of energy. This is just a different way to look at it if that makes sense.

Jen Liddy

No, no, that makes a lot of sense, and I really wanted to just clear that up for people who are just like, "Well, what the hell does energy actually mean? Is it? Is it too woo woo?"

And I really want to bring this all home because we're talking about energy, which is kind of an esoteric term for a lot of people, and we're talking about copy, which is, which is not esoteric. It's just very objective. This is your copy and your content, and so how do we merge the two together. I know that you have some tips for each type. So we've really talked about trusting yourself, knowing yourself, and thinking about what feels good in terms of the strategies or formulas you will engage in. And so I'm wondering, can we kind of tie it all together and come up with real help for some people

Ariana Joy

I can give a few tips for each energy tied together - we want to be amazing. I get so excited doing this, you know, like my courses, my work, and copywriting is all about this and making it actually work for us.

Let's just start with the energy types. If you are a manifestor, what I like to tell manifestors is something that's really important to know, let's say just in your copy, for example, you want to you want someone to take action, I'm going to use your copy as an example. Manifestor's can often feel like they can be too much for people because they have really big energy, they're born with really big energy, and they're here to kind of just go do it. And that means they're also supposed to inspire other people to just go do it in their writing, which could be all content creation.

You'll notice that when a manifestor really accepts their true power, it will show up and everything they do. Something really helpful is to use more of that dynamic action language, so are action-oriented and dynamic language. That means that let's look at a sales page; for example, if you're a manifestor, something that will really help you is buy now, access now. Anything that really says like I'm going this direction because it doesn't have to be pushy. It's just to help people get to what they want faster because that's the energy they bring into the world.

Jen Liddy

When you're saying the sales page by now, is that if you're a manifestor, is that what you're writing on your sales page? Or is that what you're responding to on somebody else's sales page?

Ariana Joy

Fantastic question - this is sort of them promoting that they take action energy, so I'm saying if you are a manifestor, and if you're speaking to a manifestor, that actually, commands don't actually work with them. You just have to say I need this, and the manifestor will get up and go do it just because that's the way their energy works.

If you are a manifestor, that's actually going to work really well for you because people respect when a manifestor can take direct action, and that way, they know the way the manifestor is going. So what is really helpful for them is using that kind of stuff, but even if, if that's too direct or aggressive for you, and you just want to dip your toe in the water as a manifestor, you can use CTAs or headlines that have them giving you the command.

Being decisive and taking action or ability to take action is going to be so helpful for manifestor's because it will feel good to them as soon as they accept that they don't have to beat around the bush. It's funny because they'll start attracting people who are like, "Oh my God, you're so direct, I love it, let's do it."

Jen Liddy

You will never ever see that in any of my copy.

Ariana Joy

Let's talk about projectors a little bit; that's a really good point. For projectors, it's the opposite - I like to tell them to use invitational language in what they do. I actually want to give you another tip for projectors, too, besides invitational language.

First, I'm going to say it's really really important for projectors to show themselves in their work, because a lot of copywriting strategies will be like it's all about your customer, even in your content. It's like it's all about them, inform them about them, sell to them, tell them about them.

It's really important to meet people where they're at, and a projector is usually going to be pretty good at that anyway. You are usually the best and the people I need to explain copywriting strategy to least because you have such an eye for making things efficient and good, and you're also usually very hard workers.

But it's important for a projector not to hide because they can learn that people don't want to hear what they have to say, and so they just will really put the blinders on and just drive home like focusing on the strategy and needing to make "this" happen. But as a projector, it's so important to know and share yourself because that's how people know whether or not they are ready to be guided by you.

First things first are like really showing more of yourself on your copy and who you are. You can use I statements to relate it back to you because people want to know you. One of my favorite copywriters I love is her about page; it's so funny like it goes into all these different parts of herself. It just shows the humor of who she is and like she's a great copywriter, but that's really why I love her because I know that we connect on that level, and that's why I listened to her.

There are lots of different copyrights in the world, but that's why she stands out to me. Then also, as a projector, using that invitational language, so were for a manifestor it would really be helpful to say like, buy now, access now, let's just go do it, but for a projector something like, "Would you like to join me? Do you want to learn more? You can learn more here."

I want to say too the energy around it is going to be more important than any actual words you use. So if you are a projector, even if you do want to use a couple of buy now buttons or something, I don't want you to hold back because projectors can really overthink and wait for the invitation. If it feels like a projector, like you're forcing something, you're going down the wrong road, and it's going to be a huge waste of your very precious energy.

Those are some tips for projectors. And then for generators, and I'm going to split up generators and manifesting generators because I think MG's often have to deal with being clumped with us and the like, we're not the same.

Jen Liddy

Like when you have a birthday near Christmas.

Ariana Joy


For generators, this is gonna sound simple, and a lot of generators don't like to hear this but just follow your joy. It's so important for generators because what generators will tend to do is think like projectors, like, "Okay, I've been told this should work. I've been told this is what's going to work for me, so I have to work this way."

You're going to drain yourself that way, and you're not going to create any of that juicy sparkle that really attracts people to you. Lifeforce energy is really attractive, so when you meet a generator who's really happy, even if they're selling something that other people are selling, even if honestly, their copy isn't the best copy in the world.

If you notice the people out there, you're like, "Oh, you're just magnetic; I love that I want to work with you. That sounds good. Okay, I'm in." That's because this generator is really, really happy, so it's so important for generators to do that, not just in their copy, but in their lives on the whole. And I say that, honestly, I mean, it's important for everyone to align energy in every part of their life because it's all connected, but for generators, I think it's really important because no matter what you do if you are happy, you will start attracting what you want.

That includes in your copy, and that's what shows through your copy, and that's what people are going to be attracted to and want to buy from you. I will tell you; I've sent out some stuff like a generator that has not been my best work and has been so highly received because I was so excited about it.

I've actually had offers I haven't even promoted that people had somehow found before I started promoting them because I was so excited about them. In your copy, please, if you're a projector, do what really makes you happy to focus on and work on because even if it doesn't seem connected, it's going to somehow get you to what your goal is. You're not a manifestor - it's not the straight shot, so if the more you can focus on that, the better.

Jen Liddy

What is the subtle thing that the manifesting generators have to do? Because they've got these, they've got like the other two, they've got both qualities. What's the differentiator for them?

Ariana Joy

For manifesting generators, I'm going to tell you everything I tell a generator is going to basically apply to you, so you get to live this life of finding your joy. But for manifesting generators, what I'd really love them to know is that they feel like life is messy for them because they go from A to Z to K to L from B to A.

They don't tend to take a direct path; they look like this, like a pinball going back and forth when they get there, but it looks really different to everybody else, and so it looks disorganized. So for manifesting generators, what I tell them is, presence is way better than perfect for you.

Because again, as a generator, what people love about you and are so attracted to you is your sparkle. And if you're getting that sparkle by doing things differently, and then you inspire other people to live their lives like that. So again, presence over perfection, in copywriting for manifesting generators.

Jen Liddy

That is super clear. I love that. What are the reflectors? The one-percenters, what are they? What do they need?

Ariana Joy

The thing is reflectors because it depends on the day, not even just where they are but the day because they're so influenced by just everything in the world can change. What I like to tell them is, you don't have to necessarily hold on; this is like more of a branding thing for them, you don't have to hold on to this one identity of who you are,

You'll be told in copywriting, this is one of the most upsetting things to me, that reflectors get they're told that you have to know who you are, and then stick with that. Otherwise, people don't know who you are, and then they don't want to follow you, and they don't know what they're getting from you, and you need to be consistent.

For a reflector, that's like, "Oh, God, what I've never been consistent - I can't be consistent!"

And they fail, and they start feeling like it's just never gonna work, and there's something wrong with them. It doesn't mean you can't have a cohesive brand, one of my new friends, who's a reflector, is a business coach who uses human design, but she focuses on different things.

At any given moment, what does she want to promote? Does she want to promote something more about human design? Does she want to promote something more about, you know, having structure in your business? For a reflector, it's so important to know that who you are today is who you are supposed to be and that includes your work.

A really famous reflector is Jordan Younger, she's the balanced blonde, she is big in the wellness community, and she will talk about what she wants to talk about today. Her overall general theme is just wellness and spirituality. I don't even think I could get more specific than that; she's plant-based, she has a humongous following, and she does very, very, very well.

She doesn't force herself to be one thing because when a reflector does that, they cut off a lot of their magic; whoever you are today, who you are supposed to be, so you have to accept that. And it's totally okay to show that through your content creation.

Jen Liddy

This is really helpful, and I'm thinking about frameworks that I teach within my own classes. I always say that they are totally customizable because there's no one right way to do it - this actually just helps me so much.

But I don't know that I've ever really been serving the reflectors because I think that they might have a story that it's hard to be consistent if I don't know who I am every day. And so I feel like you can be consistent if you honor who you are; it might be harder for you to plan a month out, but you could maybe plan a couple of days out or a couple of weeks or a week out, but I think I could do better about honoring those people that may be a month plan doesn't work for them.

Ariana Joy

Yeah, it's possible. I mean, there are other parts of your human design chart that can really show you if you're here to live with more spontaneity, or if you're here to live with more structure, because, you know, for some people, structure feels like it takes away a lot of issues for them and makes things easier and streamlines and for other people. For other people, it may feel like they're getting strangled by literally you feel like someone is taking acuity and like wrapping it around their neck and killing them with their Google Calendar.

And with reflectors, you know, so they can be people who like structure more, but they take about a lunar cycle, so about a month to make a big decision. For them, they have to go through these inconsistencies, and these changes, and who they are to really feel all sides of a decision before they make it. That might mean embodying a lot of different parts of themselves before they take action, and also, if you're a reflector if you want, remember that waiting is really helpful for you.

You don't have to take action right now, so if you're thinking about how you want to brand yourself or what you want to launch, or an email you want to send out, that's really important to you. Give yourself more time, and then you can come to a position where you do know who you are in the moment; you do know what you want to share, but you're not going to get that if you push yourself, so I hope that's helpful.

Jen Liddy

It's super helpful. I think that at this point, what if somebody wants to get a human design reading? How can they connect with you to get a reading and then potentially get help with their writing?

Ariana Joy

Oh, absolutely.

Well, if you would like to work with me one on one, you can find me at, and you can book a reading there we have, you know, full readings for your chart, we have deep-dive readings for if you know a little bit about human design, and you want to nerd out with me.

I also have business and career alignment sessions that are for specific questions, and then I do have human design copywriting. If you just want to learn about copywriting, you want to learn how to use your energy type to do that in a more comprehensive way. You can get my course which is Copy Joy, and that's for each of the five energy types. Manifestor Copy Joy is actually coming out next week, and then reflector Copy Joy is right after that, but the rest of the energy types are up there and ready to go.

Jen Liddy

All right, Ariana, thank you so much.

If somebody wanted to follow you, are you on Instagram? Facebook? What's your favorite place to play?

Ariana Joy

I am on social media. It's actually all justfollowjoy like on Instagram. But where I usually send out the stuff that's like my favorite stuff, you'll get in-depth help every week with human design tips; you can get copywriting tips based on your energy and hype.

If you like, you can come get on my email list, which is you can just opt-in on my site, and you'll also get your free energy type mini-guide.

Jen Liddy

Yeah, I think people should definitely do that because you've given away so much great information here.

Now it's time for people to take it and apply it and see what they're going to do with it. And how can once you know that how can you lean into your energy even more? That's the question I want to leave everybody with today.

Ariana Joy

Honestly, and this is going to sound so simplistic, but do what feels good because your body already knows the way you should be doing stuff. If there's anything I can tell people, that's honestly just your biggest success tip besides following your design, which you can learn about even if you didn't want to use human design, which it's not a modality for everyone. I completely understand that.

Even if you can find so much more success in a way that feels good to you by taking everything up here in your head and just dropping it down into your body and asking, "Does this feel good? Do I actually want to do this?" and you will be astounded at the results and how that can change your life.

Jen Liddy

I actually have a sticky note here that I keep on my desk that says, "What do I most need and want today?"

I forget because I'm a big "shoulder," so yeah, this is really helpful. I appreciate your insights and your energy so much. This was really fun. Thank you so much I learned a ton!

Ariana Joy

Oh my gosh, thank you for having me!

Jen Liddy

My pleasure! Alright, everybody, I'm gonna ask you to go check out Arianna at, and you not only can get weekly updates from her, but she has a download that will help you understand your human design energy right now - so go do that! Thanks, Ariana.

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