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How to get what you want in 2021

Thanksgiving 2020 started out with me sobbing, out of nowhere, on the couch next to my husband.

Neither John NOR I had any idea what was going on!

WHY was I crying? I wasn’t quite feeling sadness.

Is this malaise? Everything’s so MEH, you know?

Thanksgiving was one loooooong ass day of nothingness- I wasn’t cooking, we weren’t seeing anyone, and we weren’t traveling.

There was no PLAN.

One of my favorite things to do is PLAN. Trips & vacations. Trainings & content. Connections with friends & colleagues.

Now? It’s all been taken away because planning is so…USELESS.

What’s to look forward to? Why bother? I mean - everything’s gonna change ANYWAY!


ALSO - Sitting in my MEH-ness felt worse.

So I got up & started to MAKE SPACE in the fridge. Then the pantry.

Oye vey. How the HELL does it get to THIS state?

I cleared it out, cleaned it up, and looked around.

That felt better, somehow.

Then I looked at my EMAIL.
GOOD LORD. There were messages from SUMMER! But I just kept clearing out.

Making space suddenly felt like the exact right way to move through my MEH-ness.

It helped me feel a little less sorry for myself…and got me outta my head.

It created space to think about my life one short year ago. 2020 was gonna be such a COOL YEAR!

All the fun holidays would fall on Saturdays…- everything would line up perfectly, date-wise.


I knew exactly what to focus on in my business & my content & my travel, and I had it ALL MAPPED OUT!

Bwahahahaha! Thinking back now to my Big Plans…the joke was on me!!

After MAKING SPACE & looking back one short year ago, I had a huge A HA.

It doesn’t matter what I had planned. 2020 HAPPENED in all its glorious shittiness > and I’m still here ANYWAY.

If you’re reading to this, SO ARE YOU! Whatever you gave up, let go of, lost, feel anguish about…you’re surviving it.

So - why NOT make plans for 2021? Why NOT plan it to be an amazing, successful year?

Might it be hard? Of course, but so could every other year we’ve ever had in the history of our lives.

We’ve been resilient ALL ALONG! We’ve been figuring out the zigs & zags -- even before the dumpster fire that is 2020.

Please don’t stop planning. Don’t lose hope about your business & your life.

Stop thinking about what you can’t control - BECAUSE the truth is, YOU NEVER COULD ANYWAY!

What’re you dreaming of? What’s your vision?

SERIOUSLY - spend time thinking on your vision.

Then, make space to allow it to happen.

I had a clear vision for 2020 - the HOWs didn’t work out for me, but my vision?

If I zoom up 35,000 feet, I can say that in many ways, I’m honestly exactly where I wanted to be - in my business model, my house, my income, my health!

Then, ask yourself, “What do I have to put in place to make that VISION a reality?”


Because - who effing knows what fresh hell will come our way?

Why not get started ANYWAY?

Please don’t SIT IN YOUR MEH-ness…

To have whatever you want, you MUST make some space - in your life, your mind, and your business!

You want peace, freedom, money, success, greatness? Whatever your word is - you can have it…

You need to make ROOM inside your life, home, mind to make sure it has the SPACE to ENTER.

Where can you create some SPACE?

  • Saying, “No thanks” to something low-risk?
  • Cleaning out a drawer that makes you cringe?
  • Letting go of a job, customer, or client who drains you?

Choose one small place in your life to MAKE SPACE for what’s next -

Say YES to ONE of the ideas floating around your head?

Put your 1,000 other ideas in a Thought Parking Lot - for now?

Getting what you want in 2021 starts with planning now.

Don’t let yourself bullshit you by saying, “I don’t know what I want” or “I don’t know where to start.”

Yes, you do. It’s been plaguing you for a long time. Make it simple: choose ONE thing & start making space THERE.

Commit and watch your cumulative shifts eventually unleash the big growth you’re looking for!

PS: Make MORE space by streamlining your content creation strategy.

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