Is Indulgence A Dirty Word?

Today, I'm asking you to think about what you would do if you got the following invitation. What if I told you that you'd want an all-expense paid trip, where you would get to luxuriate in the indulgences of an onsite spa, and a four-course dinner.
I mean, that's a hell of an invitation. Right?
You would totally take me up on it because it would be a fantastic escape for you. It would be 100% indulgent and it would feel amazing.
This month I'm focusing on this idea of indulging with my coaching clients, especially as we head into the holiday season in America.
Now indulge is definitely a luxury word.
It's to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
And this word is fascinating to me, because it has such a positive connotation, enjoy the pleasure of allow yourself to pamper, to coddle to treat.
But I want to talk about this word in a different way because I have another point to make about it.