How content decisions can damage our business

Woke up: 4:30am
Left for airport: 4:45am
Boarded flight: 5:20am
Deplaned flight, still in Syracuse: 7:46am
Actually take off for Atlanta: 10:17am
5 hours in the dinky Syracuse airport, 2 of them on the plane!
What gives, Delta? United’s over there taking off just fine!
Turns out Delta’s fuel delivery trucks FROZE in the 7-degree weather.
“We’re so sorry! Our fuel trucks are frozen. We’re waiting for them to thaw.”
THAW!? It’s January in Syracuse, NY. Are we sitting here ‘til June??
Not only am I pissed off, I’m scratchin’ my head. How does this HAPPEN?
I mean…freezing weather is kinda Syracuse’s thing, you know?
Shouldn’t solutions be - you know - in place already?
Turns out, someone failed to follow protocol & didn’t put the trucks back in their hangar.
Consider the ripple effects beyond hundreds of travelers merely being inconvenienced Thursday morning:
- Missed connections & re-bookings
- Lost reservations on the other side
- Meetings, experiences, and people affected by someone not arriving
- Time & effort of Delta staff dealing with angry, upset, & annoyed customers
- The strains of serving, feeding, & seating hundreds of people waiting for delayed flights + hundreds more arriving for upcoming flights
- Emotions needing tending by everyone: fear, anxiety, anger, resentment, worry, irritation, etc. etc. etc
Not getting the trucks in the hangar was a choice that created outcomes far-reaching and not immediately evident.
Same with YOUR words Your ideas. Your insights.
Your content. Your marketing.
When we DON’T put our marketing content out there because:
- we don’t know what to say or how to say it
- it takes too much time & doesn’t feel natural or good
- we can’t seem to get it done
the ripple effects of that are:
- our audience doesn’t know, engage with, or hire us - and business stagnates
- we’re not making the money we want and feel like we are wasting time & energy.
- we judge ourselves for not being “successful” or achieving our goals
THESE are the problems we solve for inside the Content Creator’s Studio, where you’ll
- learn what to say to your audience in a way that feels good to you.
- experience accountability - because implementation & GET SHIT DONE time are built in
- feel successful - content marketing is no longer a mystery with approaches we create to work for YOU.
It doesn’t matter whether you use social media or NOT - your content MATTERS!
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been on Pinterest - hate REELS - or don’t want to do podcasts.
It doesn’t matter if you have an email list or an Instagram following:
Creating content for your marketing to grow & nurture your audience is a huge priority.
Are you ignoring it?
Are you confused by it?
It doesn’t have to swallow you up any longer.
Inside the Content Creator’s Studio, we show you how to create content on the platforms YOU PREFER in a way that feels good to you.
Aren’t you tired of content creation being the bottleneck in your business NOW?
Don’t you want to figure this out NOW?
What would it feel like to get your stuff out there into the world?
Kinda like this? ⤵️
Join CCS & reap the benefits of weekly content support in your back pocket!
Questions? Email them to me & ask away!
This membership is built for people who are ready to take action & see results.
Xo, Jen
PS: Who’s CCS NOT for? People who think there’s a one-size-fits-all strategy to this work
or who aren’t interested in learning how to make their content more effective.
Looking to hire this stuff out? Contact me. I have plenty of incredible referrals for you!
If you ARE looking to master your own content, then JOIN HERE.
PPS: Every new member gets a private 1:1 Onboarding Call - so valuable to get you on course to success and stop doing what’s not working!