Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

Do you have a BIG BUT standing in your way?

I bet you have a big BUT.

I talk to people every day with big buts.

Every day!

And their buts get in the way!

I want to make a change, buuuuut

I want to start my business, buuuut

I want my business to stop sucking the life out of me, buuuuut.

But..I don't have time.

But.. I don’t know how.

But…I don’t think I can.

OH my lawdy!! That last one? That’s biggest goal-killer of all: DOUBT> .

How many times have you thought about making a change?

Do you doubt that you can really have it? Do you say, “Hmmmm, I don’t know if I can”?

Well, let’s be real!

Of course, you don’t know if you CAN. You’ve never done this before!

Or - you’ve done it - or tried - but haven’t succeeded in the way you want to

OF COURSE your brain is searching for evidence that you can’t make it work!

Why? Because your brain is designed to literally keep you safe. And when you don’t try hard things, you stay safe.

Stuck. But safe.

Sure, sure, sure, it will be HARD.

Mama didn’t raise no fool! Your brain already knows this shit will be hard.

Because your brain is designed to make life easier & more efficient it wants to avoid this thing that you

  1. Don’t know HOW to do - which means it’ll slow your brain down when you undertake it
  2. Don’t really WANT to do - because it will make your brain feel unsafe!

What’s a woman to with this problem? This DOUBT problem.

Let me clear up one thing for you: it doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out with an idea for your business…

Or if you’re pivoting and changing gears…

Or you’re leveling up to a new price point…

Whatever new goal you have for yourself, DOUBT creeps in.

Why do we let this creepy little bitch into our lives? Because Doubt is powerful, it’s everywhere, and it doesn’t need much to live off of.

Doubt’s like the roach of our minds - hard to get rid of and feeding off the junk that lives up there.

It can come from outside of ourselves…from others telling us we can’t, shouldn’t, and aren’t capable of…

BUT it also thrives inside of us, growing and growing until we are paralyzed by it!

This week, notice how many times your BIG BUT gets in your way.

Stop with the buts -

But I can’t afford it.
But I don't trust this work to anyone else.
But it’s easier for me to do it by myself.


Your BUT is killing you.

When you’re ready to overthrow your BUT, call me. You’re exactly the type of woman I love to see thrive.

You’re exactly who I created my programs for.

Why? Because I know all about your BUTs. And love you in spite of them.

I believe you can have what you want. I believe you can make it work in your life.

I can show you how.

Get on my calendar. Let’s talk about what’s going on.

This free strategic call focuses on clarifying your goals, understanding where you're stuck, & knowing how to prioritize next steps. You'll leave feeling clearer & knowing where to head next. 

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