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Normalizing your "Wants" To Make "Haves"


Ok, now you KNOW what you want...SO HOW DO YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN?

Here's the not-so-secret SECRET STRATEGY to get there!

Some people don’t ask themselves what they want and there are tons of reasons why we push it away.

But what happens once you have the list in your hand of what you want?

What do you do with it? 

Are You Crazy?

When you know what you want, that’s a powerful place to be in. You’re in a place of awareness that is so wonderful to get to, but now you have to go to the next step. Now it’s time to start normalizing that list. When you first look at this big long list of what you want, you might think you’re crazy or start thinking “Who do I think I am to want these things?” Let me be the first to tell you, you aren’t crazy and you deserve to get what you want out of life. 

Normalizing Our Wants 

For a lot of us, this idea of making what we want happen is new. It’s not the norm that we are used to so our brains might be resisting it. You also might be questioning if you deserve it.

About four years ago, I’d had enough of the Syracuse weather. From October to May I needed to get out of town once a month to see the sun. I’m not asking to go to fancy resorts. I have friends and family in warm places that we could visit and see. No one else in my family really struggles with this so when I went to my husband saying this he looked at me in a funny way questioning if we could really make that happen.

Then I started talking about it with people and it suddenly became normal. While some people did come at me with negativity, more people supported this idea and thought it was amazing. This slowly made it seem more realistic and made it something that was normal for me to want and make happen. Now, I’m gone for about a week once a month from October to May. It has become normal to my friends and family.

Engage With Your Wants 

Whether you talk it out with other people or just write it out you have to write out what you want. If you aren’t thinking about it, then you can’t make it a reality. You won’t find the confidence to act on your goals and you wants. 


Right now in my group The Idea Space, we are doing a month long manifestation challenge doing just that. Everyday thinking about what we want and what that would look like for us. This kind of exercise makes these “ridiculous” wants seem more and more like a possibility. It goes from being something “new” and not comprehensible to something feasible. 

You Can be Something Different 

Using the example of becoming an entrepreneur, going down that path can be scary. Not only is it full of risks and uncertainty (like any change in life) but there is also a degree of imposter syndrome that sinks in. When I was a teacher, even thinking about becoming an entrepreneur was such a far away idea that I didn’t even consider it. It’s not now, years later, I can proudly say that I am an entrepreneur without feeling like it’s a title that doesn’t belong to me.

It’s time to start owning what you want and making them real.

Start engaging with your wants until they feel like a reality for you.

I promise that it will change your life. 

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