Grow your email list with QUIZZES - learn to utilize an accessible resource to expand your audience with Linda Sidhu

We are talking today all about QUIZZES ✨ -
I know that YOU know that growing an email list is so important.
Your list is your asset and is a fantastic tool for growing your audience, so the big question is - how the hell do you grow it!?
Meet Linda Sidhu, the quiz GENIUS 🧠💥! She’s here to teach you all about expanding your list using quizzes.
With strategic quizzes, you can learn more about your audience and better understand just how you can serve their needs!
You won’t want to miss out on this fun conversation and learn all about this easy resource to expand your audience.
To connect with Linda, you can find her group on Facebook @Quiz Creators, Instagram @linda_sidhu_quizzes, and her website
Linda also offers a free resource to nail down your quiz idea and start attracting new subscribers here ➡️
Full Transcript
Jen: Hello.
Welcome to today's interview. We are talking today about quizzes because I know that, you know that growing a list is so important. Your email list is your asset. You own it. You can grow your audience that way. But what the hell do you grow your list is the big question I hear. And I know that there's one way that's a fun way that I have not mastered yet. So I'm so excited to have Linda SEO with us today. She is a quiz genius and she's going to you all about growing your list using quizzes. And so let's tap into her brilliance. Linda, thank you for being here.
I appreciate that.
Linda: My pleasure, Jen. Thank you for having me.
Jen: This going to a fun conversation. So tell me a bit about your background and how you came to doing what you're doing now.
Linda: Yeah. So it's really interesting because, for the longest time, I'm like, there's nothing unique about me. I'm just a normal person, you know. I’m a mom. I’m a wife, whatever. But the past year, I know if COVID helped, like, just quieting my life and making me kind of sit and think about the things I enjoy. And you know what I want to focus on because there's not an of time left in this world.
We're only here for a bit, but it really helped me hone in on my strengths. And that, interesting enough, goes back years ago when I was in the pharmaceutical industry and I was heavily trained on how to read someone's personality so I can show up in a way where they feel comfortable and feel like they're seeing and hearing. If you combine that with my ability to really nurture people. I took it to the next level where I really, as a pharmaceutical rep, wanted to show up and better understand my doctor. But I also wanted to take care of them and their staff and their patients as best as possible. So what I did is I really focused on their personality and how I could make them feel comfortable. And then also introduced my products to help their patients. And this came full circle when I launched a business of my own last year when I created quizzes. I created one for myself. And it obviously was a personality quiz. Really good success with it that actually Interact the quiz company reached out to me and said, “Your quiz is performing a little bit better than average. Can you tell me what you did?” And that's where I shared my experience on understanding people's personalities.
Now, the cool thing about my quizzes is it's very strategic. So they do two things. They are a personality quiz, which is the number one quiz people want to take. People want to learn about themselves. And then it's a way to bring in a new client because you're focusing on their strengths, you're really stroking their ego and you're telling them how amazing they are. But at the same time, you're cycling your business. But on my client’s end or the business owner’s end, when they can understand somebody's personality, they can take it to the next level and better understand their buying decisions.
So as a business owner, this is impactful because you're given your new leads a great way to enter their community. To them, it's being very well received. You're focusing on their strengths, you're really hyping them up. But as the business owner, they're being able to identify who this person is and how they can show up for them in the long run. So it's a great marriage.
Jen: Yeah. You can serve them better on your email list because you can even segment them. Once they take the quiz and they go through and they have, like, X-Y-Z result, you could just tag them in that way. That would be that's super cool.
So why are quizzes such a way to grow our email list? What's so appealing about them?
Linda: Yeah.
Everybody likes a quiz. It's just an easy way where people let their hair down and they want to find out more about themselves. Again, personality quizzes are the number one quizzes that people like to take because they can... What's in it for them, right?
Jen: It’s all about them!
Linda: It’s all about them, right! So if they can take a quiz where they're going to out more information about their strengths, they're actually excited about it. And then if they like their results, they're going to share it.
Jen: So tell me what a quiz is and how it compares to other kinds of quizzes that people put out there.
Linda: You know, there are other types of quizzes like if you're doing a launch, you can do a launch quiz where it's specific to your offer. So you really want to work backwards.
Okay, I'm offering this course. And, for example, the first quiz I ever created, this girl was actually launching an Influencer Prep Academy. So we worked backward from her offer. I still designed a quiz for her, but the quiz title was “Were you born to be an Influencer?” So it was a launch quiz mixed with personality in a way. But that's typical. A lot of people are doing launches, and so they're creating the quiz, and you kind of back it off the offer where you're trying to take people.
There are also scored quizzes. And I really know a lot about this quiz because it never interests me to create one anyways. But I know that you can score certain things, like, you know, give this person to score on their 86% whatever. Right? It depends on what your business is and if you would use a scored quiz. There are also quizzes that are product-based that companies can use. For example, Primarily Pure did a just on deodorant, and it was like, which deodorant is best for you or something, and I can't remember the information. It was a case study on Interact. So you can go to Interact if you're really interested. But they generated thousands of dollars just on telling people what deodorant was perfect for them.
Jen: Okay, tell me what the name of quiz was that you got. So Interact is the quiz software that many, people use, just in case anybody doesn't know. That's the quiz software. And so what was the name of your quiz that made Interact take note of you?
Linda: So it was a quiz that was for my previous company, and it was basically, you know what hot diva personality are you? It was in regards to email marketing, and it for an email marketing course that I created with a previous partner of mine. We're no doing that business anymore. But my idea was I was trying to figure out a way for people to generate leads for their courses. But I love music. And so I wanted to attach a Spotify playlist to the quiz results. I was thinking, okay, I want to bring in some creative aspects and add additional resources and make it more fun. So the results were either Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, and Adele. But in the results in themselves wasn't just, “Hey, you're Adele.” It was you’re Adele, but you're very strategic. And so it really kind of honed in on their strengths first. But then we got into different ways to grow your email list based on his personality. Webinars, workshops, ways for them to teach are great. But then also quizzes because you could segment your list and be more strategic. So it's all about strategy.
If you're looking at the complete opposite, like Lady Gaga, who's the complete opposite of Adele, their results are going to you're extremely creative, you think outside the box. But then when you give them the options of how to grow their email list, maybe a Facebook challenge would be better because they love people and they like the tagging. But then of course quizzes are great for them as well because they can be super creative.
Based on the responses, they not only got to see benefits to their personality but I help them with ways on how to approach their lead generation business based on who they are and how they can bring their strengths and use it as a success for their business.
Jen: Well, I'm totally starting to feel overwhelmed and understand why I never been able to pull off a quiz before. Like, I'm hearing reverse engineering. I'm hearing strategy. I'm hearing, like, creative thinking.
Tell me, when people come to you, what have they generally already tried?
Linda: Oh, good question. My ideal clients, personally are the Beyonce personality. So I've noticed with my own research and using quizzes that that's the typical person that wants my service. Anyways, these people are fast action takers. They're business owners. They are usually going to have success no matter what, because they take risks. But also, they know what they want, and they have money to pay for services, and they don't want to it themselves. They're done doing it themselves.
So typically, this personality is going to come to We're going to a 20 to 30-minute conversation because they just want the bottom line. And I will offer them options of how they can work with me and typically, they will hire me to do the done for you quiz.
Most of these people have tried lead magnets, for example, like a download, maybe. They have some type of guides, but now they're ready to go big and they're launching courses for their business. So they really want to generate a funnel where they have a quiz that's going to go to their course and then maybe use Facebook ads as well to get a lot of activity and push towards it.
The quiz isn’t usually, your first lead generation tool is usually second or third, you know, and preferably, I would like to work with someone that knows their ICA, their ideal clients. So I can create a quiz that's going to last a lifetime and be a foundation for their business and a tool for them to use for a long time.
Jen: What I love about the way you're talking is how well you know your ideal client, because I meet people right before they are ready to get to you. So they are really not quite sure how to describe their ideal client. They're using words that are either too aspirational or to coach speak, you know what I mean? And so what I help them do is really get narrowed down. So the way that you talk about your ideal client is like, so spot on. I love it.
Linda: Thank you. And I love it when I meet with someone who knows what they want and I can give them options. I literally will get off the call with them and just go to town because I already know, since they know and I use my strength I know, and then I can get to work, and it's so fun to do. But when you don't know what you're talking about, it takes me almost three weeks to research their business and try to figure out who this person is and what's one thing that can really stand out that could possibly be a framework for this person. Then it makes it really difficult for me to do my job because I'm now researching their business. And unfortunately, when I work with some of these people that aren't quite there yet, their quiz needs to get revisited when they finally figure it out. And then it's a tool they can use for a long time for their business.
But if you don't know your ICA, then it's almost like I can't really do a quiz that's going to knock it out of the park.
Jen: Yeah. It's like you're wasting your time and their money.
Linda: Yeah.
Jen: You know, when I meet people, they have spent generally a lot of money on, like, a website or they spend a lot of time on social media or whatever, but they don't just, like speaking around the problem. So I love that this is like, you know exactly who you help because knowing your audience is the most important thing to me. I always want to tell people like, you have to know exactly which asses are in the seats that you are speaking to.
Linda: I want to just be completely one that I am...I never used to be this person. I used to be an idea of a volcano and I would switch things that I was doing on social media and I didn't have a foundation. And then somehow it just all clicked and I knew I wanted to work smarter versus harder. And then I finally set all this stuff up. I had a quiz that was working for me, a foundation for my email platform, which is my platform, not Zuckerberg's. But what this did when I finally honed in on my zone of genius and I got super clear on exactly where and who I wanted to talk to and what I wanted to do to make an impact in other people's lives and impact my life as well. Once I figure that out, I was able to step away and COVID hit and my son came home for remote learning and I was able to make him a priority and might put my business a little bit on the back burner to summer because it was already done for me.
Jen: That's great. That’s so amazing.
So can you tell us I mean, I don't know if there's anybody out there who's never taken a quiz. Right? We've all probably taken these quizzes. I know from what you're saying that it's so hard to create your own because sometimes you just don't have the clarity or you're even too close to it or you don't have the strategic mindset that you do Linda, but why is a quiz beyond people liking themselves? Why is a quiz so important right now, specifically in marketing? Is there a reason why these are so popular right now?
Linda: Well, it's so versatile. So one big reason is because they're shareable and an average quiz gets shared 1,900 times. So it doesn't have to be super strategic. I don't want your people to think that there are all these moving parts and have to make it perfect and blah, blah, blah.
You can do an easy quiz like that deodorant one and still have amazing success as long as you know where you're headed with it. So I really think the biggest takeaway from here from this conversation is to know what your offer is, know what the end is in mind, and then you can work backward and reverse engineer and work towards it. Right?
If you at least do that, you're going to have some success with your quiz, and then you might have to revisit it if you're not super clear on your ICA. But bottom line, people love quizzes. They are shareable. You can use them on social media. You can put them in your email list. I mean, it just seems like a fun way to generate interest to your business versus the PDF download or even summits.
I used to love summits, but people are like, Oh, God, I don't want to sign up for this big you know thing, you know what I mean?
Jen: 10 days of experts, like, I don't know if I'm up for it. I don't have the capacity for 10 days of this.
Linda: Sorry.
Jen: I totally agree. So what are some hints if we did want to try our own quiz and we know that people in our audience really love personalized things because they just want to be seen so much? What are some hints besides what you already give to us, which I want to remind everybody, once you know your audience, you have to be really clear with that. You also need to be really clear with what your offer is and reverse engineer. So those are the things I'm hearing you say.
Is there anything else that we could possibly take away from this conversation and put into play so we could try this on our own?
Linda: Absolutely.
I think Interact, the quiz platform, does a fabulous job to help people have success with quizzes. If you go to their website, which is , you will see a plethora of information tools, blogs, workshops, free information that you can do it yourself. You can pick certain things and learn from this strategic partner. I mean, they even have templates to make it super easy. And then that way you can just put your own questions in there.
They've done an exceptional job, and I love representing them and shouting them out because they've simplified quizzes. And there are so many resources that there are for you to find. And they even have a page where if you need to reach out to a strategic partner and connect with someone, they have a page of people that you can connect with.
So it's brilliant how they put everything together. And their website is , so they have a ton of resources if you want to do it yourself.
Jen: Okay. I have a question for you.
How good quality of a lead can you get by doing a quiz?
Like, how do you ensure that it's not just a bunch of people who find your quiz really fun and then they get on your list and they're not engaged?
Linda: Yeah. I'm a big fan of organic growth versus just Facebook ads, personally, but I think with quizzes, you can do both. What worked for me really well when I had success out of the gate and I didn't know what I was doing at that point with a quiz as I had a few friends share it in their Facebook group or come up in podcast or even in the copy chat with Marisa Corcoran, and she mentioned it and then posted it in her Facebook group.
Those people were actually my ICA. They were my ideal clients.
And so when my friends or my when my friends would share it or talk about it or other people would share it and talk about it in front of my ICA, it really benefited me. So that was really helpful.
The other thing is with Facebook ads. If you really want to go after Facebook ads, and I recommend that you try to organically grow your email list to at least a thousand people and really get in front of the people who you think is your ICA. Once you get to a thousand people on your email list, you can create a lookalike audience on Facebook and go after people who are exactly like the people who currently joined your list. So if you do it that way, I would recommend that you have about a thousand people that, you know, really want your services.
The other thing that I did personally that worked in my favor was I have a quiz yes. But I went and I did another PDF download that was based off of the number one question I always get from my clients.
So listen to your clients take note of what they're asking you, and you can also do a quick PDF download. So what I did is I created a download that says Nail your Quiz idea, because that's the one thing people said was stopping them from creating a quiz. They didn't know what idea or how to relate it to their business.
So I created this PDF download. It was like four easy steps that you can knock it out in an afternoon. And so what happened was it was really clear. I was going after people who wanted to nail their idea for a quiz.
Jen: Right.
Linda: And so I was able to attract the low-hanging fruit, the people who are right there. Right?
So that was really important. So I not only have a quiz but I the number one question that I and was able to go specifically after them. So the people who are opting onto my email list are interested in and want to create one.
Jen: So what I'm hearing is you need to make sure that your title and description of the quiz is exactly like it's specific enough that it meets what your ICA needs.
Linda: Yeah. I mean, if you can use your ICA voice and start making a of the questions they're asking you and title it in what they're saying to you. That's cool.
Jen: Beautiful. I have so many ideas, but I want to this myself. So after we off our call, I'm going to ask you about how they start a quiz for me.
Linda, is there anything else that you want to with us or that we should know before we wrap up our interview?
Linda: Honestly, I want to share that if you are interested in creating a quiz don't let anything hold you back. Of course go to my Nail Your Quiz Idea because actually, someone say that they cranked it out in an afternoon and it was well worth any four-day workshop that they've ever been on. I did base it off of what my ideal clients are struggling with.
I think it's great. So if you want to share the Nail Your Quiz idea PDF, it is extremely helpful.
Jen: I will. What's the URL for that? Is it an easy URL? (
Linda: I don't know. I think it has Kajabi in it with like.
Jen: Then I'm going to find it and I'm going to post it in the comments for sure. Yes, I've got it. I'm going to post it I promise. I’ll get this done. (
Linda: Yes. But just more importantly, don't let anything stop you. Just download the mail your quiz idea and see, follow the steps and see where you go with that. It's initially, the reason why I it was because I do strategy sessions for everybody and spend a half hour trying to figure out what your quiz idea should be. So, this is a strategy session in a PDF download, basically.
That's very important. But just start. Just play around with it put it out there and get feedback. And when you first put your quiz out there, just ask for people to give you feedback. One time I had a video in my first quiz and people said that they didn't like it, so I removed it. Just get the feedback you need to optimize it and make it better and then get it out there and see what happens.
You may have to go back and redo it. I had to with my quiz, my very first quiz, mainly because my ICA is different than what it is now. But just don't be afraid to start because when you start, you get more clarity and that's the purpose of anything, right?
Jen: Yes. Oh, my God. I always speak about clarity. So good.
How can people get in contact with you or follow you on social?
Linda: Yeah.
So I have a Facebook group that I try to go live in. I keep it really engaged and active. So that's where I show up mainly. And it's personalized marketing made easy. [ It’s Quiz Creators Now:] So if you want to join my Facebook group there, we have a of entrepreneurs that are highly successful or Lora Belgrade is in there. I really love her. She's my mentor. But we have a lot of really great people in there, and I bring them and do conversations. So I use it as a more collaborative tool so that people can use it as a stage and learn from each other. I'm not super dominant and weird about, you know what just posting my own stuff. I'm very nurturing and collaborative.
You can also find me on Instagram. Linda Underscore underscore quizzes. (
And then an easier one on Club House is at the Quiz Queen ( I'm loving it, having a lot of fun there. And obviously, if you want to get on my email list, that's a great place to establish a relationship and learn from me. And I offer free workshops, especially with Interact. And I've been included in a summits where I've given a lot of really useful information. So, you know, my email list is probably the best thing to do if you're really interested in a quiz, which is you can download your Nail Your Quiz Idea and get on my email list there.
Jen: Okay. That's perfect. I know that people really want to grow. They don't necessarily want to use Facebook ads. So this is such a great thing for people to do. I'm so glad we got to talk today. Thank you for making the time for me.
Linda: Absolutely. And one thing to your point that you just jogged my memory, I should say, even though you have a you're still going to have to yell it from the rooftops. A lot of people think now that I have this quiz, why isn't everyone sharing it? Why isn't it going viral? You still have to share it on your Facebook groups. You have to share it on posts. You have to share it on Instagram. Podcasts. It could be tool for them to use. You have to share it. Share it, Pinterest whatever every single day, every week. You still have to share it.
So it's not a way for you to just be lazy at that point now that you have a quiz but where you can't be lazy is because now you have a set up. You've done all the front-loaded, all your hard work. You have a system that's on automation that will work while you sleep. So now that part is the case right there.
Jen: It's not always, like on a discovery call with somebody. It's like they can just come into your world a bit easier in an interactive way. I love that idea.
Linda, I want to say thank you also for putting up with all the technical nonsense that has happened today. So anybody watching or listening if it's been wonky, I don't know what's happening. We're in the middle of a snowstorm here in Syracuse. But thank you for being patient and for sharing all of your brilliance with us Linda, I appreciate it.
Linda: Of course. Thank you so much, Jen. It was a lot of fun to be here. Pleasure for me, too.
Jen: Bye, everyone. See you next time.