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How Does Replaying A Story Steal Your Time and Your Peace of Mind?



Have you ever stumbled across your old journals?

About a year ago I found my journal from my teenage years. Full of angst and complaint all I could think when I read through it was “Am I allowed to throw away these thoughts? Do I want my kid to have access to these when I die?”

The answer is that I am allowed and that Jack doesn’t need to know all the things I whined about as a teenager. I tossed them in the trash and haven’t missed them since.

I didn’t want to relive all the emotions and general dissatisfaction of life that I felt when I was younger. I have the memories and the lessons learned. That’s enough for me. However, I find that I have clients who hold on to the past and relive negative events at time. Their main source of memory lane? Their phone.


Do you obsess over texts?

Clients will come into a  session and re-read over the entire conversation they had over text. They’d talk in circles of “He said, she said” and stay stuck in reliving their dissatisfaction or negative emotions.

I don’t know about you, but rereading memories over and over never helped me heal. Reliving the emotions over and over until the whole experience is so ingrained in your mind doesn’t help you to get towards a positive perspective on your negative events. If anything, letting go and recognizing when something doesn’t serve me anymore is what has helped me heal the most.

Today I went over a few of my experiences with reliving negative memories over on my Facebook. Grab a cup of tea and be sure to watch the video to reflect on how you can get over indulging in drama!

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…And if you’d like to get through the holiday season with less stress & more time, join my FREE 6-week Time Mastery Accountability Group. Click below to join, and share with your friends & family!

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