No one was expecting that superpower

I hit a nerve last week.
MANY readers sent thank you messages after my post because I talked about how we’re not failures because…
*THIS* job wasn’t “it” … And *NOPE* - not that thing wasn’t it either… AND also
*OMG* I spent money on this training – but that wasn’t it too!
We’re the SUM of all. our. things.
I asked my new Mastermind clients a tough question: “What’s YOUR superpower?”
Want to know why it’s so hard?
‘Cuz no one encouraged us to think about what makes us DIFFERENT for most of our lives.
I spent a lotta time wishing, “Why can’t I JUST FIT IN, for fuck’s sake?”
Why can’t I look like everyone else? Dress like everyone else? BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE?
Why can’t I just have Jordache jeans like every other NORMAL 8th grader??!!
(Because they cost $45 damn dollars, Jenny! That’s why!)
“What makes me SPECIAL?” didn’t occur to me. Fitting in was my superpower.
It took a lot to undo that.
Here’s a secret: one benefit to having done a WHOLE BUNCH of varied shit –
means that you have superpowers no one expects.
Take Catherine, a productivity coach who – because of breast cancer, ‘chemo brain’, & curiosity about brain fog – cultivated a superpower:
helping women with ADHD be productive. 💪🏽
She GETS them & now knows exactly how to message to & work with them.
Who would’ve expected THAT from getting & beating breast cancer?
Take Patty, a former Type A, conservative banker who’s now an intuitive business coach. Like – gets-messages-from-angels-&-guides kind of intuitive.
Not “I had a hunch you were going to order the shrimp” 🍤 kind of intuitive ;)
Her varied experiences cultivated her superpower to create programs that help people receive abundance with ease.
(She’s my business coach. I love her.)
All kinds of lightbulbs are happening for the 8 women inside my Content Creator’s Mastermind group…
Maybe one of their insights can help you identify YOUR superpower?
Did you read each & think, “DAMN! I love that!”?
Now, do the same for you:
Use these questions. STOP scrolling, sit by yourself, & be honest.
💥 What’s SO EASY & FUN for you that it feels as natural as breathing? (To me, this is teaching business & content creation.)
💫 Where have you added value to an organization, event, meeting, group, etc.? (Where someone was like DAMN!! We couldn’t have done this without you!!)
😮 What’s unexpected about you? Where did you ZIG when everyone else ZAGGED? It’s not weird – it’s UNIQUE. And it counts!!
Start there.
When you understand your unique selling point – that thing YOU have that others don’t – it gets SO MUCH EASIER to grow your business.
Tell me your superpower. Drop me an email, even if it sounds stupid to you.
You’re not bragging – remember, I live for this shit.
Xo, Jen
PS: An easy way to find out what makes you special: ASK people you’ve worked with.
Download this guide & send ‘em your favorite questions via text, email, phone, Zoom, Morse Code – whatever – to people who would know the answers.
I promise people are HAPPY to tell you good news about yourself, BUT!
- a) you need to ask and
- b) they need a good question to respond to.
This downloadable tells you how to do both!