Grab the Backstage Brilliance Marketing Toolkit

The ONE Thing Your Audience Is Looking For In Your Content

marketing advice

14 minutes into a call I expected would take an hour for, Sara said, ‘Nope - that’s it! I’m good! See you next week.”

I panicked a little - I’m helping my 2nd cousin craft her college personal essay, which I do for all the kids in my family…

It’s supposed to expose a deep, interesting, insightful aspect of you not found anywhere else in your application…

But seriously - MOST 17-year-olds don’t have a deep, transformative, epic saga.

They think, “Shit. I’m not interesting.”

This was Sara’s concern. Same with my niece & nephews in years past.

As an English teacher, I’ve helped 200+ kids write their essays, which is how I knew the exact right questions to take Sara quickly into the process, diffusing any fear.

Within 13 minutes, we’d not only found a compelling topic she liked {MIRACLE!}, we’d added nuance & depth, and outlined what she would write.

We got where she needed to go in 13 minutes!

An old part of me worried, “Shit. Did I help enough?” 

{PS: I’m doing this for freeeee. And I still wondered “Was I giving her enough?” OMG. 🙄}

This is not a lesson in giving your work away for free; 

OR knowing you’re enough;

OR convincing you you’re interesting; 

OR about providing value.


What did Sara want? A meaty topic expressing a noteworthy side of herself…

and compelling enough to grab the interest of a college admissions officer!

 RESULTS are what our clients are interested in - NOT spending an hour on the phone with us.

When our marketing doesn’t convey clearly, You can have this THING YOU WANT…”, you’re missing a vital aspect in your content!

 Why’s it so hard to MAKE THE RESULT CLEAR?

You probably spend a ton of time creating Instagram captions & posts that are inspirational or educational…

I bet you give a LOT of value via your YouTube channel - with videos that are funny, entertaining, and chock-full of great insights!

Maybe you’re even an incredible storyteller, and your email open rate is 30% and above - 

But do you KNOW the results you get your people? 

DO you know the results they WANT? 

If not, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, it was a frustration for me for years - it kept me spinning in circles, offering this, that, and every other thing…

Throwing solution after solution instead of honing in on what they really want AND need!

Most people shrug about when I ask them, “What do your clients really want?”

Um….to feel better? Does that work?

No - because it’s too general & doesn’t differentiate you from the massive sea of others!

When I figured out the RESULT I help people achieve - to become content powerhouses with a personalized content system, voice, & strategy - it freed me up!

No more done-for-you copywriting. Or one-off sessions.

I only work with people who WANT to learn HOW to make content work for them

How to make content EASIER - without outsourcing it…

OR who want to find their voice & create a system that works for them, so they CAN outsource it to a VA or social media assistant.

How’d I figure this out? I finally sat down with an expert to hash out my Signature System:

With the help of marketing consultant Claudia Schalkx, I realized I help people go from feeling invisible because no one sees their content to becoming a content powerhouse! 

I NOW know the results I help people get…and exactly who I want to work with!

It means I can stop making offers that don’t feel good to me or aren’t in alignment with that purpose.

It also means in my Instagram captions, email newsletters, and Pinterest posts, I need to focus on talking about the OUTCOMES so people know if I’m the right fit for them!

Ahhhh how’s THAT for freeing?

GOOD NEWS: You don’t have to wait years like I did to figure out the RESULTS you help people achieve! 

Claudia & I collaborated to create a program creating your OWN signature system…AND we use it to develop a marketing system + content vault based on YOUR strengths!

Here’s what our Signature System looks like - 

What RESULTS do your people want? HOW do you help them get there?

(Most people have a really hard time giving a concrete answer on this…)

If you’re struggling with your marketing + content & want clarity on HOW you help people - so you can know the RESULTS you help them achieve - 

the Personalized Signature System program will help you in sooooo many ways. Learn more here - and schedule a call to see if this is a good fit for you.

We have 5 beta spots open at our introductory rate…we’d love to take you through the process!


PS: Our landing page is still a work in progress, but both Claudia & I believe in taking bold, imperfect action forward - so we published it anyway & are onboarding clients into our system now…

You’re invited - Get a sense of this program and HOW it can help you achieve your business goals here.

3 Steps to Unlock the Content
that magnetizess your audience to you!

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