"I won’t get it anyway, so why bother?" with Lynn Bowser
The struggle is what gives you a good story, in the end.
And if that’s true, then Lynn Bowser should write a frickin’ book!
In case you live in a cave, finance is a male-dominated industry.
And Lynn, then a wealth management agent, felt like a huuuuuge imposter in a field filled with men who went about business V E R Y differently than she did.
The language they used felt foreign. When she used their words, she felt ridiculous.
The strategies they used felt aggressive. When she tried their tactics, she felt out of integrity.
The outcome? Major struggles with confidence & imposter syndrome. Harmful thoughts plagued her:
Why would anyone want to work with me?
I’m not as capable!
I have all these “problems”, which she saw as valid reasons to suck at her job:
I’m a mom. I’ve been out of the work force for years. I don’t know as much as these guys.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
She says these thoughts, “caused me to become paralyzed! Instead of asking for an introduction, I’d make excuses & not even ASK. I’d have a big story about how if I asked, it wouldn’t happen anyway. So I may as well not even ask.”
And when you don’t ask, you don’t grow. And when you don’t grow, business SUCKS!
I call this “hiding”.
It’s when the thought that “I won’t get it anyway, so why bother” dominates our minds so we don’t show up.
And that, my friends, is self-sabotage!
Lynn, as one of the few women in her company, struggled with isolation - feeling like no one understood what I was going through.
She worried she wasn’t “enough” for her family, her peers.
As a woman trying to build a business in a male-dominated world & learn how to navigate her own path, Lynn was in a place where everyone “should all over me.”
“The language I had to use felt weird to me - too male. When these words came out of my mouth, they felt ridiculous. So I hid instead.”
Lynn started to have more success when she realized she could work differently than her male counterparts. She could speak differently & have better relationships with her clients.
What worked to help her overcome imposter syndrome?
It was “Seeing my own power - someone had to point out to me how strong I was. I kept needing to hear, ‘You can handle it.’
I remember I used to say to Lynn, “You can handle it because YOU ARE HANDLING IT!”
Lynn eventually realized she had a 100% success record of surviving all the shit that’s handed to her!
She says, “Working with a coach allowed me to believe in myself. It’s not about return on dollar - it’s about learning how to trust & believe in yourself.”
She says the value of the personal development & growth is worth all the work and investment.
“You get to take those lessons forward - and if you ‘re in a leadership role you get to share it with staff & colleagues” - and even with her family!
In hard times, Lynn now asks herself, “What would Jen Liddy do”? Hahaha. Best compliment EVER!
“It’s the best investment you can make because I like who I am as a person because of the work we did.”
Lynn suggests you find a coach who’s able to meet you right where you are & help you move forward:
“Jen is excellent at meeting people where they are & getting them unstuck! She can get clear on what’s the problem & be where I am and move forward. I use everything we did in coaching with my kids & husband all the time!”
What do women on the journey of growing a business need to know to make their journey easier”
Don’t be afraid to look at your own shit, Ladies! We feel so guilty all the time about everything - there’s always something for us to feel bad about & we cover it up. We put the mask on & ignore it.
“If you’re willing to look beneath the surface - hey this is a part that’s nagging at me all the time, you can resolve it. And that’s amazing!
“Do not be afraid to get help - you are WORTH THE INVESTMENT of time. It’s not about the money - it’s about the time to take an hour out & work on the stuff that affects us…”
And how it ripples out to other people is an added bonus.
Lynn has obtained success on many fronts by overcoming her imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and hiding!
She moved out of her hometown to her dream promotion to Director of a Northwestern Mutual branch in Charlotte, North Carolina.
BUT… New Level, New Devil - so there are always new lessons to learn & demons to battle.
But Lynn’s now equipped with them…and her mission is to help other women like her breakthrough barriers & bring them UP with her!

And learn how to do this stuff in a training I’m offering live (and free) on August 22nd at 11am EST. You can register for it at www.jenliddy.com/attract

You’ll get notifications of how to join that day - check your spam folder in case I get lost in there!
Remember - you must share your value with your audience to attract them to you