How Do You Scale Your Business?

There’s this moment as an entrepreneur where you stand at the edge of a cliff -
Behind you, 2 BIG issue loom:
You’re doing all.the.things. in your business - because you can’t see how to delegate, don’t really want to, or haven’t figured out how to pay for support.
All the little things eat up your time & energy - a cycle you can’t get out of.
Sure, I can do that is your mantra. Your mindset is “I should” help all the varied types of people & problems.
Even though you’re helping everyone, you’re never sure how much money you’re gonna bring in next month.
Deep down, you know serving a broad range of clients is sucking the life out of you.
At this edge, you wonder how to scale your business so you can leave behind the exhaustion & overwhelm.
Should you take the leap & hire help?
Should you finally niche down & claim your space in the marketplace…
So you can stop being so exhausted?
This huuuuuge leap is terrifying. You can’t see all the HOWs. You worry business will plummet.
But what if in that moment you soared to the next level instead?
Scaling your business - even for seasoned entrepreneurs - is one of those “What if it doesn’t work AND I’m so scared if it DOES” things we have to deal with.
Often, it comes down to addressing the HOWs & being courageous enough to figure ‘em out.
HOW do I offload tasks?
HOW do I become a marketplace specialist, known for my particular magical talents?
HOW do I get off the income roller coaster?
^^^These questions are tough - no lie. But on the other side is more freedom, time, & money.
So - HOW do we do it?
Meet Alice Patterson - who has a great story about HOW she did it…
Alice, a seasoned photographer, was tired of her roller coaster.
She’d left the wedding industry to focus on brand photography for women entrepreneurs, but still did ALL the things: families, high school seniors, products, branding shoots, etc. etc. etc.
Then - listen to this idea she had to scale her business: a Monthly Photo Membership program! Her dream was to…
- Get a group of women entrepreneurs together on a monthly basis,
- Take photos of them interacting in varied, fun locations around the city -
- Provide updated, professional photos monthly to use everywhere they need:
Socials, websites, profile pics, etc. etc.
They never have to take another selfie or search around for a pic!
Their audience gets to know them quickly because they see their FACES all the time.
(Pssst - do not underestimate the power of this, as your audience needs to see you.)
ANYWAY! This is a great idea, right!?
But it stayed up in Alice’s mind until she told a group of us one day - and the gasps & delight from her peers got Alice thinking, “Maybe this IS a thing! Maybe I COULD do it!”
Within two months, we got Alice’s beta program up & running and she sold it out, twice!
She then launched her photo membership program - called Loving My Company - with 12 members who benefit from her incredible skills…
allowing her to step off the income feast or famine cycle AND hire help!
HOW’d she do it? We break it down in our conversation - which you can read, listen to, or watch!
Was it scary? HELL. YES. Was it worth it?
Alice says yes!
As her coach, I’m thrilled with her results. As her client, I LOVE being part of Loving My Company.
Here’s one of our very first group photoshoots, courtesy of Alice.
Alice is ready to teach photographers how to put her framework & systems in place in their own businesses!
If you’re a photographer (or have a photog friend on the edge of burnout-)
who wants to learn how to bring Alice’s model into your own business…contact her directly here! - [email protected]
Scaling takes strategizing, experimenting, creating systems, & having faith in yourself.
You don’t have to keep living the life of exhaustion by doing all the things and serving all the people.
Step into your specialty & become known for THAT.
You’ve got to drill down into your niche so you can scale up your business.
Xo, Jen
PS: I’m drilling into my own niche - helping you stop looking through the junk drawer of online marketing strategies
And create a customized system that works for you!
If you find content creation exhausting & are tired of it swirling around you, click here to learn about my Batch Your Content workshop!
You’ll learn WHAT to say to your audience - and walk away with 4 weeks of content customized for YOU with a system you can replicate & repurpose…
every month, no matter what kind of content you create.
Read more about it here.