How to Find People Who’ll Pay What You’re Worth

Imagine your car charger IS NOT WORKING…
And the battery on your phone is at 4%
It’s all RED up there in the corner; panic’s settling into your brain.
Even though for YEARS you drove around without any phone because that shit was something you’d only seen available on THE JETSONS?!
But now you & your space phone are in a committed relationship, the only downside being its lifespan is essentially the same as a gnat’s.
You’re hurtling down the highway, sweating out a 4% battery.
How will you post on Instagram when you get to your next stop?
What about those texts you won’t be able to respond to immediately if THIS BATTERY DIES!
And - for realz tho - what if you get into an accident & need to make an emergency call?
Wait! There’s a gas station with a convenience store! You know they sell those cheap car chargers there - usually. Do you really want to stop?
You think about what that car charger will mean:
Peace of mind. Access to the world. Ease.
It’s worth it, right?
Even if you get in there & that car charger costs $20 - and you know you’ve seen these things go for $7.99 in a normal store - this is not a normal store in a normal situation.
This is a 4% battery situation!
So you spend almost 3x what you’d normally spend because this is WORTH IT TO YOU.
You buy that shit because it’s valuable in that moment. You understand what it’s WORTH.
You understand the cost of NOT buying it!
THIS is the thing many entrepreneurs lose sight of when considering pricing themselves and the value they bring.
We like to think, “I’ve got loads of certifications and trainings & education, so people are gonna pay me BIG time for the shit I know.”
NOPE. That’s not how it works.
People don’t pay for your certifications. Trainings. Degrees.
They don’t pay for WHAT YOU KNOW.
That’s NOT why you can charge what you want.
People pay for the RESULTS you get them.
Think of it this way: your clients are the phone and you are the charger.
They pay when their pain point is SO BIG that they’re willing to invest to get the problem solved.
Until you understand that difference, you’re going to struggle with how to price & value your offers.
Do you know what you’re worth?
You’ve got to have a strong idea of the value you bring - to your job, your home, your relationships, your business.
Your job is to share that value. Show your worth.
And price yourself accordingly.
Find the people who VALUE what you offer.
You’ve gotta show HOW you make their life better. Why they need you.
Need help knowing HOW to do this?
Check out my free training to teach you HOW to share your value -
with examples to break down exactly HOW to attract clients READY to work with you.
It’s available here with a cool workbook to help! 😎
To go back to the beginning of this blog, when you’re hurtling down the highway with a phone about to die:
Think about those people at 4% battery life? FIND THOSE PEOPLE.
They’ll think you’re worth every single cent because they KNOW you provide something they cannot provide for themselves.
But first you need to know it yourself!
Xo, Jen