The Inside Scoop to Getting Help with Your Content with Jen Lehner

Have you tried hiring someone to deal with your content before?
If it’s been a nightmare…or a series of frustrating, ineffective collaborations…
Or you just have NO idea how to actually (tactically – like, for realsies) find & hire your Perfect-Match VA so you can get some FREAKIN’ help with that Content Machine…
You’ve GOT TO check out today’s interview!
Jen Lehner is a digital strategist and all around information genius! She created a program called FrontRow CEO that teaches people how to
Find, hire, and keep a virtual assistant in ways that are…
BOOM! I promise you: trying to keep up with your content on your own is depleting and will eventually wear you out!
I’ve been through Jen’s program – so I was expecting her genius to shine through, but WHEW!!
The nuggets she shares on today’s episode of Content Creation Made Easy will give you soooo many tools to help you get some HELP with managing your content…
Enjoy tons of gems in Jen’s free content at – Her YouTube channel is chock-full of goodness.
AND get your butt into her free 3-day training called 3 Secrets to Scaling your Business & Building Your Dream Team!” by clicking the link below
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Full Transcript
Jen Liddy
Hello. Hello. Welcome to this week's podcast!
We are talking today to a friend of mine, a colleague of mine, and somebody who is actually one of my mentors: Jen Lehner.
What Jen and I will be talking about today is a concept I've brought up before. I talk all the time about how important it is to get help in your business, to have a virtual assistant or some kind of assistant to keep you out of the lunacy of creating content, because it just feels like this endless churn and like the content monster just wants more and more.
So I've talked to you about the importance of that before, but I have not talked to you with an expert who’s going to talk about how to really make this happen.
She's going to tell you what she teaches people, and I have learned from her personally. It's how I hired my team. So I just want to introduce you to Jen Lehner. Hi, Jen!
Jen Lehner
Hey, Jen Liddy. It is so good to be here.
Jen Liddy
Good to be here, too. And good to be here with you.
Jen is a digital marketing and systems strategist, and I wanted to bring her on because when you join Jen's programs, you are just kind of blown away with the efficiency that she performs at and what she is able to provide to her clients.
I'm in her private mastermind, The Front Row VIP.
I'm going to have Jen talk about the Front Row and what that means to be in the front row.
Jen basically teaches people all the things about strategy for being an online business. Everything from social media to strategic outsourcing, which is what we're going to talk about today.
Just know that we are in the company of a really useful expert. So I'm excited to dive in. Thanks, Jen.
Jen Lehner
Hey, it's better than being a useful idiot.
Jen Liddy
Yes, we've got an incredible expert. So, Jen, can you talk to us a little bit about first of all, what does Front Row VIP mean to you and how do you approach your business in that way?
Jen Lehner
Well, the whole concept of Front Row is just how I realized after I sort of coined that term in my business, how I've approached my whole life that way.
I think there's certain people that always sit in the front of the class. Some other people might find that annoying, where the hand constantly is up and you're participating. I tried not to be annoying.
But it really is just a metaphor to say that life is really too short to take a backseat. And so it's up to us to claim our spot on the front row, whether it's in a class or a concert, if you can get there, because it's just your way of saying, I'm all in, and I'm okay to be seen, and I'm okay.
I want to see! When you're in the front, just literally in the front, you see things more clearly. You hear things more clearly, and you see it first.
So I just think that's a pretty awesome way to live life and that's it. So in business, it's the same thing. It's the concept of, like, going for it!
Jen Liddy
Yeah. You've talked in other venues about how you've gone to conferences and because of where you're sitting, it really was strategic in terms of who you got to meet and the experiences that you've had.
I always try to think of being in the front row. I'm a nerdy person, so I'm often in the front row, but I know that a lot of people will choose to sit in the back. But you're always encouraging us to do it your way and be in the front row so that you can see and be seen.
Jen Lehner
Yeah, absolutely. Regarding the conferences, it is strategic because it's just so funny when you do that. It turns out that people on either side of you end up being real go getters, movers and shakers.
They're interesting people, and they're interesting, they're interested, they're curious. Those are the people I want to be around.
Surround yourself with those people and great things start to happen. So, yeah, thanks for asking about that. I love to share that message.
Jen Liddy
I'd like to have everybody know the philosophy of the person that we're talking with today. We are talking specifically about your program, Front Row CEO, and what that program does.
I know you've got a lot of trainings before people get into your program, but the Front Row CEO is, in my view, as somebody who's taken it, a way to finally step into the CEO seat in your business and stop doing all of the work that's keeping you from growing your business.
Can you talk a little bit about the Front Row CEO program and how everything that you teach kind of leads people to the Front Row CEO program?
Jen Lehner
Yeah, the whole thing sort of happened by accident because as I was building my own business.
I was in business for two years. Now, I look back and I'm like, Wow, I wish I would have hired someone from the very beginning, which we can talk about.
We can follow up with that later if you want, because I know that sounds kind of crazy and controversial, but really and truly, I wish I would have hired someone in the beginning.
Then when I hired someone, everyone noticed that I just shot up like a rocket ship in terms of my visibility, but also what I was offering and all the things I had going on right, and the things that I built.
So people noticed and they were like, What in the world are you doing that you have grown so quickly? You're all over the place!
I was like, I hired someone.
So people said, Tell us, tell us, how did you do that?!
So I started to develop that process. The person that I hired is still with me today, all these years later. I've been in business ten years now, and we've grown beyond just the one person.
Jen Lehner
But basically it's based on the notion, like you said, that if you do all the things in your business, if you do all the admin things in your business, you are not a coach, you are not a lawyer, you are not whatever you are.
That's not what you are.
You are what you do.
So you're an administrator.
You're an administrative assistant, right?
That's just a fact, right? We can put our titles all over the place, but what are you actually doing?
We all know in this online space and creating content and trying to put together a course and if you're a coach, simply downloading a zoom call and getting the show notes, that could take half the day!
If I'm doing that half the day - and then, God forbid, there's some sort of dysfunction with forwarding my URL domain, even to this day, I have to relearn that every time.
I mean, I don't anymore, but I would have to when you get the 404 message or whatever, and then the whole day is gone, right?
So it's just really simple math. If somebody else is doing that stuff for you, then guess what you get to do?
Jen Lehner
You get to do the stuff that actually moves the needle. That actually is what you came into your business to do: to serve people, to help people, to develop your talents further.
It's all those things that you just cannot do.
You can't reach out to get the speaking gigs, and you can't really make sales calls that only you can make.
You don't have time to do that if you're bogged down. Okay?
Not to beat a dead horse, but it is so obvious, and yet some of us still think, Well, I'm just going to keep doing myself.
Because number one: how am I going to explain my business? It's all in my head.
I got a hot mess going on over here, right?
It is what I hope people take away from our conversation, if nothing else, is to know that you are not alone.
Actually, now that I've had hundreds of people go through this program, you are the norm! You are the norm, okay?
Even those people that you think are just really killing it in your eyes, when they started, before they had help, they were exactly where you feel like you are.
Jen Lehner
Maybe they had a mess too, and they might still have some tangles. I mean, we all do.
So then it's like, Well, Jen, I believe what you say. I'm buying into what you're saying like, okay, I need help, but how do I even go about that?
So it's really critical to… Well, I'll tell you, the main objections are like how do I go about doing that? “I wouldn't even know where to start.”
Jen Liddy
How much does it cost?
Jen Lehner
Yeah. And how much is it going to cost me? Because I can't afford it. I'm barely breaking even in my business or what is really typical for a lot of folks is just the feast or famine.
We launch, we don't launch anymore. Then we're thinking about the next thing, what are we going to do next?
Then we get a peak, we get a few new clients and on and on it goes, and we just don't feel like we're profitable enough or it's scary to think that you have to show up like that now for somebody else.
Like now somebody else is kind of depending on you to steer the ship and that can be really kind of a little bit daunting for folks.
So, I have answers for all of those questions.
Jen Liddy
Yes, that's what I want to talk about today because I think that people buy into the fact that given how many platforms there are for content and even with help like AI, ChatGPT, all of these helpers, we still are overwhelmed.
So I think people buy in, right?
But then there's all of these logistical questions.
The first thing I want to say is that when I realized that my assistant could do shit faster than I could and it wasn't going to take her 3 hours, I didn't have to pay her for 3 hours of the same thing.
That was like the first objection for me.
Then a lot of the questions you raise are like, Okay, how?
Are there any insights you can give us on the podcast to help us understand isn't as scary and overwhelming as everybody thinks it is?
Yeah, I would say that if a lot of people have they come back to me and they're like, Look, I've done this before and it was a nightmare and it was more trouble than it was worth.
And in the end I said to myself, ‘If this is what it's like I might as well just do it myself, right?’
That is a sickness, okay? That we all do that.
Jen Lehner
But this is not true. This is a lie that you are telling yourself.
Jen Liddy
Is it the same lie that I should fold my own laundry rather than have my teenager do it because I do it better and then I don't want to teach you. Is it along the same lines?
Jen Lehner
Same, the exact same, yes. I'll tell you how I dealt with that one. I got buckets that fit on the shelf in the closet and I label them like underwear, jeans, shorts, whatever.
So when they put the laundry, it didn't matter that he stuck it in there in a ball, right?
Because you couldn't see it. It kept it very neat. That was my systematic solution to that little two boys nightmare.
Okay with the laundry.
Yes. So basically the problem is that everybody who's ever tried to hire has gone through the frustration of posting your ad. And then you get a whole bunch of responses.
Sometimes, depending on where you posted the ad, you might get upwards of 150 responses.
Then there's the time to weed through all of that, and 80% is garbage.
Garbage in that they didn't even read what you said. They're nowhere near! They don't even fit the bill at all. They did not read your your thing.
But you still have to spend the time filtering through there. So what I tried to address was every person who joins my program is in the same place, which is they're losing their mind because they are so busy.
And I can't make this process, I can't make the trainings take longer than five minutes, and I can't make the steps be ridiculously long.
So, it was like, Huh, how am I going to do this?
It was like kind of semi-automated, as automated as it can be. And what ended up happening was I created literally, as you know, it is a machine.
You step into the machine and you just do what I tell you to do. And I'll just say broadly that it's a very strict filtering process, okay?
You're vetting the people in a way that really touches on everything. You need to filter out the wrong candidates and to focus on the right candidates so that after you go through this little machine, by the time they get into an interview with you, you've weeded out anybody who wouldn't be qualified…
And you're left with really outstanding candidates from there!
A huge part of the program, and what I teach, is that you take those people, okay - let's say up to between five and ten people.
I've had someone do this with as many as ten because they were looking for several VAS, and you put them into a trial, a paid trial week.
This is where the magic happens. Because we all know in an interview I've been on both sides of the interview, right? We all have.
So it's very easy to nail an interview and be charming and wonderful, but really, the magic happens in that trial week.
I can't tell you how many times I've interviewed someone and been like, Wow, they are perfect. They're just amazing. I know they're going to be the one.
Then we go into the trial work week, and it's not the person that was so charming and wonderful in the interview.
It was the quiet introvert, the person who was super shy, and I had to just keep pulling answers out of her. And it was a very awkward interview.
We get to the trial week. Oh, my gosh. She's slays, right? Okay, then.
So super important that trial week is really crucial.
Then in that vetting process, we have some very specific test tasks and assignments that we give along the way. So combining those two things helps you find at the end what I call your Perfect Match Virtual Assistant.
And this is someone we hope you're going to be with for years, right?
Jen Lehner
Not the revolving door.
Then the beauty of this is, after you do this, I say you really only have to do it once, because one of the first things you'll do is teach your Perfect Match Virtual Assistant how to use the machine.
And when you need to add to your team, your VA will be the one that runs 99.9% of that process. You will probably just show up for the interview, and that's about it.
But let's go back to affordability. Do you want to jump in? Since I've just grabbed the microphone!
Jen Liddy
I’m happy to have you jumping in!
You said at the beginning of that section, that it's a machine. And if you do what I tell you to do, it's actually going to be a lot easier for you.
I want people to understand: when I teach content, I'm going to teach, in a way that we have to make this your own. You have to find your voice.
We have to find your way when you want, like, to do!
But what Jen is talking about, hiring somebody for your business, to grow with your business.
This is not the time for you to become a critical thinker and have to simplify a whole bunch of shit out there.
This is the time for you to use the system. She's perfected the system.
So far, what we’ve learned is you have to vet in a really clear way, and you have to try in real life by paying them and having them do tasks. And it's not just about the interview.
This is what I guess I want people to first understand. It's not just about having great interview questions.
Jen Lehner
Gosh, it’s so much more than that, really.
Jen Liddy
Okay, so, yes, let's go back to the problem of I need to hire now. I'm not quite ready because I can't afford it. What am I doing?
Jen Lehner
Okay, so this is the “Can I afford the help part, right?”
Jen Liddy
Jen Lehner
This system that I have will really work, hiring a virtual assistant anywhere in the world.
We have used it to hire locally here in the US. But primarily we have hired in the Philippines.
There's a number of reasons for that. But the number one obvious reason is that when you outsource to the Philippines, you can leverage exchange rates.
So the trial week starts at about $5 an hour.
Before anybody faints or says, oh, that's exploitation and all of that, because believe me, I have heard it all, I want to be really clear about something:
We do not teach exploitation. This is not about finding the cheapest person that you can find.
In fact, when you go through those first vetting pieces, you ask people, what do they want to get paid?
So, they tell you! And you would be shocked to see that some people will ask for like $3 an hour.
We do not recommend that at all. You'll see that what ends up happening is that, yes, you might start at $5 an hour. This is why this is so beautiful: because you could start someone at $5 an hour and afford them for 40 hours a week, okay?
Jen Lehner
And really, if you can't afford $5 40 hours a week, then maybe you're not fully in business yet and that's fine, right? But that's $200 a week for someone working for you full time.
So, number one, as soon as you know that you have the right person, we encourage you to go to a salary model where you say, I'm going to pay you for 40 hours a week, even if you work, like 30, right?
Because just having that Perfect Match Virtual Assistant with you, who's going to be with you for years, who's going to help you grow your business?
Think about it. They don't have to go hunt down other clients anymore. They get to have a laser focus on you and your business. That's part of the formula, right, for really growing this true partnership, okay? That's number one. Number two, it really ends up being more than $5 an hour. Because another thing we encourage is profit sharing in the form of, like, let's say you have a launch or a new product launch, or you're relaunching something, whatever, you got a new campaign and you say, all right, guys, to your team.
Jen Lehner
Here's our goals: our good, better, and our best, our stretch goal.
If we reach certain goals, everybody's going to get rewarded for that. You don't even have to say what the amount is. I like to really blow my team away when we hit a stretch goal. I want them to fall off their chair with how generous my offer is, because if I have a launch and it makes $100,000, what is it to me to hand someone five grand?
They made it happen or more, right? And so when you give these kind of bonuses and then incremental raises as well, the beauty is that you're growing and they're growing!
And that's why it's so fast, Jen. Because it's cost prohibitive to hire someone at $50 an hour when you're in the early stages of your business, or $100 an hour, or even $25 an hour, because you can't get that momentum.
Because you wouldn't be able to afford that person for 40 hours a week or even 20 hours a week. So now, by starting together at this low rate, then let's say you do 20 hours a week, okay?
Jen Lehner
So it's $100 a week that you're spending. You've got this person, and they've taken over all the stuff you don't want to do anymore.
You never have to look at it again. You never have to do your show notes again. Oh, my gosh. What is that worth to you?
You know what I mean? Just the peace of mind that comes from that.
So you're growing, and they're growing right alongside with you.
Watch how fast a beautiful relationship is born.
The last thing I want to say about affordability, and specifically in the Philippines and sort of how that plays out: that is a living wage in the Philippines.
If you want it, I can give it to you for your show notes. Jen but we've got this new breakdown. I have my team do the research for this. And I was like, Look, I need this to be this has to be I don't want this to be fluff. I want these to be real numbers.
And guess what? If it comes back that our hypothesis is false, then we'll change it. We'll change the amount, and we'll start telling a different story.
Jen Lehner
But they went and they went and did a deep dive in their research to see, like, how much does it cost an average family for their mortgage, for education, for food?
They even put in there, like, a 25-kilogram bag of rice. Health costs, all of that. And at the end, at $5 an hour, there was, like, 2632 pesos left over, and they tried to include everything you could think of for living expenses.
Now, 2000 some odd pesos is nothing.
So I'm not saying that they're just saving loads of money, but this is a livable wage. And then again, it really ends up being more than that if you follow my system for the bonuses and the profit sharing.
So I have to say all of that in the same breath, because when you tell someone $5 an hour, it's shocking, and they worry, right? Like, wow, is that fair?
Another pushback that we get every once in a while, especially when I launch the program every once in a while, get some angry email from someone that says, well, I think it's terrible that you're sending jobs overseas, that VAs here in the United States could be filling.
And first of all, my response has always been, even before I did this VA stuff was, people are people.
I'm all right with the whole global economy thing, but that's just me. But even if I was, like, super all about local economy, guess what?
If I would have kept going the way I was going those first two years of my business, I wouldn't be in business right now.
I'm standing right now talking to you in a local office building. I have an office in an office building, so I'm paying the guy who owns this building a monthly rent.
I get videos produced at a local video space, whenever I need to do promotional videos. I've got a local printer.
I spend plenty of money locally because I was able to do that by growing my business with the help of someone overseas. So like, everybody wins.
You're not helping your local economy if you go out of business.
Jen Liddy
That's the bottom line. That's what I was going to say.
So should you just go out of business because you can't keep up? This is so typical of Jen. She has done her research & has mapped it all out.
That is really why I wanted to talk to you, because it's not just airy fairy or this theory that you have.
It is really a you teach people a system, but even if people don't buy your system, even just shifting their mindset about what you've brought up today, and even just if they could put into place a better vetting system for themselves, that alone would be gold takeaways from this podcast interview.
One of the other things I wanted to ask you, since you are such an expert about hiring VAs from the Philippines, is how do you know that it's safe and how do you pay them and is it harder than working with somebody in the US?
Jen Lehner
Oh, no, it's so easy. A couple of things. You're not really hiring an employee. So tax-wise, they're not even 1099.
It's a business expense. But you don't have to submit 1099 for your VAs, so that means they're not an employee, and so you're not required to pay health benefits or medical leave or any of that.
For paying them, I use PayPal, but there are a lot of very easy payment services that are super easy and convenient safety-wise.
What I always say is, you don't know that the person you hire in your local town who comes into your office isn't going to be some sort of thief. You don't know, right?
But I can tell you that in all the time I've been doing this and all the people and all the hundreds of VAS who have been hired, I've never had one person come back to me and say, Jen, someone stole from me. Or they hacked my account. Or whatever thing you conjure up in your head is dangerous.
But the beauty is I show you software that is in place that does protect you because it is important, right?
Like to protect your passwords and all that. So they never see your passwords and so forth. And then what else?
Jen Liddy
No, I just really wanted to know about, well, the safety you address both of them, the safety and the pay.
One question I have is why VA is from the Philippines specifically, how did that come to be?
Jen Lehner
Well, I lived in the Philippines as a kid for two years, and then I went back as an exchange student, and first of all, as the CEO of my business.
One thing I love about the Philippines well, first of all, I love the Philippines.
Number two, education is super important there. And so, truly, English is almost the first language in that. They learn it from kindergarten all the way through college. So most everybody is fluent in English.
Secondly, when you interview these VAs, with my vetting process, by the time you get to the interview, and even before that, the people who are in your funnel, they don't just have bachelor's degrees. Many of them have advanced degrees. Very educated. Very educated.
Jen Liddy
Mine went to medical school!
Jen Lehner
Yeah. Okay. I tell people that all the time. They don't believe me. Thank you.
We have had pharmacists, doctors, lawyers, engineers. People are super highly qualified. And I would also say one of the beautiful qualities about the people in the Philippines is that even with the infiltration of modern media and Western media and all of that stuff, still, like, really traditional, in that they really respect their elders.
And when you meet an older person in the Philippines, you kiss their hand. And we have a different outlook on old people here.
I only say that because it just gives you insight into just the collective kindness, if you will. I think there's such a thing. They are kind and they are loyal, and it's also a religious country.
I'm not a religious person, but people there are very religious. And again, I'm using a big brush. Right.
But I'm just saying, generally speaking, these are the things about the Philippines.
Jen Liddy
I've also found my VAs from the Philippines to be incredibly hard working. They have a very similar work ethic to the American work ethic.
Jen Lehner
Very much so. Very much so. Yeah. Very hard working.
Jen Liddy
Well, the one thing I wanted to shift into is you've given us a ton of insights about, you know, the mindset needed to finally hire somebody, some of the little tactical things to think about to make it easier for you.
But when it comes to creating content, well, I know that a VA can do a million things, and you've done a really good job of elucidating that for your clients.
But how can that specifically help us with our content? You did mention, for example, show notes, right? That would be one of the ways.
When a VA learns your voice, they can really kind of take over. What are some of the other things a VA can do to help you with your content?
Jen Lehner
Well, gosh. You mentioned Chat GPT. It's been a game changer for my team, because sometimes, where I might still be the bottleneck is when a piece of content gets created by my team, I still need to review it.
So now they take that content and they put it in Chat GPT and say, how can I word this better? Or how can I make this sound more American?
Because that is something where, although they're fluent, they use phrases that we don't. They're actually more formal in so many ways than we are. Right?
So one of my favorite examples is - and we just sent out one of these emails the other day and it's fine. - I think it sounds kind of cool. But one of my VA said like, Dear Theresa, since you already availed the offer of blah blah blah, which is grammatically correct, it's fine.
Grammar check wouldn't pick it up. But it's just we don't say that, you know what I mean? And so ChatGPT kicks it back and it's just been great. The improvement has been amazing. So actually creating content, there's many VA who actually write blogs and can do the blurbs for social media posts and that sort of thing.
Jen Lehner
Also like sending out a newsletter for my private Mastermind every Friday that has a template of stuff that happened this week, the news in tech and marketing and just any highlights that have happened, stuff I want them to see.
Then a lesson for the week that we pull from our vault that we think our members might find helpful. Well, they do 100% of that.
Like it's a roundup email.
Another thing that was created by my VA is one of my best pieces of content. We give it as a holiday gift every year and it's tools and resources that every small business owner or entrepreneur needs or something like that. I don't remember the title.
We have been keeping track of all of this stuff and link it in this very beefy guide of Linked and organized stuff like where to find the best free, royalty free audio or certain kinds of clip art, whatever.
But they compile that and so when it comes the end of the year, they just make a beautiful cover. And we have this really valuable freebie they obviously can process all of your videos and then repurpose them a million different ways that I know you teach your teacher people different ways of repurposing that I would never, ever have time to do.
Gosh, they just do everything!
Jen Liddy
It's kind of endless.
Jen Lehner
Endless, endless. I mean, really, the thing that I want people to know is that as the CEO, your content is oftentimes the thing that you do need to be doing, right?
You getting up on stage and delivering your TedTalk, your message, right? You on your podcast, you on your Vlog, those things you should be showing up for, but I like to just say proverbially as a metaphor.
All you should be doing, though, is hitting record. Whatever hit record means for you. That might be pen to paper, writing out a short story, whatever that is, but everything after that is your VA.
You don't touch it after that because you have systems in place for them to take it everywhere it needs to go until the time that it's published and then even beyond.
Jen Liddy
I love that.
Jen, how can people get into your world? I know that you're opening the doors to Front Row CEO, and I know that you have some great trainings that people will find valuable before those doors open.
Jen Lehner
How can people find you the best thing to do? I don't know when this is going to publish, but we do have a master class that's starting on February the 6th. And you can just wait for that.
Jen Liddy
Right before that.
Jen Lehner
Okay, great. So you'll have the link for that and you can just put that in the show notes and then you can go to .
Or to my YouTube channel. There's a million videos here:
Jen Liddy
Those would be great. And I'll put those in the show notes because I really think getting to know somebody before you work with them is really important.
So if you're interested in hiring a VA and everything Jen said today is making sense to you, and you're like, Oh, my God, it's time, and this is my year THIS is the program that you want to be part of.
Even if you don't join Jen's program, you want to be in her world because she's just so incredibly useful and helpful and she's really systematic.
If you're a person whose brain is, like, thinking in a million different atmospheres, Jen brings you back down and makes it really consumable and really simple.
That’s why I just wanted to share her with you. So, Jen, thank you so much for being on the Content Creation Made Easy podcast. It's not easy to say, apparently.
Jen Lehner
What's the podcast called? Yeah. Thank you, Jen. This was really a lot of fun.
Jen Liddy
Can you tell us, is there one more thing that people don't know that they should know? Is there one more little gem that I forgot to ask?
Jen Lehner
Ask, is there one more gym you forgot to add? Yeah. You did a really good job with all of your questions. No, I cannot think of a single thing. When we hang up, I'll think of it. I'll think of five things.
Jen Liddy
Thanks, Jen.
Jen Lehner
Thank you so much.