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Monetizing Your Content, Marketing & Media - What It Really Takes with Patty Farmer

content creation made easy

Let’s remember that the purpose of creating free, nurturing, engaging content is to CONNECT with your audience…

AND to lead them towards something valuable so you can earn money from your brilliance & expertise!

Monetizing your content doesn’t come easily to everyone, which is why the focus of today’s episode of Content Creation Made Easy is exploring ways to do that without feeling pushy or gross about sales.

To help us dive in, I brought on Patty Farmer, a marketing & media strategist with a wealth of experience as a speaker, podcast host, and magazine creator.

Patty is always a fountain of information & freely shares how she helps people master marketing, leverage media, and ultimately monetize their businesses.
In our conversation, we talk about how to:

✅ Confidently present your content with purpose without feeling like you’re giving it all away & exhausting yourself.

✅ Understand that monetizing your content is actually about leadership & serving, rather than pushing products or services.

✅ Develop trust and make saying “no” okay – for you and for them!

✅ Tailor your messaging to meet the varied stages of awareness your audience has.

✅ Attract the RIGHT audience by being extremely clear about the type of solution you offer.

Patty’s encouraging and ENTHUSIASTIC energy will help you enjoy the freedom of designing your business to your liking...

AND find enjoyment in content creation rather than suffering with burn out, resentment, or exhaustion.

Patty has a Marketing, Media, & Money Biz Quiz to help you discover a breakthrough when you’re sick of trying strategy after strategy but still not seeing results:

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Thank you, as always, for listening to Content Creation Made Easy! Thank you in advance for leaving a review if you found it helpful 🧡

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Full Transcript

Jen Liddy

Hello, hello!

Welcome to today's episode of Content Creation Made Easy. I'm your host, Jen Liddy, I'm always talking about ways to make your content easy, but there's something else I always talk about, which is making your content purposeful.

We're not just here making content for shits and giggles people – we are not just doing this because it's fun to write blogs, and it's fun to interview people on podcasts. Although those things are true, we want to monetize our content. Today I'm bringing you an expert, Patty Farmer, who is a marketing and media strategist.

She's a speaker, she's a podcast host, and she's actually got a magazine, too. This lady has a lot of things going on. I know that wherever we wander into today, we're going to have a great conversation. The goal of our conversation today is to help you think about monetizing your content. It doesn't need to feel gross. It doesn't need to feel pushy.

In fact, we're going to talk about ways to do that in a way that feels really good for you because the purpose of your content is to lead your people someplace so that you can make some money while doing all this stuff. Patty, thanks so much for coming in today!

Patty Farmer

Thank you so much for having me – I'm excited, and I love this topic.

Jen Liddy

Yeah, well, I figured you would love this topic.

Hey, tell us a little bit about what you do and who you help.

Patty Farmer

I do marketing and media, so marketing media money that's also my podcast magazine event. Everything I do is really around that, mostly because I feel like people struggle with really mastering their marketing.

They also struggle with how to leverage the media, and most of all, they struggle with how to use both of those things to monetize their business. those things come simply to me. I always like to say the thing that comes the most simply to you is probably the thing that other people are struggling with.

Sometimes you'll look at social, or you're listening to people, and you're thinking – that's not rocket science. Then you'll talk to people like, well, I don't know how to do it, and then I think of things that, to me, other people say that too. I'm thinking, no, that's really a struggle for me.

We just have to know we all have gifts, right? We just need to recognize that that's why we like to consume content because we like to consume content so that it can fill in the gaps, I believe that could really help us. I love what you said in the beginning when you were introducing your show about sales and monetizing and having it not feel icky I think that's important because I think a lot of people do.

I think that the biggest mindset shift is that sales is leadership.

You are leading people into something that helps them, and if you do it with a mindset of service, I serve, not sell. That is everything I do – I serve, not sell, it's just an invitation. I think the reality is my coach helped me many, many years ago when I decided to be a speaker. She said the thing is, Patty, if you give people content and yet you don't tell them what the next steps are, you're actually doing them a disservice.

I think that once we shift that, it really helps, and so when you're talking about monetizing what you do, I think if you can get that shift first, it will really help everybody to be able to move forward.

Jen Liddy

Yeah, I want to stay on this topic for a minute because I've heard this a lot, sales is service.

Marketing is an opportunity to get your problem solved or to have a great experience, but I think that it's hard for people to create this mindset shift because there's something that they don't trust the person who's making the offer.

That is a big issue for people, but the second thing is, even if you didn't trust the other person, do you trust yourself to have a back pocket thing to say, to say, no thanks, I'm not interested? This isn't the right time for me now. This isn't a good fit for me. There are a lot of shitty marketers out there. There's a lot of scam artists, and so I understand not feeling empowered to trust everybody. 

Once you trust yourself and you're like, this just doesn't seem right to me, or this doesn't feel right to me, or my intuition is off here, or I don't connect with this person, or this person wants me to do something that doesn't feel right to me.

That is the moment that you can, first of all, not accept sales that don't feel good to you.

I think that also helps you lean into your content and your marketing and your selling in a way that makes you feel better about doing it because you would have to understand, and I don't think a lot of people do this, I don't think a lot of people give credit that I could say no if I didn't want to buy this thing. You really have to be confident in knowing what it is you need, and as a marketer, you have to be doing the same thing trusting your audience.

You don't need to be salesy in order to make the connection with them.

How do you feel about that?

Patty Farmer

There are so many things that you said right there that we could unpack. I'm just going to touch on a couple of them that I think are important.

One is no is a complete sentence. It is, right? It's just a complete sentence. You don't have to justify it to anybody. Second, sometimes no isn't really no and sometimes no is no, not now.

Jen Liddy

Not now, yes.

Patty Farmer

I think that is really, really important as well. One of the things because of what you said is that there are bad marketers out there, and there's bad everything.

Every industry has good and bad, right? That's just how it is, but I do understand it, and I want to give an example that I think touches on everything that you just said if you don't mind.

Jen Liddy


Patty Farmer

The first thing is I know that sometimes people have said to me and it blows me away. They'll say, can you send me a proposal? I always say, no, I can't do that, and they always say, what? You can't?

I'm like, no, because I don't know you well enough to know what it is that you need to know whether I am even the solution that you're looking for, or I have the solution, or if I need to introduce you to somebody else. To me, anybody, whether they're in marketing or anything else, can have a conversation with somebody in five minutes and feel like you can solve all their problems. You're crappy whatever you are, and that's a great point. I mean, that's just how it is.

For me, my gut and my intuition are that I want to know that we have a vibe, that you get me, that you understand me, that you're listening to me, and I feel heard. Once I know what your area of expertise is, which is why I'm probably having a conversation with you in the first place, if you get me and you get my vibe and I feel that, everything else is details.

Then we're just talking about how do we make it work. What is it that I'm looking for? Can you give that to me? Does it work at a price that I'm willing to pay? Is it in a time frame that I have the capacity to do? I always say, no, I can't give you a proposal, but we could deep dive into what it is that you're looking for, and if I do feel like I am the solution, I'll give you an action plan with benchmarks that we're going to get, which I think is way more important than somebody giving you a proposal.

I think if people can realize that it's okay to ask questions – who would want to work with somebody that doesn't get them?

Jen Liddy


I think to just hammer home this point even more, that's why you put content out there because it eventually leads somebody to that moment where they ask for a proposal or want to get on a call with you or want to find out more.

Your content can really help them get clearer. Am I the right person? Are we a good fit? I think this all goes hand in hand together.

Patty Farmer

I absolutely agree.

Jen Liddy

I just wanted you to tell me a bit more about how we can start.

First, the mindset shift is you can't think sales are shitty, that's the first thing. You have to understand that marketing and sales are a service, an opportunity, an invitation.

If you've gotten burned by that in the past, you need to work through that, but what is the next step after you're like, alright, fine, I understand.

Now what? What's after that?

Patty Farmer

I think from our side, because there's two sides, there's the person who's the solution and the person who has the problem or the challenge, right?

I think that they lead to the same place and they lead to the same place but where we're talking about content. I think from the expert side, I think it's important that when we're doing contact content, we realize that there is a journey.

There's a journey for our ideal client, and I think that the biggest mistake I see with people where they don't understand or they think their marketing isn't working or it's not monetizing is because they're trying to speak to all people in that journey at the same time.

I'm sure you can speak to this, too. I mean, sometimes they're in this part of the journey, and sometimes they're in this part of the journey.

You do need to speak to them both, but not in the same post, not in the same piece of content.

Jen Liddy

Can you give some examples?

Patty Farmer

Well, I think that a lot of times, for example, somebody may just be becoming aware that they have that problem. They're just becoming aware, like, oh, I didn't realize, and then sometimes you're thinking, oh, I absolutely know I have that problem, and I'm looking for a solution.

Then there are times when they absolutely know, and now they're ready to invest in a solution, but if they're just becoming aware, they may not be ready to invest yet. That's when you get the no, not now, because they're not ready to invest.

You have to realize that when you're putting out content from a marketing point of view, you do need to speak to people who are just becoming aware of what maybe your solutions are. You also need to speak to them about the content or if they are aware, like what some of the next steps are, how they would recognize it, or maybe how they would start thinking about what some solutions are. Then once they get to that part now, they just want to identify, okay, now I have that, and I'm ready to invest, but who is the person that I want to invest in?

Now they're evaluating who that is, so you just have to know that people are in all stages of that journey and making sure that when you're producing content, your content addresses all of them. It doesn't mean you make a 700-word post trying to address them all because the one you want to talk to might be down here, and they didn't even stay longer than this because that wasn't them.

That's why I believe we repurpose content – you can add a little more. There are a lot of different ways to do that, so I think that is really important, and it is definitely important when you want to monetize your content.

Jen Liddy

I think as marketers, and content creators, beyond the journey that they're on, make it really clear what you do as the expert, as the potential solution, and what you don't do.

For example, I am often at this point in my life not looking for a group option. I want a one-to-one option. If I'm going to invest, I want it to be fast, and I want it to be personalized. And that's just where I am. It's not where everybody is. If somebody is only looking to work in a group, they have to know through your content that that's what you do or a digital product or one-to-one or whatever the hell you do.

I think that also needs to be part of the content. In order to monetize your content, you need to attract the exact right people who are looking for the solution in the way that you provide it to.

Patty Farmer

Oh, yeah.

Delivery is really important, I feel too, and I think a lot of times what happens is people are feeling fear. They're afraid if they come right out and say that, that they will eliminate certain people. I have to tell you, I have said for years and years and years that I market to women, and the right men show up.

That's just how my business rolls, and I always have several male clients, but I have six daughters, and I come from a family of five girls. With that said, I really relate to women, and I love working with women.

A few years ago, when I rebranded my website, I just came right out and said, I'm looking for decision makers, action takers, and rule breakers for women who want to do it their way. That's what I want. It's what brings me joy. Now if somebody says, oh, well, I have a women-owned business, or maybe I serve women, okay, we can have a conversation, and maybe they are the right fit. But I'm really clear about who I want to work with and who I don't want to work with, and I love that.

I think there's real freedom in designing your business the way you want to and not being afraid to say who it is exactly that you are looking to work with. I think the more you hone that, the more those people will self-select and raise their hands and say, oh, you're exactly who I am looking for.

Jen Liddy

Which eventually leads to monetizing your content, so let's dive into more monetizing your content stuff.

So what questions are people coming to you with, or what problems are people coming to you with when they have content or marketing, and they have not been able to monetize it? What does that look like?

Patty Farmer

The thing that they say most often, the biggest struggle for them, is that they're doing the same things over and over, like social media. I'm doing all kinds of social media, and I spend all this time, and I spend hours doing it, but it's not really doing anything for me.

Or they'll say, oh, I spend all this time in groups, meaning Facebook groups or LinkedIn groups, and that's not really working for me. Or they'll say, I'm spending all this money, and I've invested this money in hiring somebody, but when they tell me what their problem is and who some of the things are, like programs or people that they've hired, they don't even address those things.

Sometimes it's that they just don't have clarity themselves, and they're stuck, they don't have clarity. They just know they want to make more money, but they are willing to just do spaghetti marketing. Just throw things at the wall and hope something sticks, and that's what they'll do. In the world now, what they do is they look at what other people are doing, and they're like, oh, I love that, and I'm going to do that too, or they think their content looks really good or something, but it isn't really them but they just think it sounds good. By deciding that they’re going to do that – I'm just going to tell you, those are all not the things to do.

It's always important to know what not to do before you know what to do, which really leads to the most important thing, I feel, which is building relationships. It's all about building relationships – I always like to say all the time that the only difference between a contact and a contract is the R and that R stands for relationships.

It's really where it is, making sure that you build relationships because when you do that, you ask better questions. To me, I have to tell you, Jen, that is really where it's at. For example, people will say, I get on all these calls, and I meet these people, and they tell me you should reach out.

I do them on LinkedIn, I do them on Facebook, and I'm using artificial intelligence. Whatever their things are that they're doing, and they're like it, they're not attracting the right people, and I'm having all these conversations. I'll say, good, let's talk about those conversations, so I have to tell you, it is old school, and it didn't work then, and it really won't work now.

If you're getting on calls with somebody and your calls are looking like this is the referral I want because you don't even know the one to.

Jen Liddy

Oh, yeah, the transactional stuff.

Patty Farmer

When they are out networking in person or maybe on Zoom, a lot of us are on Zoom now, they don't ask the right questions. To me, here are questions that we should be asking instead of. So I believe we should never, and when I say never, I mean never should we ask somebody what they do. I just think, just change that question.

A better question is, who do you serve? Now it's not even about them, and it's really about the people they serve. Then you should listen to who they tell you they serve because maybe you serve them, too. That's just a better question, and so I always want to start with that.

Then the other thing is, when you get to the end of conversations, it's all about the ask. Since I heard you say a swear word, and I think I guess it's okay, here's what I always want to say “Don't be an asshole.”

Jen Liddy

That's not even a curse, but that's good – I like it.

Patty Farmer

Honestly, the things that people will ask for, like your relationship, aren't far enough along to be making that ask. There are so many easier questions that will help you to monetize your business, really, if you just ask better questions. For one, if you meet someone and they tell you who they serve, you can really see that they serve some of the best people or that you serve, right? They serve some of the same people that you serve; you really get the right vibe for them. A question you should really ask them is, is this your first time at this event? If they say, oh, no, I come all the time, and now you know that they feel like it's successful.

They tend to go to things that are successful – a question I always want to know is, well, if you're networking here and this is successful for you, where else are you networking where you're getting a maximum ROI? Not just like, oh, where else are you networking? We all network in more than one place. If somebody is that fine-tuned, I don't want to just go from place to place to place and hand out business cards.

That is so old school – what I want to know is, where is somebody who serves the same people as me? Where are they spending their time? That's helpful to me, and then I'll say, oh, are you willing to give me the name of the business, a link, or they'll say, oh, I'll invite you because they want to introduce me because that makes them look good. That's one way to do it because it's always about getting in front of other people's people. That is the name of the game, and the best and easiest, and least cost, and most effective way to monetize your business is to get in front of the people's people who already serve your people. People say, oh, I'm looking for speaking ops, I'm looking for collaboration ops. That's the name of the game, so now, you know how earlier I referred to how some of the people are doing it wrong?

Jen Liddy


Patty Farmer

I'm going to give you an example of what I'm going to say, probably 90% of the people who are listening to this are probably doing. If you're not, then I apologize in advance if you already solved this problem.

Jen Liddy

We're giving those people big claps.

Patty Farmer

I'm going to talk about going into groups and how many times are you in a group. If it's not you doing it, somebody else is, and somebody will post something, and they'll tell, say, a problem that they're having and what they're looking for. Then 500 people like vultures actually get in the comments and start talking about, oh, I can help you. They don't really know enough either to know if they can really help them.

Here's a better way to do it – if you're going to be in a group, the first thing you want to do is know what the group is about, who does it serve, do they have certain formats? Then what you want to know is you want to actually get connected to the host or the organizer. A good way to do it, a lot of times, I will go into a group, and I literally already know they have marketing people in there.

Marketing is a huge umbrella, and I always want to know, so I will go to the host, and you don't know if she already has a relationship with that person or not.

I will go to her and say, hey, I noticed that you already have a marketing person here. I don't want to step on any toes. I would really love to be introduced to her so we can see if maybe there's some gaps that we can fill for each other and maybe there's a way for us to collaborate. Two, I really want to know, what's the best way that I can serve your group? This is my area of expertise. Is there something that I can serve them as a participant?

I will literally invite them to do the same in my group, And what will usually happen is if you do it right and sincerely, they will say, oh, no problem – I have used her for networking myself or used her for marketing. She does great websites, and I actually don't do websites, so you'll say, oh, wow – we don't do the same thing. She'll introduce you to people and say, oh, well, let me introduce you to this person and this person in the group. You're going to want to make sure you know that person. She'll do half your work for you, but not only that because you went to her and did it right, she's going to talk about you in the group. All the people in the group that may also be loyal to Suzy, it's almost like she's endorsing you now, so now it's okay. Use your time wisely and know who are the people you should first connect to, which really should be the host or organizer, and then if you notice in a group, there's always a handful of people who are the top contributors that are always the ones talking in the group.

You want to make sure that you're in groups, of course, where there is engagement. People aren't just posting and running and stuff and getting to know them, so that's one of the things. The next way is what we all have probably received in our email and in our social media where people are having summits or they're speaking somewhere, right? They're all talking about that, so I have to tell you, that is like gold information. I love summits, a lot of times, I go, I very rarely listen to them live because I'm just too busy, but I love doing the replays.

What I love most of all is looking at all the experts. I love the experts, I love looking at their titles, I love looking at their descriptions, I love telling them that I've seen them there, and I'd like to interview them on my podcast or have them write for my magazine if it's appropriate. But the thing is, I love looking at them because they're doing something. They're doing something like speaking or being on a summit, which means they're doing something to monetize their business, which means they're looking for opportunities to monetize their business, which is a perfect segue where if you have a summit or you have a podcast or you do master classes or whatever you do to lead gin in order to monetize your business, is there an area that's not your strength because we all like to focus on our strengths, but I always like to focus on the things that are not my strengths.

I don't like to write copy, and it’s my least favorite thing to do is why I published a magazine because I decided I didn't want to blog anymore. I didn't like doing it, so now I published a magazine. For me, I will always be connected to so many copywriters because whenever I'm going to do something first person, I go to because copywriters don't mean they're always good marketers. My stuff will get it to the marketplace faster, so they write the copy, I'll do the marketing, and it works really, really well. Look at all the places everybody else is spending their dollars marketing.

Jen Liddy

That's really strategic thinking.

Patty Farmer


It is, right?

Jen Liddy


It's really looking at, first of all, what are your strengths. What are your weaknesses? Then strategically thinking, okay, these are people who are out there doing this work, then they probably want to do it some more. They might be open to having me on, or I could have them on. It's just a different way of thinking.

When we need to think about monetizing our content, I think we need to be more strategic in 2023 because it's noisy out there. Posting more is not the right answer to monetize, especially on socials, is not the right answer to monetizing your content. The other thing I wanted to pull apart a little bit. You are asking really good questions. Instead of asking, what do you do? Who do you serve?

This comes back to your content because if you don't have a strong message about who you are, who you serve, and the problem you solve, if you don't have that all tidied up, and your brand message is either too broad or you're basically saying what everybody else says, the relationship won't be fostered. It won't be cemented.

The other thing is if you don't have content for somebody to go check out, that is super clear.

Say you've connected with somebody, they're going to go check you out. If you don't have clear content with on-brand messaging and be very clear about what you do and who you help and establish yourself as an authority, again, the relationship can't be cemented.

I really want anybody listening to this to take away Patty's point about relationship marketing and other people's people, OPP, and the connection to your words, your brand message, your content.

They are inextricable to me.

Patty Farmer

They are.

When you're doing that, ask what I was talking about a little bit; if you have a conversation with someone, a lot of times what happens at the end, you're talking to them, they'll say, and we're the giver, right? So we'll be like, oh, what can I do to serve and support you?

I'm listening for them to tell me so I know. Can I do an intro for them? What the case may be. But have you ever been in a conversation? My guess is you haven't, but maybe somebody who's listening has, and then they'll say, Well, what can I do for you? And you're like, Hmm. Well, I don't know. I can't really think of it right now. Can I get back to you? Or, Let me marinate on that.

Here's the thing, I always like to say there's always a couple of things that I think are like one size fits all. One of the questions that I feel is a really easy ask is to say, now that we've had this conversation, you've got to know me a little bit better, who do you know that either has a podcast that you could do an intro for or have you listened to a podcast that you see and you could just tell me the name of it?

I can go and fill out a form all by myself, and I don't need them to do anything, right? But if they listen to podcasts, and that means their people are listening to those because those are their people, what are they? That's an easy ask, and who doesn't know somebody who does a podcast, hasn't been on a podcast themselves, or couldn't tell you a few podcasts that are in almost any industry?

It's an easy, easy ask for someone that I think is really important to be able to do it. The second thing is, I want to say when you're asking those questions, if you're changing up the questions, and it's like I said, instead of saying, what do you do? You say, who do you serve? Or do you say, oh, what do you do differently than everybody else in your industry?

If you say any of those questions, they're not prepared for those sometimes because nobody's asked them that way. They love them, but they're not prepared, so here's what they're going to do. They're going to say, oh, wow, that's a really great question, why don't you go first? Because they need a few minutes to get themselves together, and they want you to model it for them.

What I'm going to say is when you use it, it's a great opportunity because now you're not like vomiting all over them. They've actually asked you to model it for them. And so now this is your opportunity to just step up and do the right thing and be able to talk about yourselves in a way that they asked you and model it for them. I always like to say when you change those questions, make sure you know your own answers first because I have to tell you, I want to say at least 85% of the time, people will say to me, oh, Patty, that's so good. I really love that question. Go first – can you model that for me? I'm like, oh, absolutely.

It's a really great segue for them, and then they want to know, oh, well, what do you do differently? It's really a great opportunity, and you're not being salesy then. They literally asked you, so there are a lot of ways that by asking the right questions, they will ask you what you really want to be able to tell them. If you're talking to people who literally have access to the people you want to be in front of, I always have assets, like, think about what are your assets.

Your assets don't have to mean you have a podcast, you have a magazine, you have this. It could be that you are power partners with someone who does. It could be that you are cultivating relationships with people who have podcasts with the people you serve. You can say, oh, I would love to introduce you to X, Y, and Z, and they have a podcast about this, and I think they might be the perfect audience for you, so it doesn't always have to be you.

I think we get caught up in ourselves, but the reality is when you talk to somebody, you just need to be able to serve them in a way that's beneficial for them, and reciprocity will do the rest, and they will want to serve you.

Jen Liddy

Yeah, those are great insights, so the number one takeaway I'm hoping people make for this year, for 2023, is that relationships are vital. Patty gave us so many concrete, great examples, and if you haven't shifted your mindset yet about how sales is not sneaky or sleazy, that sales is service, marketing is opportunities and invitations, listen to how Patty talked today.

She talked about asking and being interested and being curious, and being clear. There was nothing in what you said today, Patty, that felt pushy or gross. These are relationship building, and it's relational, it's not transactional, and that's what I'm hearing from you over and over and over.

A way to market yourself and monetize your content in 2023 is relationship marketing. I think that's a big takeaway for people that – I wonder, it does take time, it does take effort. It has to be intentional. How much time are you freaking spending on TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook groups where you could have had a great conversation?

Patty and I have had several great conversations where we see ways that we can collaborate with each other but also introduce people to each other's groups of people. That is a much better use of my time, I think.

Patty Farmer

I agree with you, and I think if I was going to give somebody one question that they could ask themselves would be if you were going to think of your business as an ATM because that's what we want it to be, right?

The question I would ask is, thinking about relationships, are you making more deposits or more withdrawals? That's the name of the game, really. Are you making more deposits or more withdrawals?

I like to say, if relationships are the currency in today's business environment, how fat is your wallet? That's the name of the game.

Jen Liddy

Patty, tell us the best way to get into your orbit.

Patty Farmer

So the best way to get into my orbit is nice and easy – just go to my website

They can find everything, social, magazines, podcasts, and my assessment. Every single thing they could possibly want to know more about me is on my website.

Jen Liddy

Patty, is there anyone last nugget that you want to share with the audience before we sign off today?

Patty Farmer

I would just say that really to go back to what I said about the relationships is really leading with contribution, and compensation will follow.

Jen Liddy

I love that.

Thanks, Patty, you were so generous today. I appreciate you, and thank you so much.

Patty Farmer

It was a pleasure to be here.

Jen Liddy

Thanks for listening, listener, and I really appreciate you showing up for this podcast because I know there are lots of podcasts out there, so I really appreciate you being here. If you could leave a review, it would be so wonderful, and I guess that's my ask for today, Patty.

Can you, listener, go leave a review for the Content Creation Made Easy podcast? I would appreciate it. See you next week – bye!

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