The #1 Reason Why Women Can't Grow Their Business
If you've been hustling, overworking, and trying to "MANAGE TIME'...
you're never going get into the flow - and time will always elude you.
Watch the full video right here or read below for the full transcript!
When I talk to women about why they want to have their own business, there's generally four things they say.
- They want to have control over their time. So, they want to have more time freedom.
- They want more creative freedom. They want to do the thing they want to do in the way that they want to do it on their own timeline.
- Or they want to have an impact in the world. There's something that they know they can bring to the world, and they want to do it.
- Or they want to have more money. They want to have the ability to make more money and keep the money that they make for themselves.
All really great reasons.
So I meet women every day who want to grow business.
Maybe they've started the business.
Maybe they're kind of circling around their business. ,
So why don't we grow our businesses?
And the number one reason that I find is time, they don't have the time.
And I will look at my clients calendars, I will look at their to-do lists, they are like wringing the hell out of their day.
They get up, they have lists, they have calendars, they cross stuff off lists!
I'm not talking about people just walking around doing nothing wasting time.
I'm talking about women who have really, really busy lives.
And so the thing that keeps us often so busy, and there's lots of things that keep us busy, but today I want to talk about one of my most favorite strategies to help us rein in our time, and master our time.
And it's what happens to us is we have so many ideas about things we want to do out in the world,
things we need to do
things we have to do,
And it weighs on us energetically and we spin around and we spin around
It's almost like
we think of what we have to research
we think of what we have to do,
we think of what we have to know
who we have to talk to.
All of that makes us feel like we're busy.
It makes us feel like we're taking action.
But actually, it keeps us from taking action and it steals our time.
This is one of the big areas of why people don't get shit done is because they're constantly in this perseverating- thought, thought, thought, thought, thought- mode. \
So I was just on a video with my mastermind group and all of them have gotten to a place where they're really clear
- in who they're serving,
- what they're offering,
- how to market it,
they're all really clear.
But I know what's going on in their heads is "Okay, what's next, what's next."
We're always thinking about "What's next. What's next. What's next."
So I want to share with you my favorite strategy to help you get out of that thing where your brain is like a radar constantly going beep, beep looking for the things
that it's supposed to remember
the things that it's supposed to do
the things that it wants to do next,
And it's just called a thought parking lot.
And if you start to use this rather than a to-do list, it'll free up energy and it'll make you feel like you have so much more time on your hands.
So this is a simple strategy.
You can have it on your phone with notes, you can have a note that's always going, you could have it in the back of a notebook that you like to carry around with you or a journal that you like to carry around with you.
This is not hard.
But it's not a to-do list. It's called a thought parking lot.
And anytime that something comes into your brain that you "should" all over yourself,
I should be doing this.
I've got this offer right now I should turn it into a workshop,
or I've got this program now I should turn it into a presentation.
Oh, I should I should I should I should...
Put it in the thought parking lot and let it be there.
And then your brain can relax.
Your brain can say "I know that that is somewhere else. And that I know exactly where to go and get it when it's my turn and my time to go do the next thing."
But all I want you to do right now is I bet that there's one thing that you are really working hard on right now.
One thing that you're really trying to bring to fruition.
Something you're focused on, but you're constantly distracted, which makes you feel like you don't have any time.
How do you get that time back?
And the way you focus is by getting rid of all the other noise and putting it in your thought parking lot.
This is not a to-do list, it doesn't mean that you're going to go back through it and cross stuff off.
Let's just put it someplace so your brain can stop trying to remember it, stop searching for it, stop iterating on it in your mind.
I'll tell you this frees up so much time.
And if you want more time back in your day to grow your business, I promise you it's not hard, I actually have a free resource for you.
I'll put the link below it's called Master Your Time
It's three simple steps, I just gave you one of them to create more time every day, even if you're busy.
Even if you don't know how it has nothing to do with a planner or a calendar. It has nothing to do with managing your day and time blocking.
Actually, I give you four because I give you a bonus secret stuff that I did I don't usually talk about.
And along with this free becomes coaching emails too.
So like I actually talk you through how to use it because I don't want it to sit in your freebie graveyard that lives on your computer.
So I would love to hear "What is the one thing that you would love to just finish and cross off your list?"
I know there's a whole bunch of stuff that you'd like to do, but what is the one thing you've been focusing on, that just needs to be cleaned up and done?
And then once that's done, you can go to the next thing
Drop that in the notes below. I'd love to hear from the comments on what you have to say about that.
My name is Jen Liddy. I'm a business development coach. I love to help women grow their businesses.
And I know that the number one thing that keeps us from growing them, well, there's so much underneath this, but it's time
We just don't have enough time.
And I know that you're using your time so well, but I want you to have more without doing more and that's the goal of this resource for you.
So I'll put it in the link below. I hope this was helpful. drop me a note and tell me the one thing you would love to get done.
Thanks for showing up today. Bye.