Not Being Seen Is Holding You Back

The doctor shrugged at me. I’d just turned 40, and shit was starting to go south.
Not sleeping. Weight gain. ZERO libido. Exhaustion.
He shrugged and said, “Well. You’re 40. That’s what it’s like.”
What the actual frick, man??
This moment began my search to be SEEN. My 40s became a roller coaster of physical & mental health challenges.
Eventually, I did find the right doctors, therapists, coaches, & healers –
But one thing has eluded me – My hormones.
For 10 years, I didn’t sleep through the night. 1:24am BING!! WIDE AWAKE. No going back to sleep.
I gained weight incessantly. Working out felt useless because I couldn’t build any muscle!
I sweated through clothes. Then would freeze and need layers.
Had no appetite. Then be ravenous.
Constantly exhausted. OH – and had ZERO desire for sex.
FOR TEN YEARS. (Can you imagine this? Maybe you can – because no one’s been able to help you either!)
THEN! A client mentioned bio-identical hormone pellets that her doctor had inserted beneath the skin of her butt-cheek.
It was a life-changer, she said. She had ENERGY. Was building muscle again. Wanted to have sex with her hubs (WANTED TO!).
So – I went to check this doc out. Turns out, I drive past her office like a hundred times a day.
Want to know why I never noticed her?
Because her office is called Medical Weight Loss – and though I am overweight, that was not the solution I was looking for.
ANYWAY – I meet the doc, learn she has an entire arm of her practice all about hormones, and SHE GETS ME.
She says my symptoms back to me: ‘You’re probably lethargic, exhausted, frustrated.
It’s expensive, yes. Of course it’s not covered by insurance.
We do the bloodwork. Turns out – I’m already THROUGH menopause. (How did my GP not know this?)
I have ZERO estrogen in my body, and my testosterone is at level TEN.
IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE 150 – 300!
The doc is like, “No wonder you’re exhausted. No wonder you can’t gain muscle. No wonder you can’t sleep.”
Fast Forward: I do the pellet insertion & take progesterone before bed.
Muscle mass increases.
That dead ol’ libido comes back to LIFE!
Where was this miracle cure for the last 10 years???
So – I ask the doc. She says, “Well we don’t really do marketing.”
What if TEN YEARS AGO – or hell, even FIVE years ago – I’d found this solution?
How would my life have been different?
One of the ways we hold ourselves back from what we want is by remaining unseen.
But I FRICKEN REFUSE to be unseen.
I’ve been on a search to be SEEN. By the RIGHT doctor. The RIGHT therapist. The RIGHT coach!
What if YOU are the RIGHT solution for someone but you’re afraid to share your messaging?
I’ll tell you the whole dang story here – as a guest on the In Her Voice podcast with host Kelly Covert, I break it all down for you…
You’ll learn HOW to tap into your inner voice so your MESSAGE can shine through.
How to find the COURAGE to do it…
And WHY doing this *hard* work is so important to the people we’re all striving to help!
This month, I’m sharing strategies to help us overcome the ways we hold ourselves back from the life & business we want.
You deserve to GET WHAT YOU WANT – in your business AND your life.
Listen to the whole story here.
Xo, Jen
TL;DR: I lost my mojo for 10 years. I got it back because of a little message someone happened to share with me on a whim. Hear the story here – and understand that remaining UNSEEN is one of the biggest traps holding YOU back from having what YOU want!