Does enjoyment ever cause you pain?

I have bad news, my friend: you don’t deserve to indulge this Thanksgiving.
You don’t deserve to indulge in worrying you’ll screw up the turkey or the punkin’ pie.
You don't deserve to indulge in comparing yourself to family, friends, or even the old you.
You don’t deserve to indulge in too much: over-eating, over-drinking, over-giving.
Hell no, sister. You don’t deserve to indulge in that shit.
Tired of stuffing yourself with something that’ll make you feel like shit tomorrow - be it dessert or self-judgment?
We all do it: indulge in things that feel good in the moment but make us suffer, cause discomfort, & create regret!
Why do we indulge in behaviors & thoughts that generally screw us over?
Because it’s much easier than the non-indulgent options.
Things like…
- having a hard conversation.
- speaking up - or staying quiet.
- saying “no” or “yes” & possibly causing a ruckus.
- not engaging in drama.
- avoiding food/drink that doesn’t work for us.
- offending someone. “Being difficult”.
We lie about what serves us, and it’s incredibly hard to move toward our goals.
What. Do. YOU. Want? Really want.
You might not know, and that’s ok. Don’t spin out in self-shaming or self-judgment.
This holiday season, I plan to avoid indulging in…
Why? Because though these things feel good in the moment…and perhaps everyone around me will also be indulging…
…they will give me a regret hangover!
Ask yourself: How can I enjoy myself without indulging in thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that cause me pain?
Give thanks for this awareness because it will be the thing that moves you toward your goals!
Happy Thanksgiving, my friend! I hope you’re surrounded by people you love to be with.
That’s what you deserve!
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…And if you’d like to get through the holiday season with less stress & more time, join my FREE 6-week Time Mastery Accountability Group. Click below to join, and share with your friends & family!
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