Get more traction with your message

You know how it gets weird when your friend misses your birthday…
starting with the OMG I missed your birthday 😱 text…
then shame creepin’ in with I’m SO SORRY!!! I’m such a horrible friend!
You: “No no no - don’t worry! I had a great day ☺”
Cue the influx of WHYs: flat tire, sick kid, needy parent, snow day…
It was YOUR birthday & now YOU’ve gotta make THEM feel better about missing it!
“Awww, don’t feel bad. You’re fine. Sorry you had such a shitty day.”
Wouldn’t it be great to hear, “Happy belated birthday! I hope you got all the love & attention you deserve!”
But now it’s turned into a whole THING about them. GAH!!
These little things are SO annoying, right?!
Content marketing is like this because…SO MANY LITTLE THINGS.
- Ideas - either TONS swarm your brain or tumbleweeds blow through as you stare at an empty page
- Endless platforms - instafaceblog googlinkedpin youtikreels podvidmail
- Tasks: lead generation, engagement, sales, offers, pricing, etc etc etc …
- Strategies: Social media? Media relations? Relationship referrals? Affiliate marketing?
Ack. I’m dead. And if I’m not, just kill me now.I know. I feel it too, my friend.
But, you’re here for content creation made easier, so you need this message: ⤵️
YOU CANNOT DO IT ALL, and you don’t need to!
You can’t possibly be everywhere, doing everything.
Please stop expecting that of yourself.
I know it *LOOKS* like everyone else IS doing it all - but they have a multi-tentacled TEAM. 🐙
They’re also not trying to serve everybody, everywhere.
How can creating content be EASIER?
- Your birthday’s about you, but your CONTENT is about THEM - your audience. Want to get more traction with an audience who LOVES you?
Use the exact words your people use to describe the problems they have & the solutions they want.
***Are you doing that in your content? Everywhere? In suuuuuuper clear ways?
(Or might you still be using vague terms, too-broad ideas, and jargony phrases that are meaningless to them?)
2. Take those words & grab their attention. SHOW THEM with STAND-OUT MESSAGING and put that message everywhere.
Less this ⤵️
MORE this ⤵️
CREATE messaging your audience gets - so they can hire you & share you with friends who need you.
And when I say everywhere, I mean it - not just the meat of your posts, emails, videos, and podcasts.
I mean -
- Your Instagram bio should set you apart & clarify who you help - and why it matters to them!
- Your LinkedIn profile needs to set off some lightbulbs when your audience reads it.
- Every email should be speaking to your audience’s problems & questions - and setting them up to believe the solution is possible for them!
In THEIR language! (Are you doing this?)
No need to be perfectionistic about it - play around & experiment!
You find your way once you get going - not mulling it over forever in your head.
Would it be easier for you to create consistently if you had
- accountability…
- implementation time?
- feedback & guidance…
Yes, I thought so. This is why you want to join the Content Creator’s Studio during our January launch!
The whole program is set up for action, implementation, and consistency - with EASE & SUSTAINABILITY.
It’s the content membership for people who are sick of “death by a thousand cuts” content creation.
You’re invited to join us & have a content coach in your back pocket!
You’re just in time for Content Planning Week: did you know that every month we plan your content for next month together .
Could you use this level of support for your content? Come on over!
Doors close January 31st & aren’t open again until Spring ’22!
Xo, Jen
PS: In case you ever forget a friend’s birthday, you’re allowed to not feel bad & simply say, “Happy belated birthday!! I hope it was amazing & you had a great day.”
One less thing to fret about!!