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Is “Overwhelm” The New Smoking?


Well, smoking was bad for you. Then sitting was the new smoking. Now, I feel like busy is the new smoking. We know getting to a place of overwhelm isn’t good for our brains. We know this, but we still fall into this trap. We put so many things on our plates that we can’t even think straight.

I have so many clients that WANT to bring their idea to life, and even though the plan is feasible there is so much to “take care of” that they don’t act on it. That’s some brain fog if I ever heard it. We need to get clarity to make room for our plan of action when making our ideas a reality.

My #1 Strategy To Combat Overwhelm

The best thing I had found to combat this feeling of being too busy is to simply grab a notebook and do a brain dump. Write every idea and thought down! Clear out your brain and shove it into the notebook. All these ideas are swimming around in there, and clouding up your mind. This isn’t a to-do list. THis is a support system for your thoughts.

Let Your Brain Relax

Please watch the video to get the push you need to do a brain dump today. Give your brain a break. Stop saying that you are overwhelmed or busy. How long are you going to say that? How long are you going to let that feeling take over your entire life? Start moving from busy to productive.

If 2019 is your year to FINALLY bring your idea to life and make that goal a reality, start by examining your relationship to confusion about where your time goes.

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