The luxurious indulgence that may be causing you pain

“Luxuriate in the indulgences of an on-site spa, personal sommelier, and four-course dinner.”
A hell of an invitation, right?!
“Indulge” is a luxury word…its definition is to spoil, pamper, pander, coddle, humor, treat.
To allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
This fascinating word often has a positive connotation, but I’m here to argue another point.
Why? Because as I make a comeback from poor health, I’m thinking about my indulgences:
I’m being totally indulgent & having a sundae.
Tonight, I plan to indulge a few cocktails.
I’m going to indulge myself and binge watch an entire season of…
Often, on the other side of indulging is self-loathing, disgust, or despair.
Sometimes regret. A different kind of hangover.
It’s not just food & drink: I indulge thoughts of judgment, perfection, & comparison.
Feelings of worry & anxiety.
I wallow in playing the game of “Where do I rank?” and “Am I smart enough to do this?”
Ermagahhhhhd and oye vey.
These thoughts are INDULGENT…in that I allow myself to go down the rabbit hole.
But ohhhhh, man! There’s nothing pleasurable about that nonsense!
Here’s why I consider them indulgent:
I make a choice that feels good in the moment. But longer-term, it keeps me stuck. Longing to achieve my goals.
Do you indulge something that doesn’t serve you?
Over the next week, begin to notice. It might be hard because this thing usually feels really good in the moment…but on the other side of it…
Ugh. No Bueno!
Get fascinated with this idea - instead of getting critical with yo’self!
Ask yourself if you could be better served by NOT indulging..
Think of 15-Minutes-From-Now You. She’ll be grateful!
And if you do indulge, don’t judge yourself. You just have to like your reasons for doing it!
My group-coaching clients are examining how indulgences keep us from achieving the goals we’ve set.
It’s hard work fer sher, and it sucks to do it alone because - well - judgement!
What is it YOU want? More importantly, are you tired of putting it off? Join us in The Idea Space!
Learn how to bring that thing to life - without overwhelm, confusion, or judgment.
I promise…it can be done!.