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How do you move forward & stay focused?


If you’re someone that wants to start a business you’re probably telling yourself so many things that are keeping you from your goals.


I don’t have the time.

I don’t know how to do that.

I can’t stay focused.


The truth is this isn’t your fault!


We live in a world that is full of distractions all the time. Our focus is compromised on an hour by hour, even a minute by minute basis. Not only do we have the distraction of our family and home, but also our phones.

How many things are in your world?

I want you to look at how many things are distracting you on a daily basis. What things are distracting you from getting things done? Do you even find yourself ready to sit down to a task but then you think of a thousand other things you need to be concerned with? Think of what you need to make for dinner? What posts have you missed out on social media?

Be honest with yourself when you’re trying to identify what distractions are keeping you from getting your to-do list done! There’s no guilt in this practice. This is just to figure out what things you can cut out or limit from yourself in order to meet the goals that will bring you the most fulfillment.

Don’t feel guilting for working on your business

I think it’s a common thing for creative women to put other people’s needs before their own. It’s easy to think that working on your business is almost a selfish thing to do! Especially if it’s not at the point where it is making you money. It’s a simple thought process to justify putting it to the side to make sure the needs of everyone and everything else is done before you work on your own thing.

I’d want you to stop this!

Yes, the trash needs to be taken out and people need to be fed. But is there anyway that you can delegate time to the things you need to accomplish in order to move your business forward? If you take a long hard look at the distractions in your life, I promise you’ll find time to do so and the focus that you desire.

Turn Your Phone Off

Look, I love social media and in my last video I even admitted to a small addiction I had to a game on my phone. I’m not immune to the notifications that pop up on my phone. However, when we are indulging in those things, we end up not being able to retain focus. I want you to turn your phone off or airplane mode even for twenty minutes. During this time try and just do one task for twenty minutes. You’ll be amazed how much you can get done in this block of time.

Expect Discomfort

Training your brain to create new habits isn’t comfortable. The whole time you make effort to teach yourself to focus in on tasks, your brain is going to be buzzing with the things “you need to do”. It’s going to want to open up your phone and check Instagram. It’s going to want to text your friend or send that email. It’s going to tempt you to lose sight of the task that you wanted to get done. And that’s okay! This is a normal reaction! But I want you to fight through it and see what you can accomplish.


I want you to be a Master of your own time and achieve the goals that you set out to do this year.

In my online coaching group, the creative, busy women there are getting to ease, happiness, and success much more quickly than they ever anticipated!

Last week, one of them told me that she’d crossed off something off her list that had been there for 6 months!

That feels SO DAMN GOOD!

Are you ready for that?  Get some ease & success for yourself: join us in The Idea Space.

You’ll bring your idea to reality - and have a coach & community to keep you accountable & moving forward!

Those who join during the month of March will benefit from a private 30-minute 1:1 coaching session that will pull out your 90-day goals AND create a plan of micro-steps so you can GO GET IT!

We are more than 60 days into this year.

Are you finally ready to go get it?

3 Steps to Unlock the Content
that magnetizess your audience to you!

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