I Was Missing All The Hints - And So Is Your Audience

Hey, if you ever feel like you keep posting and putting stuff out there maybe you're sending emails, maybe you're going to networking events and you're like,
"I don't really get any bites. My content falls flat. Nothing is really working for me."
I have one question for you.
Are you telling people what your offers are?
I mean, are you being completely overt about it and saying this is how I can help you?
I wanted to tell a really quick story.
Last year, a friend of mine wound up going through a divorce, and I had literally no idea that it was happening because this is a friend that I don't see very often.
And we were Facebook friends, but she would post stuff but never overtly say what was going on in her life.
My brain kind of filtered out what was really happening and when we wound up talking a year later, it turns out that she and her husband had split and gotten a divorce.
It wasn't until she actually banged me over the head with it and told me this, did I understand what was really happening.
The same thing is happening to your audience if you feel like people aren't getting it, if they're not asking you, what do you do?
How can I work with you that's on you and your job is to make sure that you make offers, tell people how they can work with you.
I still get people saying to me...
Hey, are you still at that fitness studio?
Are you still teaching high school?
Are you still teaching college?
People don't put two and two together.
It's our job to make sure that we put two and two together for them.
So make offers, make them again.
Tell people how they can work with you because it's the only way to make sales.
People do not have the bandwidth to try to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together and reach out to you.
That's your job as a content creator.
And I know that it's scary, but if you really think about how many people your services or your products can help you're actually keeping it from them if you're not sharing it.
So you;ve got one job. Put it out there.
Be valuable.
Let people know how they can work with you.
I hope this is helpful, because if you're feeling invisible, you've got to let people know how you can help them.
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