Listen to the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast

How to get to YOUR next level

She looked at me with all seriousness & said, “What if everyone wants me on their stage? Who’ll take care of my family?”

This from a client juuuuuust dipping her toe into starting a business as an author - who also wants to be a speaker on the stage.

She was quite far from being “on everyone’s stage” - so why was she concerned about who’d take care of her kids in this future, successful version of herself?

Welcome to the Fear of Success - a REAL thing. 

Most clients have NO IDEA this is what’s plaguing them…

Because, logically, when you’re successful, life will change, for the better, right?

You’ll be…

πŸ’° Making bags of money.

😎 Famous - if that’s your desire

🚘 Chauffeured to your speaking engagements…

πŸ‘‘ Treated like the god-damn queen that you are!

 It all SOUNDS good! Logically. On paper.

But in our subconscious, it wreaks havoc!

Let’s unpack it. What IF we are successful? What’s going on in our brains?

“Well, damn. It’s a lotta work to be successful! With all that responsibility.

Right now, I’m tiiiiiired. WORN OUT!  I don’t know if I have energy to do that work.

So I’ll just keep doing this hard shit I already know how to do.”

Staying where you are right now might be hard, but you know what to expect in this hard place!

NEXT: If you’re going to be a success, you’ll need to be SEEN. πŸ‘€ People are gonna KNOW who you are!

And boom πŸ’₯ - Fer Sher people will judge you.

“Okayyyyy, forget it. I’ll just keep doing the hard shit I already know how to do. Because at least I know how to deal with that stuff.”

And heyyyyy, on the way to that success, you’re gonna have to do some really uncomfortable shit.

Shit like charge for your work. And SAY it out loud to people.

Make tough decisions.

Perhaps make others uncomfortable - or have to endure, “Are you WORTH THAT MUCH? Who do you think you are?”

“That sounds terrible. I’ll just stay right here doing the hard shit I already currently do - even though it’s not what I really want. But at least I know how to deal with it.”

 Are you starting to understand why we fear success?
Every new level of success allows us to experience a new level of discomfort.

Remember, our brains are trying to do two things:

  1. Keep us safe.
  2. Keep us efficient.

Our brains want to conserve calories! So if we stay right where we are, doing what we’re currently doing, we can go on autopilot, using our current strategies & coping mechanisms.

We’ll stay safe and efficient - even though somewhere inside the desire or urge to get to OUR NEXT LEVEL will NOT LEAVE US ALONE.

At some point, you get to decide:

  • Am I willing to GET uncomfortable to climb to my next level?
  • Or am I willing to STAY uncomfortable, exactly where I am?

That’s a kick in the ass! At some point, we have to deal with our discomfort.

Have you experienced a fear of success? Do you crave the next version of yourself, while at the same time wondering…

HOW will I get there? CAN I get there?
WILL it be WORTH IT to get there?

Yes, it’s worth it. Whatever “it” is for you - you’ll be soooo confident, impressed with yourself, and become someone that inspires those around you.

The How-to-do-its show up when you get started

The Can -I-do-its prove themselves to you with every single step.

Carve out a few times a day - for even a few minutes - to visualize yourself in that successful place. If you feel worried, anxious, doubtful, or uncomfortable, that’s ok.

The more you visualize success, the less you fear it.

What’s your YOUR vision of success looks like?

One strategy to get to YOUR next level is to become MORE VISIBLE in your market space. I’ve created a free PDF called 7 Strategies to Increase Visibility.

In it, you learn how to curate the EXACT tools that will work for you to help you overcome a fear of success and help your perfect, ideal clients FIND YOU - so they can work with you!

Download it here! 

‘Til next week,


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