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I Made a $150 MISTAKE!

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Has anyone else ever missed their flight?  

This morning, I had a 6:10AM flight to Charlotte. The night before I set the alarm and went to sleep with no worries in my mind. Well, guess what? The alarm never went off and we woke up at 6AM to an alert that my flight was taking off...without us.

I screwed up and I panicked. In the haze of my fuzzy, barely awake brain, I was completely confused as what to do. How could my phone be telling me my flight was taking off when I wasn’t there? How could it be morning when it was pitch dark outside? What do I do in this situation? All these questions jumbled together in my head.

I called Delta, crying, looking for a solution. For $150 there was a solution to my problem.

This kind of thing happens all the time

I don’t have my shit together all the time. It’s a constant work in progress. However, I’m constantly working on managing and mastering my time. The mistake I made was a simple one. It happens to everyone.

What do you do in these situations? How do you treat yourself in these situations?

The old me would be beating myself up, over $150 “wasted” and the fact that I make the mistake of not hitting the right button to set my alarm correctly. I screwed up. There’s no avoiding that fact. I would have beat myself up all day.

The only thing I have control over in that moment is how I handle the problem.

How many times have you worried about things for other people?

Will other people be upset? Sometimes we get caught up in our heads about how other people will react to a situation. This can cause us to want to avoid the situation all together and try and lie our way out of it. In this case, I texted everyone what the problem was and everyone has responded with “shit happens”. Every family member and the Delta respresentative that I spoke to had been completely understanding of the situation.

But what if I had lied? What if I had told them we were stuck in traffic? What if I had told them the flight got canceled?

This kind of mentality leads to more lies and keeping track of lies. Isn’t it better to be honest about your screw ups? Absolutely. Being honest with those around you and yourself is the kindest thing you could do.

Out of this situation, my son gained a day on the couch, and I planned my marketing plan for the next two months. While this situation could have been a completely negative experience, we gained a day of doing what we wanted.

This kind of mindset will help you get through the holidays with your sanity. My goal is for you to be nicer to yourself than you have in the past. To accept that most of the people in your life want to be generous to you. You can do hard things. Sucky things are going to happen and you can handle it!



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…And if you’d like to get through the holiday season with less stress & more time, join my FREE 6-week Time Mastery Accountability Group. Click below to join, and share with your friends & family!

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