How to Bring Your Idea to Life While Working Full-Time with Shannon Connors

I am really excited you're here today because today I have a special episode for you. On the idea space podcast. We talked about everything that has to do with creating the things that we want from why we don't do it to how to get what we want. And this week I got an interview with the Energizer Bunny.
Just kidding, but you're going to feel like you just had some major coffee by the end of this episode.
Episode Three is all about how a single mom who is also a full-time elementary school teacher decided to put her addiction to fitness to work for her, creating a Fitness Studio, a cult following, and her dream life. I'm introducing you to Shannon Connors of Shannon Connors' fitness. Shannon and I have known each other since college when she was working really hard as an education major. And I was well, I was not working hard.
Let's just say I was pursuing other interests at the time that included beer and boys. You can insert an eye roll emoji here because Shannon is the kind of person who knows what she wants. And she's always been that way.
Why do I want you to meet her?
Well, if you wanted something like really, really wanted it, but didn't know how to make that happen. Shannon's interview will show you some house that can shift your life. After getting fired from four corporate gyms she decided she was tired of having a boss. So she started her own Fitness Studio and remember, she's a teacher, not a business person. She has four kids full-time job and lives on a teacher salary.
I think we all have a lot to learn from her practical, realistic, totally doable advice. That's why her journey is the subject of today's podcast. And she shares exactly how she did it here, even as a busy mom and teacher. I hope you love this episode as much as I loved talking to her and let me know what you think.
Shannon strongly believes that teachers are the best time managers out there and are incredibly smart people. This makes them some of the best entrepreneurs out there. Her driving force was that she wanted more for herself and her kids. And obviously she had to give up some stuff to make that happen. Now, there's something you want, I know it and you can be the creator of your own life. You can design your life. I can't wait to see what you create. Because yes, you can do this. I know that you can do hard things I look forward to next week when I share how to stop negotiating with yourself and move forward on the thing you're dying to do.