Is Network Marketing “Plan B” for Losers?

Every industry has an aspect of it that people love to hate on -
Maybe you’ve heard it in your own industry?
“Oh COME ON. I mean, it’s ridiculous. IS EVERYONE A COACH NOW?”
“Ugh - these real estate agents take a huge cut for doing NOTHING.”
“What is it with contractors? I guess they don’t need money since they NEVER CALL ME BACK.”
In fact, my DAD used to rail against ALL teachers to me, an English teacher with 14+ years of experience.
“These teachers make WAY too much money - and they get way too much time off!”
Said that TO. MY. FACE> (As I was making $42,000 per year.)
I know what it’s like to have your own industry “called out” & hated on.
It makes you want to hide. Yell. Stop the marketing!
Try to logic your way into their brains & explain why they’re misguided…
It does a number on our self-esteem & makes us wonder if we’re doing something wrong.
Is my industry REALLY that terrible?
Maybe something’s wrong with me for being part of it.
This is when, our entrepreneurial sabotages show up, like putting on your invisibility cloak or not charging for your work.
It’s hard to be PUBLIC & VISIBLE because there are plenty of people
(maybe even including your dad)
interested in “canceling” you right to your face.
There’s one industry in particular that almost everyone (even people working inside of it) loves to hate on:
Direct Marketing.
AKA direct sales
AKA network marketing
AKA MLM (multi-level-marketing)
Aaaand, let’s be honest: at some point you’ve probably been approached by a direct marketer sliding into your DMs with a “Hey giiiiirl - wanna join my team?” approach -
Or something that left a bad taste about these “pyramid schemes” in general.
We have a hard time parsing out terrible, distasteful, unethical, racist, exclusive practices…
from the INDUSTRIES.
In & of itself, I find network marketing fascinating - because it’s an opportunity for many people who’d NEVER have been able to start their own business…
do exactly that.
So I tapped into my friend Mary Kay Kemper, who works for a direct sales company called LimeLife -
and we very openly talked about her haters, naysayers, and friends & family who told her they’d basically disown her if she started with an MLM company -
And how she learned to love her business - make it work for HER - and for THOUSANDS of other women she leads…
in spite of the haters.
Couple of things you should know:
Mary Kay is not blowing sunshine up my butt when we talk about her journey.
She got real.
She started our convo out by saying she thought network marketing companies were “Plan B for losers.”
She told me how people who love her outright told her, “If you do that, I will not support you. I will be embarrassed if you do a business like that.”
If you’re someone who’s feeling a little lost in your business -
Feeling like you can’t make an impact -
Or wondering how to show up because not everyone likes what you’re doing..
Listen in. Watch. Now, you can even READ the podcast!
Mary Kay went from feeling like a shameful loser, picking herself up out of the drama, to now making millions of dollars & impacting thousands of people.
Yeah - it’s a good convo.
Most importantly - remind yourself that your brain is telling you a bunch of BS stories to keep you small.
Remember - you’re the boss of your brain.
Today & every day.
Xo, Jen
PS: If you’ve got a business, you already know social proof is a necessity!
Do you have great reviews to help your audience understand how you can help them achieve their goals? Get their results?
If all your reviews sound like, “She’s awesome! I loved working with her” - or you haven’t taken the time yet to get some…
Then your audience has no idea whether to trust that you can do what you SAY you can do.
Solve that problem with this downloadable guide: How to Request Reviews & Testimonials - that actually showcase your value & earn your audience’s trust - so they can hire you.
It comes with a free training video, a Google tracking sheet & a sample of how to turn your great reviews into content for your marketing!