Is the Instagram 9-Grid Right for YOU? with Deanna Seymour

Have you heard about shifting your Instagram profile grid to something called "The 9-Grid"?
What does this mean? It means that instead of constantly updating the feed posts on your IG profile, you create kind of a "home" page with 9 posts that are static.
Then you don't post anymore. Is this as easy as it sounds?
Wellllll. If you understand how to do it STRATEGICALLY & purposefully, it can lift a LOT of stuff off your plate!
Since I'm a) not an Instagram expert and b) not a designer and c) haven't done this for myself...
I wanted to bring an expert in to walk you through this.
SO! Meet Deanna Seymour, a Digital Marketing Strategist and host of the podcast...
Wait for it:
Eff That: Breaking the Rules of Online Business! (How great is that title??)
In today's episode, Deanna gives you ev. ree. thing. you'll need to know to
a) decide is moving to a 9-grid Instagram profile right for you?
b) approach it STRATEGICALLY. This is not a "whoosh, get it done situation", my friend.
c) have all the details about what to include in yours, should you accept this mission!
Deanna was incredibly fun & full of gems that will make this feel like a
HELL YES or a Um, NO situation for you! I think by the end, you'll be able to make a decision for yourself & your business...
Listen in & learn about whether a 9-Grid Instagram Profile should be part of your content strategy!
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Full Transcript
Jen Liddy
Hello, hello, hello!
I'm so glad that you are here for today's episode of Content Creation Made Easy. I'm your host, Jen Liddy, and you know I'm always talking about things in content creation and marketing that can make our life easier, or make content more fun to create, or is just the cutting-edge stuff that's happening that you just need to know.
Today's conversation I was so excited when I met Deanna Seymour, who we're talking to today because she reached out to me and she's like, "Hey, have you ever thought about talking about the Instagram nine grid?" I was like, I have always wanted to know about that, but I've pooh-poohed it because I just don't have the capacity to even think about it or learn about it.
But now I do not have to because I have an expert here talking about the Instagram nine grid. We're going to talk about what the hell that is, why you wouldn't want it, what you can do about it, how it can help you, what are the benefits of it?
We're going to be talking about it with Deanna so Deanna Seymour, she has a podcast called Eff That: Breaking the Rules of Online Business, when I saw that, I was like, this is the perfect person to have on my podcast because I love talking about things in a different way that aren't cookie cutter and that bring your personality.
When you have a podcast named Eff That: Breaking the Rules of Online Business, your personality is already oozing out of your brand.
So, Deanna, I'm really excited that you're here. I know you've got a great bio and we're just going to unpack who you are so I won't read the bio, but we're going to learn who you are.
Deanna Seymour
I love that you use the word ooze.
That is actually in my nine grid - I talk about oozing personality so I'm like, you're so on brand.
I love it!
Jen Liddy
Okay, so, Diana, tell us a little bit about who you are and who you help, and then I really always love to know how you got there.
Deanna Seymour
I feel like that scene in Goonies when Chunk is like, okay, back in first grade, I did this. Long story short, I am a digital marketing strategist - with my clients, I call myself their right-hand ma'am, so I have my hands on all their content, and we choose together what they want to do.
I help some clients with just reels, I still do Instagram graphics for some clients, I run emails for some clients, so I feel like I have a bit of a copywriter in me, but I really am a visual person. I came from a background in art education, so I taught for almost 15 years in public school, and I was always having a side hustle. I mean, I was an art teacher, so I had Etsy shops, photography, and remember when photo booths hit the scene? I would do people's weddings - I didn't want to be the real photographer, I wanted to be the everybody get drunk and come to the photo booth photographer.
I've had all these businesses, and I feel like I started to realize that's where I get super excited and also diagnosed ADHD so going all in and then getting bored. And I was like, what if I can live vicariously through my clients and help them grow their businesses? I help with branding, too - it just depends on what people need, but I think it's smart to have one person, and I can't do everything.
We hire in different people, like sales emails, not my thing, setting up tech behind the scenes, and Convertkit can do a little but not my thing. I know where my lane ends, but basically helping them have a cohesive brand online, showing up, especially I work with personal brands and people who are their brand.
That's who I work with, and obviously, with people who aren't afraid to break the rules and show up in a more zany way.
Jen Liddy
I love that.
It's like you have to give yourself permission to not be using the cookie cutter, and sometimes people need a guide standing next to them to slash through all the garbage and make the pathway your own.
Deanna Seymour
Yeah, and it can be scary!
They're like, is this weird? Is this okay? And sometimes I can be like, well, I love being weird, but also, how does this fit in the puzzle of what you're doing? Because also, at the end of the day, you want it to make sense for your followers and lead to something, ideally, right?
Jen Liddy
Well, I say that all the time.
Let's stop making content just for the sake of crossing it off our list, please. Just flinging it up there like a Jackson Pollock painting does not lead anybody anywhere.
Then the other piece that you just layered in was not only just strategically doing content and marketing but also the personality that you're going to bring forth. If you're weird, are you being weird just for weird sake, or does it actually fold into your brand somehow?
So then let's jump into the IG static grid talk first for anybody who doesn't know what this is and what it means?
Deanna Seymour
My podcast, Eff That: Breaking the Rules of Online Business, I was doing some series, so I had a series about breaking the rules of social media. I had a girl on from a business called Going Ultraviolet, and she talked about the static nine grid. I was like, okay, I'm intrigued because like you said, the hamster wheel of just creating content.
Her idea is that she specifically, I think, mostly talks about nine because it's like a nice little three-by-three grid.
Jen Liddy
And you can see it right on your phone - you don't have to scroll.
Deanna Seymour
Yeah, it's the whole thing.
For anyone listening, you don't have to do anything I say, this is just what I'm saying - you can do whatever you want. You're the boss, apple sauce! But ideally, you would maybe even archive your old posts so that you basically just start from scratch and you have nine.
I have twelve, I always joke it's because I'm extra, plus phones are longer than square. I don't know - whatever! The point is you put these squares up, and it's like a landing page for you on Instagram. It has been really freeing, I think, for some of my clients who don't want to be everywhere, but Instagram is a place people go right away. I mean, I guess everybody goes to different places. I'm not on Facebook, so I go to Instagram.
Jen Liddy
And I'm not on LinkedIn, but some people go to LinkedIn, right?
Deanna Seymour
And some people want to show up on LinkedIn, that's their jam, but if they want to put something up on Instagram that tells people exactly who they are and what they do, and where they can go for more, then that is the perfect thing to put up.
It's almost like a storefront - I picture mine like a storefront, it's like when you go to the mall, which I'm like, I guess that's the whole time. Does anyone go to a mall? Does anyone remember malls?
Jen Liddy
Oh, my God, I took the bus on Long Island to go to the Massapequa mall.
Yeah, I remember the mall - I lived at the mall in the 80's!
Deanna Seymour
The window display has to look cool, which, obviously, I'm a graphic designer - I'm much more visual.
I do push back when people want to get a template to do something like this. I'm like, it really, I think, and you're like, yeah, Deanna, because you're a designer, and you want to sell people a nine grid.
But I'm like, it really helps if the nine grid is like, whoa, it needs to make people stop and be like, what is going on here? Who is this? What is this? If it looks like every other quote graphic or whatever they've already seen, then they're just like, oh, it's a person and they might even think they just started their account.
They don't have much, so I think it's working as a whole piece of art, and a big collage with each square having a job really is a pattern interrupter to people on Instagram.
Jen Liddy
For anybody who hasn't seen this yet, I think what you're talking about is, so there's a square of nine or twelve if you're extra, but you've got each square has a different... It's almost like a puzzle has gotten put together, and the whole all nine squares come together to create this beautiful visual.
But if you clicked on them individually, they would all be nine separate posts, but when you look at them inside your Instagram profile, it looks just like almost like a puzzle has come together.
Deanna Seymour
I feel like those were hip, I don't know, maybe 10 years ago. It's way better than before because it's set it and forget it, but you do want it to be this visual, compelling wow factor.
Then people click through - so if you want, I could go through some of the ideas for the squares. I always recommend people start top left corner is you a photo of you for sure, introducing yourself. I say it's like your bio on Instagram, but you get extra.
You get as much characters as you want - you know how you're always trying to like...
Jen Liddy
Who is this person?
Deanna Seymour
You're trying to write this good bio, and you're like, Instagram is like, cannot save too many characters, but I have so much to say.
So the first one is like, hey, here I am, this is what I do, this is who I help, whatever.
Jen Liddy
Can I ask a question about that? Is it top left because that's how in America, that's how we read across?
Deanna Seymour
Yes, and also, it would be like the top one - so if they click on that one, I think their instinct would be to click up there, and then as they scroll, they will go through all the different squares in order.
Jen Liddy
I wonder if it would be different in a country where you use the language that went right to left when you're reading.
Deanna Seymour
I feel like, yeah.
That's such a good point! I haven't even thought about that, so yeah, I guess wherever you think your audience would start.
Jen Liddy
Yeah, so this is just an interesting thing to think about, right? I love that we're breaking down because your logic is if they start top left, it's not only where they start reading, it's also the top post.
Deanna Seymour
That is like, hey, what's up? Here I am! I also recommend that people just say, I'm doing this thing - you can call it whatever you want. Kristen from Going Ultraviolet calls it a static nine grid - I keep trying to brainstorm something cooler, but I'm like, whatever, it's your nine grid, it's your little thing. I think on mine, I say, scroll through these next twelve squares to find out more about me and what I do.
I wanted people to acknowledge this is a little outside the box, but let me tell you what's going on, and that's where you can also say. So right away it tells them where you want them to go or how to connect with you.
The other thing that's cool about the nine grid I'm going to interrupt myself, is that a lot of times, we feel pressured to just serve, serve, serve, serve. I think people get scared to sell or to say, sign up for my email list, download my freebie, or visit my blog - those are all call to actions.
But sometimes it just feels like you're supposed to give three tips. Don't ask for anything in return, so when you only have the nine or 12 squares, it's easy to be like, I have to be specific because I'm not coming back here. So I need to tell you what's up, and I think for me, I was able to be more, not blunt or rude about it, but forefront. This is how you if you want to do more, this is how you get it.
Jen Liddy
Which I think is something that can get lost in the scroll very easily when you have less than 24 hours that people will even see this stuff.
What you're describing is almost like a mini website on your Instagram profile that you are directing people very clearly. Here's a little bit about me, here's what I do, maybe here's some pain points - this sounds very strategic to me.
Deanna Seymour
Yeah, for sure.
That's why, again, I'm laughing because it sounds like a pitch, but that's why I think it's smart to spend a little extra money to get something professionally designed by me or anybody but to try to make your stand out from the crowd because it is like your website on Instagram.
I feel like there's people spending two grand a month for someone to keep churning out 30 posts a month. If you just spent two grand getting a super sweet nine grid, then you got that two grand next month. How I'm going to feel when my kid gets out of daycare, then you free up that money, and you're like, Oh, my gosh.
So I think putting that initial investment in - I do think it's part of the wow factor of what's going on, so should I keep going through the square?
Jen Liddy
I think this is incredibly helpful, and so we've already got, like, this is a little bit about me and then a little bit about my offers.
Deanna Seymour
So the second one, actually, if you like Instagram and you want to keep showing up in reels, there's a way for you to make it, so your reels don't show up on your grid. This was part of the allure for me because I'm very expressive in my face, and I could never have a cute cover.
Then I was feeling pressure because I am a visual person and I'm selling visuals and I felt pressure to make covers. And I was like, again, the content will being like, this is so annoying, so now I just like my reels can hide on the second page, and I can be paused like a crazy face, and it's fine.
But if you want to keep showing up in Reels and stories, I always suggest that's the second square because you can design it with an arrow pointing up, which will tell people, click on the Reels tab because that's right above your second square.
Jen Liddy
So brilliant.
What I'm loving about this is if you don't have a team, first of all, and you're at capacity, and this is a really realistic way to stop that churn because I know how much my assistant Rochelle puts into actually making my posts every week and then my other assistant, Jessica, she breaks everything down, and she makes the covers.
I'm paying for all of that, so I know how much time they take. This is, I think, really intelligent for people who just want to stop some of that freaking churn.
Deanna Seymour
Yes, exactly.
If you don't want to do stories or reels, don't feel pressured to do that. Just don't say that - when I first did it, I was like, Oh, I'm going to show up in my stories so much more.
To be honest, I don't do it as much as I thought I was going to because there is a freedom where you're like, okay, I can take a week off.
Then the third one, I would say, really talks about your main offer because you don't know how long people are going to hang in. You know what I mean? So I'm like, here I am, here's where you can find me, and also, here's what I want to sell you, then from there, it depends.
I work with clients to figure out what they want to talk about. Some people have podcasts, so I would definitely...if you have a podcast, that's a square. If you don't have a podcast but you've been on a lot of podcasts, that's definitely a square.
If you've done both, that might be two squares - you might be a twelve-square person. I think that anything that builds your authority, anything that showcases all the content we work so hard to put out, some people are really great at blogging, so that's a post to say, wow, there's all these really cool resources over on my blog. You have a membership, that's a post - all your main offers are definitely their own post. A testimonial post for sure, and I like to make those carousel posts so you could put up to ten different testimonials and same with podcasts.
If you have a podcast, you could do your top 10 episodes. I like the carousels because it's like, okay, it's a nine grid, but it's also these little hidden advent calendars.
Formulas and templates are great to save time, but I think a lot of times, we rely on them too much, and then we try to put ourselves in the box. I'm very much like with my clients, what do you need? Where do you need people to go? So the rest of it is loose in the middle, and then at the very end, I like to put them again. It's like bookends. A picture of you and a final call to action of whatever is your most important thing.
For me, and I think if I was being bossy, I'd say for a lot of people, it should be to get them on your email list. So a lot of times that would be like, if someone has a quiz, the quiz is definitely getting their own square if they have a quiz but on the last one, it could be, don't forget to take my quiz and get on my email.
The last hara of let's connect further and so really telling them, I really do show up on LinkedIn, go find me there. This is the end of the story - the next chapter will be located wherever.
Jen Liddy
A couple of questions - one of the things that I really think is important is to make your content for your audience, about your audience, like they need to see themselves. I call it a marketing mirror.
How are you weaving that in? Because what I'm hearing you talk about is a lot about me, me, me, me, me, my stuff, my thing, my thing. Where are you weaving in so that somebody could be like, oh, she gets me, or I really want to know more. This is saying exactly what I needed to hear. How do you do that?
Deanna Seymour
Yeah, that's a great question.
If you are going to make a post that is about all the podcasts you've been on, I would definitely write the caption to say, I've been on all these podcast talking about this, this, and this. If you find yourself struggling with marketing, or if you find yourself wanting to incorporate more gifs or fun, like I'm trying to think about what I talk about on podcast, then when they scroll through, you're basically saying, I've rounded up this collection for you to have more resources for the things you're struggling with.
I am the queen of writing things and then going back through and changing all the me's to you's.
Jen Liddy
I think that's a secret that people don't know so we are letting them in on this secret that just because I'm a good writer and just because you're a good writer doesn't mean the first time through it's gold.
I comb through that stuff, and I take out the I's and the me's and I just turn it around to how could this affect you?
Deanna Seymour
If it's an opt-in, if it's a quiz, you're going to want to talk about what they get out of the quiz.
So I think definitely going back through and doing that. I think sometimes people just want to be told what to do. What can I do? Where can I go? What should I do? So I think it's almost helpful to them to be a little more like... Directive? Yeah.
Jen Liddy
You know what I'm thinking as a consumer, how it might feel like a relief to fall to somebody that you just found and see this nine or twelve grid and be like, oh, this is everything I need to know. I don't need to scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll.
I really am intrigued by this idea, and so I have a question about engagement. So after you put it together and you have either, because you're a designer, you do it yourself, or you hire a designer, and you've invested because this sounds also like it's not something you bang out in one afternoon. It's got to be strategic.
Deanna Seymour
Yeah, it's like you said.
It's definitely like a landing page or a small website.
Jen Liddy
What engagement are you seeing? What changes has it made in your life and business?
Deanna Seymour
Okay, full disclosure, I hate analytics - I know that's terrible.
Jen Liddy
Me too!
You're preaching to this choir, I am here with you.
Deanna Seymour
I really feel like consistency is the key to keep showing up and sometimes it's the reason I don't own a scale in my house, because I would step on the scale and then decide if I was a good human or bad human based on if the number went up or down.
So I don't look at a lot of analytics, but I peek in there every once in a while, and even since I've done the nine grid, they're green. It could be up 1 %, I don't know, but they're green. That's as much as I look but it's because I'm still making reels, and I know they're taking that back now. Originally, for a while, they were saying Reels are all the thing, and then the Kardashian's complaints, and now pictures are back.
Jen Liddy
Oh, no. Did we upset the Kardashians?
Deanna Seymour
Whatever's happening, I can't keep up with little Adam with his little glasses on.
Jen Liddy
Well, I think what he said was that we overcorrected for video. That was for his words - I'm like, oh, wow, way to take accountability.
Deanna Seymour
Oh, my gosh - I do show up in Reels, and I do show up in stories, not as much as I thought I was going to. Because for me, sometimes the captions are like, because I'm a visual person, the captions are what can trip me up. So I thought, Oh, my gosh, stories, I'm not going to have to write long captions, so I'm just going to bang those out and I don't do it as much as I thought.
Jen Liddy
Well, stories are their own pain in the ass in their own way.
Deanna Seymour
I know it.
Jen Liddy
I don't want to complain but actually, today I was like, oh, I should really share this thing with my photographers, and I'm like, oh, I really should find my old photo and my new photo.
I'm like, oh my god - that'll take me an hour to do a story that will last 24 hours.
Deanna Seymour
I know.
Well, actually, this is a great segue into story highlights, which I think are also an important part of the grid. Once I did the static grid, I was like, alright, let's get strategic about what's on here, like a web page.
I do this with my clients, we rethink the highlights because a lot of times, some people don't even have highlights, which is also fine. If you never do stories, you don't have highlights, but you might just, who knows? I had one that was real life, and it's like my kids and my husband, and I'm like, I don't really talk about them that much on social media anymore. It doesn't really matter to my client that highlight is gone.
It's a way to be like, okay, what do people need to know? So for me, it's like my new podcast episodes - if I'm on a podcast, this will be the story, and I will keep it up there because then in your nine grid captions, you can be like, check out the stories to see all the fun podcasts I've been on. It starts to make it a little map that they can travel around in, and it also tells them, follow me, stick around, I'm still making stuff.
Like I said, there's some people who want to get completely off. I did a Pilates instructor who was like, I hate this, I don't want to be on social media, it's not good for me, and I don't like it. But I want people, when they look for my studio, to see that we're a studio, here's the teachers, here's the thing.
We basically were like, don't DM me - I'm not going to be on here and email me here. Use this form on my site to contact me. She now feels like got that under control and gone, but if you are going to show up in Reels and Stories, which I love Instagram, which is, I think, a testament to even I like the static nine grid because it just takes a whole piece of the puzzle out of the like you were saying the hamster wheel.
Now I can just show up when I want to and how I want to - it's just so much less creating, creating, creating because now I have clients. I got to do my own stuff, too.
Jen Liddy
Yeah, I totally understand.
How do you engage with people when you have a static grid?
First of all, I love that one client of yours said don't DM me because I won't be here, so go to my link in bio. There's a direct link to email me or whatever, so I love that option here.
But how do you find people who are engaging? Do they comment, and then do you go check things out, or is it just they're just viewing and liking?
Deanna Seymour
There's a few comments that trickle in about the nine grid, but I think I've gotten a lot of followers from this. So I get a lot of reactions when I do stories after switching to the nine grid. I tried to be better about incorporating the little slidey thing or the questions or getting people to engage with me that way.
People comment on the Reels, so it's not like I'm done making content on Instagram. Reels are showing up maybe three times a week if I'm really doing a good job, so they can comment on those.
I feel like I used to be scared of DMs because of people selling in the DMs, but I feel like because DMs are connected to stories, you know what? I'm going to give myself credit - I think I do show up in my stories more than I'm acting like I do.
Although sometimes I feel like you just hear the people talking, and they're like, don't ever let your story expire. I think I'm carrying that. We're working through it on the show, but I'm carrying that with me. Sometimes my stories and you don't highlight them.
Jen Liddy
It's so funny.
Is there anybody that you can think of or any type of service or product provider that this doesn't work for?
Deanna Seymour
I'm thinking of a tattoo artist that I follow.
I really like seeing her new artwork - I think if you have a running, you're constantly posting your work, I think that it might be and it's static.
Jen Liddy
There's a face yoga woman that I follow, and her things are obviously video. She's touching her face and moving things around on her face, and those are videos. But she could have a static grid, but somebody who's got a beautiful piece of art or static visual posts that might not work well for them.
Deanna Seymour
The tattoo artist I follow could create reels.
In your feed, it's all mixed together, so it could be reels, but I do feel like for something like that, probably images work better. I honestly just feel like it's such a good way to be very clear about what you do.
I wanted to talk about this, too - another thing that some people do, some people don't do is archive all their old posts.
Jen Liddy
I'm so glad you brought this up.
Deanna Seymour
I think there's pros and cons to doing that.
I archived mine because I've been in business about two years, and anybody who's new in business knows that you pivot and you change, and you're like, now I'm going to do this.
So I thought, you know what?
Let's get all this out of here.
I told you I was talking more about my family. That was like, I heard you got to share your family, be part of your content or whatever, be personable, and then I was like, oh, it doesn't feel good to me. It's like, get them off, get all this other stuff off so that people just look at what I want them to look at. Other people create a bar at the bottom, either just one of their brand colors, three in a row that just separates.
I think it's smart if you do that to also say, check out our archives or note that this is older. But my favorite, unless all of that stuff you feel is really important, my favorite is to just clean it up.
You can go through and see.
Jen Liddy
When you say archive, are you deleting, or does it live someplace else?
Deanna Seymour
Good question.
Tech is not my thing - it's somewhere, you just archive it.
So if I wanted to bring it back, I could because I didn't delete them, and you just go to each post.
Jen Liddy
You do it post by post?
Deanna Seymour
Depending on how many you have, yes.
You might have to watch TV and do it, but it really didn't take that long, and I do remember doing it and liking people's comments.
Jen Liddy
Oh, yeah.
From three years ago?
Deanna Seymour
It'll be gone when they come, but you just click on the three dots, and you push the archive post. It can get a little tedious - my account wasn't that old because I created it when I made my podcast. So I went with, if you have two accounts and that's also part of your overwhelm, maybe pick the newer account.
If you think about what you post, I had posts, I love real housewives, so I had some funny memes about online business with some funny housewives, and they got good engagement, but f someone just landed on my page, and that was the first thing they saw, those really didn't say much about who I am, what I do, and how I can help them.
Now I can share those stories, and I can specifically make them story-size and share them if I wanted to. That's what I thought I was going to do, I was going to be like, Wednesday will be funny memes, and Tuesday, I'll share tips.
I had this whole plan - it didn't happen but it could happen. If you really like that, it could happen for you. But I still think just being super clear. I just have seen some of my clients and also just going through the process of sitting down and being like, What do I want people to do?
I think when we're on the hamster wheel like you said, we're just creating content, creating content. We don't even know, and people are like, oh, yeah, I made this one opt-in. It's actually really good - maybe we should tell people about that.
It's because we just keep making, making, making.
Jen Liddy
We just keep churning and churning and churning.
I can't get over how much awesomeness you just shared, how helpful this is, how much this can reduce your workload, and how strategic it is because those are my two big things.
People create content just for the sake of saying, I did this thing today, and they're not driving people to where they want them to go. I could teach people all day long about all of the things you could do to write better content, but if you're knocked out and dragged down, you're never going to do it anyway.
This is, I think, a really great thing for people to think about who want to - I'm hearing like to streamline, reduce, be more strategic, infuse your personality, and almost be incredibly intentional because it's going to look a certain way and those captions are going to sound a certain way.
It's almost like you're taking people on a customer journey that you're in charge of versus the internet gods who may be in your favor today or not.
Deanna Seymour
Well, and if you think about it, when you see a cool reel, the first thing you do is click on them to go see them. And so they just land right on this beautiful thing then they're like, who is this person?
Again, I always think people think like me, but I probably wouldn't scroll through all nine and read every single word, but who knows? I guess maybe if it was engaging enough, I would.
I also tell people anybody who's going to design it for themselves make it big and bold so that maybe I could even read the first testimonial without even clicking on it. I want people like you were saying, it's like one big puzzle.
When I design them, they're one big square, then I chop them up so just making sure that it's legible, people can read. Put values of your business or words that would mean something that would resonate with your clients. Make them big enough that they don't really have to because I'm always like, it's 2023, and people can't watch a reel for longer than six seconds.
Jen Liddy
We are such goldfish - the other thing, while you're talking about this design piece, and I am 52, and so my eyes are old eyes, and when there's a tiny script or a font that I'm like, what the freak is that saying? I'm gone.
I love the idea of the grid being really easy to read.
Deanna Seymour
Even before they click.
Super simple but fun, you know what I mean?
Jen Liddy
Deanna, how can people get into your world?
Deanna Seymour
Well, they should go check out my grid, which is on Instagram @thedeannaseymour, and then just my website:
Jen Liddy
Thanks, Deanna, for everything that you've shared with us today.
I really want to encourage you, the listener, to think about one way you could reduce some overwhelm in your content creation life. It could be really helpful for you to have a little more open space on your calendar. And this sounds like a really strategic way to make that happen.
Thanks, Deanna. I really appreciate it.