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When Your Client Objects TO Your Advice with Claudia Schalkx

marketing advice marketing fridays with claudia
Moving audience members to clients is often where we bang our heads against the wall...
They have, time, permission from someone else - but what's REALLY GOING ON with objections?
And how do you deal with them without feeling pushy?
Today, Marketing Expert Claudia Schalkx & I are talking REAL talk about what to do with objections -
In a personalized way - that doesn't make you feel like you're "ROLLING" or convincing someone!
If you'd like to connect with Claudia, be sure to check out  Bridge2MORE!

Watch The Full Interview! 


Full Transcript 

Jen Liddy
One of the biggest complaints that entrepreneurs have is that they're audience doesn't move across the line to becoming customers quickly enough. And we talk a lot about the BS of the pace at which an audience member will become a customer. And it is fairly slow usually. But how do you help them make that cross? They usually have some objections. And today, Claudia Shocks and I are going to talk about these objections, what to do with them and how to deal with them without feeling kind of sleazy or pushy or aggressive.

Because that's what we hear all the time that entrepreneurs are trying to avoid.

Claudia Schallkx
So welcome.

Jen Liddy
Welcome. Claudia. And my friend is 03:00 p.m. In the Netherlands. Yes.

Claudia Schallkx
Yeah. My Friday is looming. My weekend is looming.

Jen Liddy
She's close to the weekend. Yeah. So let's talk about this word objections. It's a dirty word.

Claudia Schallkx
Yeah. It's not a dirty word. It holds the key to turning potential customers into clients. The thing is, there is usually something that prevents us from taking the decision, you know, and it's very rarely about money. So you get I don't have the money, don't fall into the trap. If you don't take action, you will lose so much money. That's not very rarely the issue.

Jen Liddy
You can talk a little bit more. But can you go into that?

Claudia Schallkx
Yes. The thing is, there is something called price. And there's something called value.

Jen Liddy
What was the first one? Price or price? Yes.

Claudia Schallkx
The morning. Okay. So prices are saying. And value is what people has in their minds. For your product, your product is valuable for them. They will cross the bridge. Money wise money. But if you really convince them and they think the product or services for them, they will find the money. That is of the case. Right. But the thing, especially for things that you've tried before in your life or before in your business, where you grow certain recipes. So let's suppose this sample I gave you the other day about me being a nutritionist or a Diocese, the Titian.

So you would think that everybody that wants to lose weight, it could be my client. But the thing is, people who want to lose weight for different reasons. So you need to click to those reasons. For instance, if you are a recent to mom, you are dealing with the baby fat. If you are an overweight mom, you are dealing with different issues. So you need to talk to what they are selling are their issues. So, for instance, a new mode. Well, say, I don't recognize my body.

My cellphone doesn't fit me anymore. I look like a bag with legs. My mother like it's not working because I don't feel so confident. And in this case, we never could see pants. So as consultants complete in the conversation.

Right. Right.

So they say the symptom and we say the problem. So in the case of being overweight, it's easy to say this is the problem. Right.

But you have to pay attention to the symptoms. Talk about the same Tom in your message, and that is the driver. Okay. So, for instance, that is what will keep you going on. I want to have energy to run after my child. I want to be in the pictures. The couple we use was an overweight mom not being able to join the attractions in the park because she wouldn't fit in one of those mini schools they don't want on one, you know, and then she's not part of her family memories.

So you have to speak to that longing. And that is the driver. And you need to figure out what is the driver because the driver is part of your message. The other thing that is part of your message is the objection is why if I have everything you're still not doing?

Jen Liddy
Yes. This is the big problem, right.

Claudia Schallkx
And that is a big problem. And for instance, in the case of a dietician, it could be, for instance, that people don't want to go into a protein only diet live in shape or they don't want to let cars go. For instance, if you come to me and you say you won't be able to try and pasta, I am telling you goodbye.

Jen Liddy
Yes. I would rather be a size 14 than give up off.

Claudia Schallkx
Or you say you have to give up your coffee for life. I am like, no, I can do it for three days for three months. But then I will go back to coffee because I like the flavor of the moment you discover what is preventing you from saying. Yes, you can add up to your message. For instance, in your case, you talk about what you say having more better content without working more, more or less. Sure. So the four people have is that to create content, they will have to work more.

Jen Liddy

Claudia Schallkx

Jen Liddy

Claudia Schallkx
Okay. So you and your message, you already address the object, right. I can say marketing with no technical overwhelm. A lot of people understand that knows that some part of your marketing you can automatize. But then what does it mean? You can say search engine optimization without Google Analytics headaches?

Jen Liddy

Claudia Schallkx
Because people understand you need Google Analytics, but they don't know how to read Google at the moment. You understand what is preventing people from making the decision. You include that in your first message or in your pitch, your pitch. You know, I help you to get rid of your baby sat without giving up carbs. Yes. Without needing to go to the gym or without living on carrots and celery.

Jen Liddy

Claudia Schallkx
The thing. Right. And then when you go to the extended version of your message there, you elaborate on the drivers.

Jen Liddy
So let's talk about why. So say you've done all of the things you understood, the symptoms. You've talked about, it in your messaging, but you get on a sales call with somebody, they say I can't afford it. Or I have to ask my husband, we hear that a lot. Tell me, why is that the objection that most potential clients go to that keeps them an audience member and doesn't cross the line?

Claudia Schallkx
Well, for many entrepreneurs, their business is a hobby. So the moment they have to commit seriously, either because, for instance, in a membership or in a three month program, you really need to work and show up and do the homework, etc. That it's already confronting. You know, I am not a hobby anymore. I am a business. Yes. So a hobby and business is what tells you what hobby business is, in which direction the money goes. If it least your pocket, it's a hobby. Rocket is a business that can be one of the things.

The things. For instance, they don't feel entrepreneurial. They don't want to take the risk. You know, they are not sure about their business. If you are starting in your business or you depend on your partner to make some important decisions about your business, then I would recommend that when you have this discovery calls, you ask this person if somebody else is involved in the decision making and invite this of the person to the quote, because then you know, you are the one giving the message. You are the one making the clarifications.

So, you know, invite your partner to the conversation, either your business partner or your life partner or your financial partner.

Jen Liddy
I think what all of this comes down to is people don't actually trust themselves. They use money because it is.

Claudia Schallkx
No, I see two way out. Yes.

Jen Liddy
It's totally like, oh, well, then you said you don't have the money, then I won't. You know, I can't talk about it anymore. No.

Claudia Schallkx
If you don't have the money, why do you jump in the discovery call? Yes.

Jen Liddy
And the other thing is people, when something really matters to people, they find the money. And I've done that myself. When I really want something, you find a way. For most people, they find a way. And I'm not advocating that we roll people. And that's a that's an American thing. I think we roll people over their objections, and that never feels good. So I have this theory that when we get to a sales call, we're going to reverse engineer this. We get to the sales call. We know we're going to have to roll people's.

Objection. They're going to say, Well, I don't have the money. I have to ask my husband and I don't have the time right now. And whatever, like, whatever their objection is, most of us are so conditioned that that's where the sales call end up. It's a waste of our time. So why would you even want to do a sales call? Then why would you even want to market yourself if you know that the sales call is going to be where we end up if it's going to be ultimately futile.

So I have this theory. The reason we don't market ourselves is that we don't really want to get on sales calls anyway.

Claudia Schallkx
Well, the thing is, if you're selling it as a sales call or you're selling it as a discovery call.

Jen Liddy
But are they the same?

Claudia Schallkx
I mean, no, they're not the same. Oh, tell me that is a discovery code. You know, it's a two way conversation. I want to know if I am good for you and you want to know, and I want to know if I want to know if I am good for you, and vice versa if you're good for me. So in a discovery code, you ask all the questions you need to qualify your potential client. It's a conversation, but in the direction both parties agree, most probably the potential clients will say, okay, how do we do it forward?

If you really have all the information, then you can say, I have a three month program or I have a membership or your site, site, site. The thing is, we tend to jump into that part of the conversation without having fee. Right now is history call becomes a sales call while the client is not qualified.

Jen Liddy
Yes, that's so good.

Claudia Schallkx
We take the time to know your clients. And, for instance, if you have a signature system, you walk your client through your signature system and you ask the questions, then you can say, okay, the reason why you have this problem is because ABC and D, for instance, in my case, usual problems are you don't have fully understanding of your buying persona, your client. Your message is not clear. You have a clear offer. You don't have a pipe, a system in place to attract clients, and you don't know how to manage their discovery calls.

So naturally, people say they understand they see the problems laid out and they say, okay, what do I do?

Jen Liddy
And then you and the discovery call can help them with that.

Claudia Schallkx
And then you said, okay, I have a three month program, but I need to know more about you to see if the program is a good fit for you. And then you go to more questions, and then you can sign up discovery Call into a sales cool. But you cannot step into discovery call. Fooling yourself that it's a sales call, because then you're being critical with yourself and falls towards your clients.

Jen Liddy
Well, I think that this is a mental shift that people can make, so that again, let's start at marketing. Marketing and sales are different. Marketing leads to sales. That's the goal. And in the marketing are you dealing with the objections that your particular clients need and want to overcome so that by the time you get on the discovery call, you're not stepping in thinking this is a sales call. You're stepping in thinking I want to figure out whether this person is a good fit for what I have and whether I'm a good fit for what they need.

So this is a tiny shift, but I think it can have monumental impact on people's marketing.

Claudia Schallkx
But it's the same thing when you're an employee and you are going to a job interview, usually as an employee, you only have this. You don't have questions about your employer, and then you have the mismatch. As many of us more from the corporate world into the entrepreneurship world, we do exactly the same thing. Except we don't have a boss put involves to us we don't have, but we as approach interviews the same way. And even words, because many entrepreneurs are short on cash or on a desperate to have clients that they are willing to accept anybody as a client as long as cash comes it.

So you pay this on the long term. Certainly there is a learning curve, and you learn more from that clients from book clients. But you can thrive on having that clients. They also will give you that name to your business. The results you won't have good testimonials. So you need to you need to understand that you need to qualify the client and you need to give the client a fair chance to qualify you. That's what a discovery call is for. So you know, if you call it discovery call, GETONE call, coffee.

Virtual coffee call. Do what the call is not. Do not have selling as the ultimate objective.

Jen Liddy
Right. So are we a good fit? Yeah. It's almost like a first date.

Claudia Schallkx
Yeah. It's exactly like a first date. I mean, if I go out with somebody, I don't know. And he says, let's get married to, you know, I am like, Hello. Besides.

Jen Liddy
So basically, there's so many ways in our marketing to I qualify your audience members to see if they would be good clients. This is a small shift, but I think it will have monumental effect on our marketing if we can do these things. So qualify your clients before they ever get on a discovery call, stop thinking of a discovery call as we're going to wind up married. We're just actually going out for coffee. And in your content, your job is to be knowing their symptoms and talking about their symptoms because those are the real objections.

No, I don't have the money. I can't get permission. I don't have time. So that's a big thing that we just covered.

Claudia Schallkx
Yes. You know what many times when we talk about the problem and we forget to talk about the symptoms, what we're doing is we're expecting to our audience to outer diagnose themselves, you know, and if they can diagnose themselves, they want it starting to have not even a historical. So you really need to talk about the symptoms. I'm going to get the answer to the problem, but you need to talk about the symptoms.

Jen Liddy
We are the driver just to step that out for people. If the problem is and we're going to go back to your example, the problem is, I am overweight the symptom for somebody might be I won't look good at a reunion or a wedding. I have coming up for somebody else. That might be I can't be involved in my family's life because I can't whatever it is, fit in the airplane seat or want to be taking pictures of or whatever. So we have to talk specifically. So the problem is, wait, there's lots of different ways that this shows up in people's lives.

Right. Right. So you have to figure out which one you solve for and be very clear about that when you and I had this conversation earlier this week, if you don't make that leap for people and show them the exact symptom you help solve for T, you said we're expecting them to diagnose themselves, right?

But if you can keep holding up a mirror and painting the picture of the symptom, the symptom, the symptom, the symptom. It's easier for them to see themselves. And it reminded me of when I was a teacher. I was an English teacher and an English Professor, and my students would constantly have to write essays, and they would like, make these claims or they would use this quotation. But they would never link the two or explain things thoroughly, bringing it back to their thesis statement. I was always like, Why are you throwing this in here?

What does it mean? Why is it important? Prove your piece of statement. And they expected me as the reader to make all of those mental links like I was supposed to do the hard work.

Claudia Schallkx

Jen Liddy
Our audience is not supposed to do the hard work. We are supposed to make it easy for them to see themselves in our marketing.

Claudia Schallkx
Exactly. Yes. For instance, the example you brought forward about the lady going back to the school reunion, that is most probably a topic of vanity. So you should be talking about do you want to fit in the dress have the same size? Do you want people to tell you that time hasn't passed and you look as gorgeous as you did it go. So those are the symptoms. That's what her driver. That's right. Look 25 years younger and have six size less. You know, that's the driver. And if you can make that promise true, then it's a match made in heaven.

And the same thing. The overweight lady, you know, she complains she can get into the attraction set. So she's not part of her family memory. She's the one making the picture she connected to run behind her child. So if you start saying we're going to be them and you're going to live only on Hareton celery, you're not going to connect with the person, but that if she said you don't really want to be part of your family memories, you really want to hold your child's hand in the roller coaster.

You know, you want to yell your long south next to your child, then because you need to strike the emotion.

Jen Liddy
Yeah. You know, it's not only the fact you also need to strike on the emotion because the emotion is what connects with as human beings.

Claudia Schallkx
You know, a lot of people say strike on the emotion because that's what will get you the sale. No. The emotion is what connects us as human beings. And the emotion is what lets me know that you understand me, and that's where the like, trust, etc. Happens, because with my confusion.

Jen Liddy
It's not only what connects us, it's also what causes us to take action. We don't take action until we are feeling something we don't want to feel anymore.

Claudia Schallkx
Exactly. Well, that is what we use to search for a solution. Is that what that gets us to make the decision? It gets us to search for the solution we get to make. The decision is that you find somebody that understands you mostly objections, and you have to trust this person will deliver.

Jen Liddy
Yeah. Well, that's the I want to talk about one last thing before we go. The trusting you will deliver. I think it's important in our content and our marketing to talk about not all of the house and not all of our framework and everything. But if your solution is not meeting somebody's needs and you're not clear about that, then you've lost their trust. So I joined a program last year that was all about healthy eating and different healthier lifestyle and done through nutrition. But I didn't find out until I got into the program that it was a vegetarian program, and I don't want to be a vegetarian.

That is not another hurdle I want to add into my life. I felt like, oh, that's not what I wanted. Just it didn't work for me. I was like, right from the Echo. I'm like, I don't have any interest in this. Or if somebody joined my program and they were looking for scripts and daily prompts for social media. That's not what I provide, because I think that that just makes life harder. So if I promise, come into my membership and it's all about, like, plug and play everything, that would be false because I never provide that.

I don't believe in that.

Claudia Schallkx
But, you know, the thing is, we, as entrepreneurs, tend to see our products and services from a default position, and this is another topic for another call. But we need to see what are the other possible positioning of our program. And I start to see we need to see our business from the I. O. For potential.

Jen Liddy
That is it right there. So our job is to see our businesses from I'm going to write that in our job is to see our businesses from the eyes of a potential client. Yes. How does getting the framework done that you teach help with all of this. How could this solve this problem?

Claudia Schallkx
Well, the framework helps you to have clarity in your message at your buying persona. Clarity on the service you deliver. It helps you to also deliver your service in a given period of time. But it also helps you to the content, which then again, circles back to the service you're delivering. It also helps you during your discovery course, because, for instance, my my framework is unravel your marketing. And my parting point is, people have absolutely no idea or a tired of the lack of results marketing. And at the end, they know exactly what to do with.

So the first thing I ask is tell me about your clients and from the answer, I can tell if they really know their clients inside out or not. And I continue to have things that are related to my signature system, which is a marketing roadmap. Depending on the answers, then I can make a diagnosis. And I said, okay, you know, here you have problems here, you have problems. This is working. But because you have problems here and here, this one is not going to perform the way you want.

So you lay out the problem based on your signature system, which increases your chance. Not only that you a person understands better what kind of program they have, but understands better how you can help them. And just because you have a process, you can guarantee that you can deliver results because it's a tried out process and that increases the value in the ice of this person. And that allows you to raise the price as well. So it's it's a kind of tailor in your marketing strategy.


Jen Liddy
And also, ultimately, everything you just said helps you overcome objections because, you know, clearly, if this person is a good fit, what kind of person you're looking for, you're attracting the right kind of client for your framework versus just flattering your message everywhere and hoping that somebody shows up and you have conference all throughout your marketing.

Claudia Schallkx

Jen Liddy
Yes. Yes. Well, in the comments I've outlined, all of the topics that we talked about today, if you have any questions, come back and tag us because we are happy to come back and answer these questions. But objections is something that once we understand them more clearly, we can kind of save them off without being sale or rolling people. And so, Claudia, I'm always appreciative for your insights and your example.

Claudia Schallkx
Thank you. Talk to you next week.

Jen Liddy
Bye, everybody

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