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How I Learned My Real Value


About 14 years ago, I had a moment that transformed how I valued myself. Everything in my life changed after that…

I’d been a high school teacher for 6 years at the time. I’d just gotten a new job at a new high school and was fairly intimidated.

My colleagues were INCREDIBLY smart & accomplished. I thought my new department chair was a brilliant visionary.

And all year long, I sat in meeting after meeting where we GOT NOTHING DONE.

These people - brilliant as they were - just flung ideas around. Everything was “What if we tried THIS”? Or “Oohhhh, wouldn’t THAT be incredible.”

Meetings came to an end with an entire whiteboard filled with ideas - that would never be implemented.

By the end of that school year, I had HAD ENOUGH. I was frustrated and annoyed that we never  - in my concrete & sequential mind - ACCOMPLISHED any of it!

So, in the middle of a full-day planning meeting, I got up to the whiteboard & began pulling all their alike ideas together.

I silently just moved ideas around, showing them how their ideas worked TOGETHER - how they were linked and built on each other.

They weren’t even paying attention to me. They were busy throwing ideas around, giddy in creation mode!

Then they looked up & noticed the sequencing. They saw how if one idea was brought to life, the rest of their ideas could happen.

Mind you: I was terrified. Who was I to be up there? I was a NEWBIE! I didn’t have their visionary brilliance. I’m a mere worker bee.

I’m merely a Do-er.

And frankly, my friends, a do-er was exactly what they needed.

They couldn’t see how their ideas actually formed a cohesive plan until I got up there & color-coded that shit for them in a sequential, clear way.

Still afraid of their judgment, I watched my department chair examine what I’d done.

He looked at me, mightily impressed, and nodded. “Well!” He said. “You are exactly what we needed in this department!”

And it was the FIRST time in my life I felt seen for my do-er talents. I’d always hung out among a sea of visionaries and had felt ‘less than’ forever.

In that moment, I realized I had value because I made THEIR brains BETTER. I made THEIR IDEAS come to life.

Maybe I couldn’t get paid more because - hello I was a teacher & no one had any say over that shit - but I sure knew I was valuable as HELL.

Which meant I could jockey which classes I wanted to teach. Which sections I got. Which professional development I was allowed to do.

I could be compensated in that way because they knew I was WORTH IT.

What’s the transformation YOU get for people?

Where’s one area you already KNOW YOUR VALUE?


In other words: HOW do you make your clients’ lives BETTER for them?

(PSST…it’s not arrogant to know this. You may feel like you’re bragging if you answer. I assure you – confidence & arrogance are worlds apart.)

Make it your priority to KNOW & CONVEY your value over & over again.

I promise you’ll start attracting the right clients to you and make your life easier (and their lives better!)

If you need help understanding this more deeply about yourself, check out my free training to teach you HOW to clarify your value -

 with examples to break down exactly HOW to attract clients READY to work with you.


It’s available here with a cool workbook to help! 😎


Xo, Jen


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