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Improve your relationships to EVERYTHING (yes, including content + marketing) with good ol' Myers-Briggs with Kerry Hanna

content creation made easy

All year, I’ve shared experts on this podcast who have helped us understand our personality better – so we can infuse it into our content…

AND “do marketing” that feels easier, better, simpler, “good-er” for us!

One of the most impactful personality tests I ever took was in my 30s…

(Long after those Seventeen magazine ones asking, “What does your lip gloss color say about your soul” 🙄).

It was…The Myers-Briggs.

This one was life changing for me because it was the first time I understood truly what it meant to be “extroverted” or “introverted” and it impacted my life & relationships VERY deeply.

But there’s so much more to understand about this tool, so I asked my friend Kerry Hanna to come talk with us about it!
Kerry’s an Empowerment Coach, Sacred Gifts Guide, & Myer Briggs Personality Type Trainer from Vancouver, BC, Canada who helps women over 50 move ahead, clear on their purpose and with confidence.

Kerry uses her expertise as a M-B Trainer to harness her personality & preferences to write authentically, with a voice that gets stronger every time she publishes.

I thought she’d be a great person to teach us how to…

Use Myers-Briggs to understand ourselves (and others) better.

Harness the features of our preferences & use them alongside our values to grow a business…

Remove self-judgment and be more ourselves…without worrying about others or what they think and are doing…

Improve creativity, productivity, and honor your strengths without trying to change into something you never had to be!

The other thing Kerry does REALLY well is reveal what the parts of the Myers-Briggs MEAN. The letters and words used can be confusing, but Kerry clears it RIGHT UP!

This episode is packed full of helpful insights on self-awareness that’ll help YOU understand how to use your personality type can lead to an improved relationship with yourself, others, and your marketing!

Connect with Kerry at  or find her on the IG at

Take her 2-minute quiz to rediscover your purpose & learn how to embrace your unique strengths as you navigate the second half of life -- on your own terms!
(I’ve taken it myself!)

👋 What’s one thing from today’s episode you can take away, use, or adapt in your own life & business?
Let us know your thoughts by leaving a review - and thank you in advance

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Full Transcript

Jen Liddy

Hey, I'm so glad that you decided to join me today for the Content Creation Made Easy podcast. This episode is diving into one of those things that I think is so important, which is knowing yourself more so that you can show up in your content more authentically, more like you, more comfortably.

I'm Jen Liddy, I’m a copy and content strategist, and today I'm introducing you to a friend of mine, Kerry Hanna. I have her on today because she's an expert in the Myers Briggs inventory, and if you've ever heard of the Myers Briggs, it's a personality-type inventory. Inventory is the formal word. Kerry, is there a better word for inventory?

Kerry Hanna

It's a questionnaire or assessment.

Jen Liddy


Kerry is an empowerment coach and a sacred gift guide. She's a life coach, but she's also got this really specific expertise that I wanted to bring her on for, which is that she knows she's trained in the Myers Briggs. We'll talk about what Myers Briggs is, but today's episode is all about figuring out a little bit more about your special personality and how that can come through more comfortably in your content. Kerry, do you think I nailed it?

Kerry Hanna

You nailed it.

Way to go, Jen!

Jen Liddy

Extrovert in me needs to be like, tell me I did a good job.

Anyway, Kerry, thank you for coming on today. Can you tell us just a little bit about what you do and who you help, and then how you got there?

Kerry Hanna

Oh, wow, thanks for having me, Jen. 

I'm super excited to be here - I am a women's empowerment coach. I help women over 50 who feel stuck and don't know what to do next rediscover themselves and their purpose and unique and special gifts so that they can move into the next chapter of their life with confidence and joy.

Jen Liddy

Could this be family, business, career, or anything?

Kerry Hanna

Absolutely anything.

Just women that are feeling like they're ready for something potentially different. I'm in my late 50s now, and I'm starting a whole new career. In the last couple of years, I've started a couple of different businesses.

It doesn't matter whether you're an empty nester, whether you're winding down one career, starting another, or whether maybe you just want to go off and travel with your hubby or something or on your own. It doesn't matter - just at a crossroads, and you're ready for something different.

Jen Liddy

I love it.

I think that you're giving people permission to say, okay, that was then, and this is now. What am I going to do next?

Kerry Hanna


Jen Liddy

What did you do before you became an empowerment coach?

Kerry Hanna

Wow, what a journey.

I did a lot of things. I am not that person like my brother, who is a biologist and probably knew from birth that he was going to be a biologist. I am the baby of the family. I was the people pleaser, the person that just wanted to make everyone happy. I wanted to be an actress, I modeled, I was in administration, and I worked in travel and tourism. I was always on that search for my greater purpose.

There was always the thread of helping people, servicing people in some way, in some industry, in the service industry, but I never really found my true calling until I stumbled upon the coaching industry in the year 2000, way back when.

Twenty-three years ago, I had actually stumbled upon Myers Briggs even before that, but that's another story we'll talk about in a bit. I stumbled upon coaching, and I knew that I had found my tribe, but it still took me for many reasons, like many people and many women I know, that we just do what we need to do at various points in our life to get by, to raise a family.

So I stumbled upon it, I had just gotten married, but my marriage didn't go very well. I, unfortunately, got divorced. I became a single parent in the early 2000s, and I just had to do what I needed to do, which was to go back to what I'd always done, which was office administration.

It took me a while before my son's almost 20, before I was able to when he was a teen, that I could start focusing on myself again. I did get certified as a life coach when he was a toddler, but I still had to put it on the back burner. It wasn't until he was a teen and I had elderly parents, and they had passed away. I finally, really, it's not that I wanted them gone, but there was a sense that now it was my turn, and I could start focusing on my own life.

That's when I decided it was time to hang the shingle of the coach and get back to it.

Jen Liddy

I love that.

We're talking about this idea of focusing on yourself because, in our content, something that we have to do is focus on our audience all the time - I call it a marketing mirror. We're always looking to our audience. What do they need to hear?

We can't, especially as personal brands, remove ourselves from the equation. We have to really know a lot about ourselves so that we can weave it in in our voice and our tone and the way that we choose to show up and how we want to present ourselves. I think it's really an interesting crossroads here that we're talking about. You took a really long time to get to this place for yourself. I think our conversation today will help a lot of people unpack for them how to use Myers Briggs breaks to lean, I call it leaning into your youngest, right?

Kerry Hanna


That's what I love about you, Jen. I connected with you immediately because I've always been a big believer in being yourself, being who you truly are, and yeah, coming into this online business, that was a whole different world for me a few years ago.

It's been only really just two and a half and really having to find a way to definitely meet my clients where they're at and find a way to speak my truth and my voice authentically, meet them where they're at, but always to be myself, because otherwise, I'm a coach that wants women to be their authentic selves. I can't be myself, so it has been a fine balance.

Jen Liddy

When we're talking about the Myers Briggs, I don't know if the listener here understands the four pieces of the Myers Briggs.

Can you give us a quick breakdown of how Myers Briggs works? I know we're probably going to have time to jump into two of those aspects, which is totally fine, but what the hell is the Myers Briggs?

Kerry Hanna

Well, yeah, and I want to keep this as simple as possible because I've been reading about Myers-Briggs since the early 90s.

I feel like sometimes I speak about it, and I think, doesn't everybody know this? Then I realized, yeah, to understand it more, and they don't, but it's really just about preferences. That's the way I like to see it, and like right-hand versus left-hand, we naturally come out stronger on our right hand or stronger on our left.

The Myers-Briggs assessment really assesses the four points, and I just described them in letters, the first letter being either extraverted E or I, extraverted or introverted. I think a lot of people are talking more about extraversion, introversion now. So most people have an understanding of that, but that's basically where your focus is going, either more outwardly or inwardly, and where you're getting your energy.

Jen Liddy

When I first did Myers Briggs, I knew we were going to go through all four, but I just really wanted to say this because it was such a huge hit for me. I did Myers Briggs in the mid-2000s at a job that I was at a community college. I, at that point, still, somebody in my late 30s still thought extroverted meant friendly and introverted meant shy.

The person giving me the assessment was like, no, it's different because it's where you get your energy from. The minute I understood that I was like, oh, I get my energy by talking and thinking out of my mouth and being around other people. I'm surrounded by these introverts who get their energy from just being alone and thinking in their head. It was like, oh, this is why my husband doesn't come home and unpack everything with me.

It was such a huge game-changer for me.

Kerry Hanna

I agree, Jen.

It's not just about understanding ourselves. It's about actually really understanding other people and accepting all of us for who we are.

Jen Liddy

So understanding, okay, E versus I is where you put your focus and where you get your energy. Okay, that's really freeing. What's the next one?

Kerry Hanna

The next one is S versus N.

S stands for sensory or sensing, versus N, which is I for intuitive. It's a little harder for, I think, a lot of people to grasp, but it's really how you take in information. I like to describe it as S being taken in front, they're more tactile, they want to see, feel, and touch things to understand them.

Intuitively, it's just taking in information like a download, so it's like they don't even know why. You'll hear an intuitive talk, and they'll say something like, I'm not sure why I know this, but I just do. Or I got a sense, or my gut was telling me, where sensory people tend to want to. They want the facts. They want to literally see, touch, feel things, hear them.

Jen Liddy

It's interesting.

I think the reason I have so much trouble with the Myers Briggs breaks is the word sense to me means I can sense it like intuition, but actually, it's like sensory, but you have to feel it or experience it someplace.

Kerry Hanna

Yes, it can be a little bit more confusing.

To be honest, that was the one that I originally tested way back when, the very first time in 1994, maybe, that's the one I mistyped myself when I went to answer the questions. I'm an N, not an S, but I probably grew up in an S family, so that was just language I understood better, but anyway.

Jen Liddy

Think of N as intuitive.

Kerry Hanna


They just took the second letter, intuitive because I, for the first letter, obviously, E versus I, there was already the introvert, so then I was already taken, so they had to grab the N.

Jen Liddy

Can we talk a little bit more about that, but I just want to make sure I give you time to get through all the work.

Kerry Hanna

I know.

Okay, so the next thing is how it's the T versus F, Thinkers versus feelers, and it's basically how we make decisions. We either make them more from a thought process, a logical process, or more from a feelings, value process.

It's just two different ways to make decisions, and again, none of these are right or wrong. This is just your natural preference.

Jen Liddy

Okay, so the S versus N, which is the previous one, is about how you take in information?

Kerry Hanna

Take in information, yes.

Jen Liddy

This one is what you do with that information.

Kerry Hanna

Yes, how you make your decisions.

Jen Liddy

Okay, great.

This is super helpful for me!

Kerry Hanna


Jen Liddy

What is the last one?

Kerry Hanna

The last letter is the P versus J.

A lot of people get a little judgey on the J’s. So J stands for judging, and P stands for perceiving, and this is basically how you organize your world. How you really organize it, or that's the best way I can describe it, how you organize your world, and judges aren't judge, so that's probably the misconception.

I think a lot of times people think, oh, you're a judge, so you're super judge. I'm a judge, by the way, really, what it means, is the difference between a perceiver and a judge. J’s like to make decisions quickly, and I call it a natural instinct to get rid of information and funnel it down quickly to decisions - too much information is overwhelming, almost. 

They're trying to make decisions. Not that P's don't want to make decisions, but P's tend to like an opposite funnel. They want to keep the funnel open, and they want to take in as much information as possible. More ideas are better for them, and it's like the complete opposite.

Jen Liddy

The P's want possibility and the J's want to wrap it up and move on to the next thing.

How you take in energy, or how you manage energy, how you manage information, how you manage decisions, and how you organize the information you are taking in.

Kerry Hanna

That's a good way of describing it.

I like that.

Jen Liddy

Guess which one I am.

Kerry Hanna

You know, it's funny - my brain goes into, like, it takes me a while sometimes to type people, and I'm not always right. You've already said you're an extrovert and you're very systems oriented. You like organizing, so I'm guessing a J.

Those are usually the ones I can guess, usually fairly quickly, and then the two middle ones are a little bit harder. Although lots of times I can tell a feeler pretty quickly because I'm an F, so I can go, oh, you are such an F versus my son, who's a T, he's like, logic, please.

What are your middle two letters, if you don't mind me asking? I actually.

Jen Liddy

I don't remember. I think I'm an ENTJ, and it's actually very similar to you, you're an FJ.

I understand the framework, what I feel the Myers Briggs helped me do when I first started was it helped me orient my own world around me. This is how I fit into the world, or this is how the world works for me. The second thing that it did was what we talked about before was, oh, and this is how the world works for you, and it's different for you, and it's not better. As an extrovert, I thought in my 20s and 30s, I thought, it's the best to be an extrovert. That's the way you should be - I feel so sorry for all those introverts, and the introverts like, you are so annoying.

I just feel like  it gives us all a little bit of permission to just be who we are.

Kerry Hanna

So true, Jen.

I'm so glad you said that because it's interesting. My ex-husband, he's just a classic type; he was very skeptical about Myers Briggs when we were married.

I was always talking about it because what it had done for me was it allowed me to finally be me without judging myself because I think I had such an internal, harsh internal critic. I always thought I should be someone else. When I finally did Myers Briggs, I was like, oh my god, I get to be me, but it really helped me understand other people and allow them to be themselves.

I remember with my ex-husband, I was saying, you got to do this, and I had typed him without him knowing it. Of course, his type was the most skeptical, which made sense based on what he was saying. When he went and did it through a course that had nothing to do with me, he turned out to be the same type that I thought. I watched him do the same thing, just that freeing of like, oh, this is who I am in the world.

I can be me, and you can be you, and we can all just be who we are without trying to change each other because we're just who we are naturally. Just be yourself.

Jen Liddy

Specifically around the E and I, the extrovert, and the introvert.

I happen to be surrounded by introverts all the time, and I realized, oh, it's because I often do the heavy lifting for them in a social situation or conversation. I had to do a lot of work, specifically around several people in my family who are highly introverted. Introverts do all of their thinking in their head, and they don't need to process. I used to think, what's wrong with me? Why don't they want to tell me these things with me? Do they not trust me? 

Just last week, my husband came home from a day, and I looked at him, and this is 20 years after learning all of this stuff, right? I looked at him, and I was like, why don't you go introvert for a little while and get your energy back before you even try to have a conversation with me?

He was so appreciative of it, and I would say the beginning of our marriage, that literally never would have happened. I would have been like, what happened? Tell me about your day. I would have just felt like I was like, I was like, I'm not thinking.

Kerry Hanna

I was just going to say it's honestly been one of the best parenting tools I've ever had.

I will tell you that because my son is almost the exact opposite of me. We share the same N, the intuitive, so we both take in information intuitively, but we're the opposite on every other letter, and I can tell you, there are times when I'm like, what is he doing in that room? Why does he need to be by himself all the time? Then I will immediately go, that's just because this is who he is in the world, and I'll let him come out when he needs to and talk when he needs to. I give him the space he needs.

My kids have been talking about Myers Briggs behavior, like, I think that guy's an extrovert and I'll laugh. I'll go, You're like, how old did you already know this? But it's allowed him to just understand my mom's an extrovert, she's a feeler, versus I'm an introvert, I like to use logic.

As a parent, I think it's a really great tool too!

Jen Liddy

I know all of my friends are high-level introverts.

Kerry Hanna

Me too.

Yes, I'm attracted to introverts.

Jen Liddy

I'm attracted to introverts, and I think they're attracted to extroverts, again, because they don't have to do that heavy lifting, especially in a social situation.

My niece is an introvert, and she's 17, and when they have to go out and do something, she's like, that was a lot out of my bedroom time, and then we all know, like, they need.

What I would love to talk about is if listeners now understand the framework, how it would benefit them in relationships, and how it would benefit them in their lives.

Can we unpack how it can benefit them in their business and their content?

Kerry Hanna


What do you want to know? If I think from my own experience as an extrovert and someone who's an intuitive feeler. Just all the letters I can absolutely think, just from a personal perspective, when I'm doing content, I'm a typical intuitive feeler in that I need to feel something before I can write it. It has to come in, and it's usually downloaded.

Somebody could tell me to go sit in a corner and think about it or strategize. That sounds logical to me. I'm like, can I go out into the woods and walk and stop thinking because that's when the hits come for me. The information just comes into my heart, my gut, and I'll get ideas that way, so that's for me how I need to do content.

Jen Liddy

I always talk about doing content strategically, which is important.

We need to lead our people to a certain place, and you don't want it to be just splattering it. What you're saying is for me to get the hit, I need to be doing X, Y, and Z, but for you, then the next question could be, how can I put this into my plan so that it is strategic?

Kerry Hanna


See, spoken like a true T - I love it!

Jen Liddy

Use your own way and then, of course, benefit from it.

Kerry Hanna

Well, I guess knowing yourself that's the first thing, so I would recommend doing the Myers Briggs if you can. First of all, know your letters, read about them, you can do the true assessment, which you have to pay for, or you can do an online version of the free version.

I think that really that's the first step, understanding yourself and then recognizing, so then it takes away any judgment on why you may need to do things differently than someone else. If someone is telling you something and you're like, well, that doesn't work for me. I think that's a really big piece, the self-awareness, and then for me, I think because I just had to understand, again, I'm new in the online world the last couple of years, really recognizing what I needed and because I'm a J, I like to plan.

P's don't often necessarily want to plan in the same way, and J's typically are planners. We want to organize. For me, my calendar on my phone and my computer is my way of putting a little structure into my strategic planning. It's like Wednesdays become my day for creativity, I take everything off my calendar. I leave it to go for a walk, to sit quietly, to do yoga.

I just allow creativity to happen that day, and if it doesn't come, okay, I can't force it, but I've learned to try and figure out how to put a little structure into my life to get the creativity. Again, extroverts versus introverts. I love introverts because introverts calm me and are beautiful people for me to reflect my voice back on. You were talking about needing to get it out of your head, recognizing that sometimes talking about things with somebody is good.

My sister is an introvert, and she used to always say, journal, journal, journal. I'd be like, oh, I'm not ready. I don't want a journal now. I want to talk to somebody. Sometimes I need to talk about my ideas with another coach or with another friend, but an introvert might say, yeah, I need to go journal about my ideas. I need to record my ideas quietly. I need to have quiet writing time, so just getting to know how you work, plan your own business, and recognize that it truly is your unit, right?

I can't give it an across-the-board way to do it because everyone is different. It's just learning your own way and then building in the structure. If structure is something you want because some people, if you're an NP, yes, SJ's especially thrive in structure. NP's will probably struggle a bit more because it's all about ideas and open-ended information coming in but trying to keep it open.

Jen Liddy

My brain goes, if you're an NP, that intuition and perceiving, right?

For you, it's going to be harder to have to close things out and to organize in a traditional linear way. You might be more circular or airy, and if you're working with people who don't understand that about you and they're like, no, here's the program, here's the spreadsheet, here's the system you need to use that might feel really horrible.

This is how knowing yourself, you can be like, you know what? I love your system for you. I love that for you. I love that for you, but that's not good for me. Again, you can't be empowered to create your own system until you know this stuff about yourself.

Kerry Hanna


I feel like the biggest change is it's all about self-awareness, just getting to know yourself. The more you know yourself and accept yourself who you are and love yourself for who you are, it's way easier to do it for other people.

It's way easier to be like, wow, that's so cool that that works for you, Jen. That doesn't work for me, though, and no judgment, right? With you and I, I think because I can see why we're quite similar in letters. I'm like, I love your systems, and they work for me.

Jen Liddy

We've talked a lot about knowing yourself.

We've talked about how you can use this in terms of building your business systems and acknowledging your energy for you. I would say, as a newish content creator because you've been in the online business world for two years. I know that you recently created a quiz for your business.

How have you seen the Myers Briggs breaks come into your actual copy and content?

Kerry Hanna

Wow, that's a great question.

I have to think about that - can I use the quiz as an example? I think when doing my quiz, well, first of all, I latched on to the system right away because I do need systems. As a J, I love the organization. I loved the path down the steps and the deadline.

I'm very deadline driven, and as a J, I think that's quite common. I'm like, give me a deadline, I'm going to reach it, and if I don't, that's okay, but I typically always will if it feels like the right thing. In creating the quiz, I think my type, the J, was very systems oriented. I wanted a deadline. I could see the time frame. I knew I could walk through it.

As an extrovert, I knew I needed to talk to my friends, my coaching friends, the process, and talk about my feelings. As an NF, as a feeler, I needed to make sure that I always took care of my heart. If I felt overwhelmed, because often that's something that happens to me, I love information. The M loves to take stuff in, but I can easily get overwhelmed, I needed to feel that I had the space to step away and get support if I needed or just take some downtime.

I also as an F, values are very important to me, and they have to attach to my own top values. If things I love are E’s and I love authenticity. For me, when I work, those things come out in how I write. I have to be very heartfelt. I have to be very authentic. As I said, my logic, I have to work a little bit more on the thinking piece of me. Not that it's not coming with age, so that's for me personally, how I've probably been able to use my own, just be myself in my own way of creating.

Jen Liddy

Yeah, don't you think that an introvert would have a tougher time creating content about his or her or their personal selves versus an extrovert?

Is that an introvert/extrovert thing, or is it just that I'm more of a private person?

Kerry Hanna

It might be.

I don't think it's necessarily an introvert versus extrovert. I have so many - all of my closest girlfriends are introverts. Two of them are coaches, one's a therapist, so I think they're all quite self-aware.

There's a great book called Quiet, I don't know if you've ever heard of that, and I read it years ago as an extrovert. I read it wanting to understand introverts, but I'm also a highly sensitive person, so I really got a lot from that book. I also just understand that I'm very sensitive in my heart, but it did help me understand introverts a lot more.

I don't necessarily think that they have more trouble. I just think that they need the space and the quiet, and I think introverts have felt judged a lot. I really think this world has been more of an extroverted world. I'm an extrovert - I jumped into things when I was young. I was like, put me in the world, and even now, even as I've gotten quieter and as I'm aging, I hate that word, but just getting older, I like my quiet time.

Jen Liddy

I like being by myself.

I like recharging my own batteries, but if you asked me out somewhere and threw me into a party, I could be on, but my introverted friends would want to die before they would do that.

Kerry Hanna

I just want them not to feel that they have to judge themselves.

I've got a coach friend that's doing more posting and things. She just really has to do it in her own time, in her own way, quietly. She's an INFP, which is very heart-centered and very sensitive, and I'm always just trying to say you figure out your way in a quieter space and don't feel you have to do it in a certain time frame or on a certain agenda. She just has to find her own way in an INFP way.

Jen Liddy

I love all the permission that is happening in this conversation, not only just all the information, because I love it.

How can people work with you? What are the options, or how can they get into your orbit?

Kerry Hanna

Well, that's really sweet.

Well, you could do my quiz - my quiz is brand new, and I'm very excited about it. As aJ, because I finished it. That's always a good thing, I love finishing things. My quiz is called Women Over 50: What’s Your Prime of Life Purpose?

It's about rediscovering your unique gifts and strengths so that you can sail into the next chapter of your life with confidence and ease.

Jen Liddy

We have a way of saying things.

The way that you say KERRY if you're from Long Island or New York, is Kerry, but then I moved.

Kerry Hanna

That's funny - I'm Scottish, and our family name is Kerry, but actually, my mother, because she's Scottish, said, I did not want to call you Kerry. I wanted your name to be Kerry, so she spelled it K-E-R-R-Y.

That's how you can find me at:

The quiz is that slash quiz, or you can visit my website, if you just look at the Work With Me page, you can see how you can work with me as a coach.

Jen Liddy

Are you on the socials at all for people to follow you?

Kerry Hanna

I am - I'm @kerryhanna on Instagram, and I have a Kerry Hanna Coach on Facebook, but I'm typically on Instagram.

Jen Liddy

How do you work with people? Do you have a group program or a one-to-one?

Kerry Hanna

I do one on one, and I've got a small course that I put out last year - it's called Back to You. It's for women over 50 who are wanting to reclaim their power after focusing on everyone else.

For many years now, they've been putting themselves first, and I've got a course and one-to-one coaching right now, so yeah, that's what I do.

To plug in for one-to-one coaching because I feel like in this world, you might be seeing the same thing of scaling, scaling, scaling, and there's a lot of group programs, and there's a lot of courses.

Jen Liddy

It's not always easy to find somebody who does one-to-one. I feel like one-to-one work is incredibly powerful. I just wanted to say, when you find a Kerry and you need the private, one to one customized bespoke work, it's quite a special thing these days.

Kerry Hanna

Thanks, Jen.

I love working with women, and I want to help people just be themselves, really. I think my greater goal in life is that's it, I just want people to be themselves. I think that's why Myers Briggs has been so incredibly enlightening for me. It allowed me to be myself, and it helped me allow other people to be themselves.

Jen Liddy

I think a lot of us don't know what that is when you say just be yourself. They're like, I don't know what the hell that is. I've been trying to do something else for 40 something years.

Kerry Hanna

Yeah, I get that.

Jen Liddy

I think in this conversation, you've made it really clear that there are ways to be ourselves. It takes a little bit of work and a lot of self-understanding, and I just want to say thank you for this conversation. I know the Myers Briggs is enormous, and you think that was so beautiful. Thank you for all of the information and the examples.

Kerry Hanna

My super pleasure - I loved being here.

Thank you so much for asking me, Jen.

Jen Liddy

My pleasure.

Thank you for showing up to listen to the Content Creation Made Easy podcast. I know that there's a lot of podcasts out there, and I really appreciate that you showed up for this one. If you could rate and review this podcast, it would be so helpful because we're really trying to reach more people this year who want to make content creation less bonkers and less crazy for themselves - I would really appreciate that. I'll see you next week with a great new content Content Creation Made Easy podcast.


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