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How She Stopped Suffering to Realize Her Dream

Ever felt like where you are right now isn’t exactly where you need to be?  


Meet Julie: she wanted to leave her job and thought she wanted to be a health coach. But it didn’t feel right.


She played around with becoming a running coach. But that wasn’t filling the void.


One day, diving deeper into “What do I really want?”, she started talking about her Psoriatic Arthritis, explaining her auto-immune disease & telling me how she manages debilitating pain daily.

She’d apparently been suffering in silence for years! She was my client for almost 10 months before I even knew she was struggling with any sort of physical pain!


It had derailed many aspects of her life and caused emotional & mental pain too, but she remained silent, suffering alone. All along, she’d been learning how to control her pain, overcoming it so that it didn't rule her life anymore.


I had no freaking idea!


She never thought it was relevant to our coaching sessions because we were working on bringing her business ideas to life.


I dug in: I asked Julie to think about who she really wanted to work with? Who did she want to help as an entrepreneur? And…why?


She quickly realized she wanted other women to know that they can control their pain! That there’s more to life than meds & PT & sitting out the game & giving up your travel.


So, slowly & surely, Julie began crafting her WHY into a business.


Julie Hughes is now a Pain Recovery Coach. She teaches clients to overcome their pain - not just manage it. And she’s changing lives. 


Why did she hide from this for so long? Hiding well enough that even her coach (whom she met with once a week!) had no freaking idea??


Shame. Disbelief.


Julie’s story was “If I’m living with pain, who am I to coach people living with pain?”


Who BETTER to coach women in pain than a woman in pain?


Who BETTER than a woman treating herself, learning more about it, & applying the strategies?


Who BETTER than a sufferer who falls on her face & has to figure out how to get back up?


Who BETTER than YOU?


NO ONE. That’s who.


No one is better qualified to do the job you’re designing because it’s YOUR expertise.

I bet YOUR ideal client - the person you’re DYING to reach, to help, is v.e.r.y. similar to you.


And that’s good - because no one understands you better than you.

Which means you know what your target market audience NEEDS!


And you’re the one to create it!


So! Let’s go! Get the hell out of your own way.


To get it, yessss, things will have to change in your life. Maybe you won’t watch as much TV or get on FB as often.




I promise you.


And if it’s not…know what?


You can go right back to the comfortably uncomfortable life you have for yourself right now.


Pinky swear.


Julie tells how she brought this idea to life in this video. It’s full of real talk about the realities of the journey from dream to reality - and why it’s worthwhile!


Are you ready to explore what your next moves are? Join us in The Idea Space!


It will help you get your ideas out of your head & bring them to the people who desperately need them! Probably someone who’s a lot like YOU, my friend.


Why keep your idea hidden away when so many people need it?

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