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Leaving You Secure Job For Something More w/ Julie Causton


If you've ever had a great job but felt - maaaayyyyyybe there's something MORE for you out there - THIS is the interview to watch! Julie Causton left a secure job for something MORE. And she continues to create more - even when it's hard - and has designed a life that makes her happy and filled up.

Meet Julie Causton

Julie had a very cozy position at Syracuse University but got to this place in her life where she felt a sort of tap on the shoulder that she could do more. She loved her job. She loved her students. But she still felt a craving to do more with her life.

She specialized in inclusive education, where her focus was to help schools and families to create inclusive schools. Where students that were “outliers” could feel accepted. It wasn’t about shoving these children that were different into their own room, but rather thinking of ways to include them in the classroom. She’d consult with schools and even after a consulting job would come home energized thinking of new ways of doing things. She realized she’d rather do consulting full time.

Now she runs Inclusive Schooling, a consulting company to help schools become more inclusive.

Inclusive Schooling is an engaging community for educators, administrators and parents who seek to create more inclusive schools.


Check Out Their Website


Is Fear Holding You Back?

Fear holds us back when making decisions in life, but for Julie it was crazy to think about how she would leave a tenure position. Why would she leave something comfortable for something new? She’s someone who can get overwhelmed by all the tiny details of life, and knowing that questioned whether she could handle all the small details of running a company. She’d obsess over the doubts that she had in herself. It held her back from making the leap to follow her passion. She was scared that she would drop the ball.  

We Have to Work Around Our “Shortcomings”

For Julie, the details can get away from her. Her challenge was to find the work arounds so she could accomplish everything she wanted. She had to be honest with herself and look at the tasks that would need to be done within a business and whether they were necessary, should be delegated, or if she could do them herself.

Just because we aren’t the best at something, doesn’t mean that we can't accomplish anything. It just means that we need to find a solution to a problem.


This free strategic call focuses on clarifying your goals, understanding where you're stuck, & knowing how to prioritize next steps. You'll leave feeling clearer & knowing where to head next. 


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