How to make your offer sound special

Before COVID, I had an unwavering commitment to my eyelash extensions – like, maybe more serious than to my marriage. ;)
But now, I don’t wanna go back to them – because of both time & money. So I need a good mascara.
Which one, tho? I’m ridiculously lazy about research.
This is why I crowdsource for information – and thank god for my 946 Facebook friends, who were very happy to answer the question:
“What’s your favorite mascara?”
Um. Holy shee-it.
Do you have ANY idea how passionate women are about mascara?
An AVALANCHE of responses showed up!
Why am I about to tell you what I learned?
Well, all month I’ve been telling you how vital it is to know your unique selling proposition!
Because it makes it easier to sell your stuff –
(Which is marketing gold, BTW.)
If people were talking about you & your offer, would they be *THIS* excited & specific?
…From the 38+ comments on my Facebook page:
- Natural, goes on easy, doesn't smudge, & comes off easy
- Gives you serious length & volume and never runs, even in workouts - worth the price
- Conditions your lashes, is vegan, & doesn’t feel crusty at the end of the day
- You can find it easily in all stores
- It’s insanely expensive but it’s SHOCKINGLY great.
If you ever wondered how the HELL you can make something as banal as mascara unique, read that list again.
I stopped counting at 25 DIFFERENT brands on the thread.
Some choose their faves by price.
Or by how it’s sourced.
Some by how easy it is to get – not having to order from a rep.
Others choose by how it makes their lashes look & feel.
And some by how easy it is to put on or take off.
Now, there are intersections of these unique selling points.
For example, I’ll pay a lot, but it has to be AMAZING, actually, extend my teeny pathetic lashes, and come off without much work.
I’ll spend money on new brands this week based on this feedback.
THAT, my friend, is why knowing & sharing what makes YOU unique in the marketplace is VITAL.
Put your product or service in the blanks:
“Who’s/What’s your favorite ________ - and WHY?”
“What’s important to you in a _____________ - and why?”
What would people say?
What are they looking for?
How do YOU fill that need?
What makes your offer special?
It’s worth taking the time to know this.
The best way to find out? Talk to your audience. Ask ‘em what they want.
Now, I’m asking you:
What’s most important to help you grow your business?
Comment because I’m listening!
Xo, Jen
PS: STILL taking recs for great mascara. Respond & tell me about your fave – and if you’re looking for a new one, check out this thread on my Facebook page!