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The VISIBILITY Lie That Too Many Women Tell Themselves


so I don't need to PUT IT OUT there into the world.

Welcome to the ^^BIG BIG LIE**

This story - thought - lie - belief...

THIS is one of the best places we hide in our business.

We think about all the people who DON'T need us...

and we get scared or overwhelmed in putting ourselves out there.

If you're an entrepreneur, VISIBILITY is non-negotiable.

So, how do you SQUELCH this lie inside your brain?


Here are 5 questions you need to KNOW the answer to that makes it a LOT easier to be visible in your business -

Watch the full video right here or read below for the full transcript!

Have you ever thought about all the people who don't want your stuff?

The people who might roll their eyes or think it's too expensive or think it sucks or don't need it.

Have you ever let those people keep you from actually being seen letting yourself be seen in your business?

If you have you are not alone.

And that's why I'm here today doing this video talking all about the big visibility lies all month.

That's what I'm talking about here on my Facebook page, in my emails, in all of my content and I'm sharing strategies to help us get more visible.

It is 2020 and visibility is no longer negotiable.

We have to show up and be seen but I swear there's nothing scarier than trying to be seen in our business.

So what I see a lot of entrepreneurs do is no hint around or like think about the things that they want to do or they're just like always waiting for the right person to find them.

But the thing is the world is a noisy place.

Social media is noisy.

People will not find you unless you put yourself out there and are super clear with what you offer.

So you have to know like who exactly is your client.

  • What makes you special?
  • What's your unique value proposition?
  • What's your offer?
  • And how much is it who needs it?

But what happens is we tell ourselves this big lie.

It's the lie that nobody wants my stuff.

Anyway, nobody really wants to buy it.

And if you have done this, I want you to know like you're not the only one.

Most of the entrepreneurs that I work with get really stuck in that no one wants my offer lie.

And when we think no one really wants this.

Anyway, we make it so easy to hide then we don't show up.

We don't make our offers.

We don't get on social media.

We don't do videos.

We don't put our offers out there.

We never make money in our business.

We never grow and that is what my job is, is to help women grow their business.

So this is a pointless, useless lie.

No one wants my offer anyway, so I get to stay hidden now.

I understand why that happens because what if you come up with this thing that you would love and you think people need and you pour all of your love into it and you make all of it you make it brilliant and you do a lot of work to make it into something and then you put it out there and nobody wants it that's scary as hell.

So, of course, you are avoiding that rejection.

We all want to do that.

So probably what you're doing is you are thinking about all the people who don't need your offer who don't need your service who don't need your product and that's the mistake you're making.

That's what's keeping you stuck.

So here is the antidote to this lie.

I want you to sit down and really really really ask yourself and I'm going to put these questions in the comments for you.

So if you lose them if I go too fast, that's okay.

There are actually six questions.

I thought they were five, but there are actually 6.

So the first thing is you need to know who needs your offer.

And you have to get really specific about it because if you're saying "everybody needs my offer."

Yes, you are going to stay paralyzed and no nobody is going to buy anything from you because people aren't going to be able to hear you.

You're going to be too vanilla.

If you're trying to meet everybody and you think everybody has the need for yourself even soda, like think about all the sodas that are on the market think about water.

We all desperately need water.

Right like we all literally need water to live how many water brands are there.

Why are there so many brands of water?

Often because there's a different need for every person.

So there is no one type of water that literally fits every single person on the planet.

There is no one type of person that fits the thing that you are selling.

So stop trying to be everything to everybody who needs your offer know that very specifically so I need you to spend time on this question.

Number two is who wants your offer.

Now, those are two different questions "who needs your offer" and "who wants your offer".

Totally different because those things like for example people who are starting a business might need me as a business coach right likes people with ideas, but they might not be able to afford a business coach yet.


So the person who might want my offer is somebody who's already making money and ready to invest that's why I make free content,


But for my offer the person who wants it is going to be a little bit different a little bit more specific.

So you have to know the answer to that question to the third question which is who else might want it so you may have gotten a really narrow lane.

Is there anybody else we're not thinking of that you can open up this lane to?

I'm not saying everybody in the world everybody on the planet, but maybe there's somebody you have not thought of why do they want it when you know why people want what you're offering it is so much easier to get visible because then you're like, "Oh my God, they desperately need me."

Why do people want to work with me for example, because they're tired of spinning around in their business.

They're tired of their business running them.

They want to make money.

How else could they use it?

How could they use my offer?

That's a big question, and then how else could they use it?

So what could they do with it?

And then what else could they do with it by broadening yourself a little bit.

You can get a little more creative in your marketing.

And in the number of people who can actually work with you.

Now, you need to know the answers to these questions.

And again, I'll put them in the comments for you inside and out upside down and backwards because you need to know your audience.

So well that you're no longer assume.

Doing anything about them then once you've answered those questions and you have that exact person with their specific need and they desperately need you.

They need your solution.

How can you hide from that person when you can see them in your mind's eye and know that they desperately need your solution.

It's not okay to hide from the exact audience that needs you.

The solution is you how can you remain unseen when clearly so many specific people need your specific solution.

So stop making assumptions stop assuming that people are rolling their eyes at you and that everyone doesn't want yourself.

There are people out there who want what you have to offer and if you're not showing up to be seen then you are never going to sell your offers.

So know that your solution is very necessary to a very specific group of people and when you're creating content and you're putting your offers out there and you're showing up with content and you're showing up with offers.

You are only thinking about those really specific people who need you and then it won't feel like a choice anymore because you're going to be like, "Oh my god! There if they had me helping them, if they had my service, or my product, their lives could be so much easier so much better."

They have a problem and you are the solution.

So remember this first visibility lie, and I'm going to be talking about this all month and I'm actually going to give you a couple of solutions in a PDF that you can have to but right now I really want you to think about the foundation of the Visibility Lie is

"Nobody needs this thing so I can hide"

And, yes.

There are people who don't need you 100% but the good news is you don't have to be visible to those people.

You can let go of those people if you specifically help women who can't sleep through the night in their 40s and you're afraid to put it out there because you feel like your mom will look at your stuff on Facebook and judge you or like your best friend from high school will look at yourself on Instagram and roll her eyes.

Guess what?

Those aren't the people That you need to talk to you only need to be visible to the exact people who need what you have to offer.

So I'm going to put the comments in I'm going to put these questions in the comments and I really want you to think about them and feel free to answer them right here in the comments.

Who do you help who needs your stuff?

You have to be really specific.

Why do they need you?

And when you know that you're you're going to see such a game-changer in your ability to show up and be present and visible for your business.

I hope this was a really helpful way for you to start thinking about how to get over these lies that your brain tells you want you to understand.

It's not your fault.

If you've been hiding or feeling scared about being visible, it's so normal.

But let's cut through the noise and let your audience see you with visibility.

So every single day this month, I'm showing up with some visibility help for you.

My name is Jen Liddy.

I'm a business development coach and I help women be seen in their business with the right messaging in the right system.

So that their business isn't running them.

They are growing their business instead.

I'll see you next time.

Thanks for showing up.

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