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The World Needs Your Podcast! Here's How To Get It Published... with Rosemarie Callender

content creation made easy
You want to do a podcast, but you think...

"There are SO MANY podcasts already out there! Who wants to hear what I have to say?"


"It seems pretty time consuming. How do I do it anyway?"

"Should I BOTHER?"

So, I’ve invited Rosemarie Callender, podcast launch & systems strategist, to chat with me today to unpack alllllll the questions:

Especially - drum roll please – the biggie:

"Why does the world need my podcast!?"

Rosemarie & I talk everything from tech to mindset to help you jump over the hurdles with ease & get your podcast OUT THERE!

She helps purpose-led female coaches move a podcast off of their vision board and get launched within six weeks.

We dive into her 4P framework that’ll help amplify YOUR voice!

Learn how to make your podcast STAND OUT -even if you think the market is saturated, that no one needs to hear what you have to say, and that it’s gonna be a waste of your time!


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Full Transcript

Jen Liddy

Hey, I am really glad you're here today for the Content Creation Made Easy podcast. Today I'm with Rosemarie Callender and we are talking all things podcasting.

Now, if you've been following along with me, you know that I encourage people to pick a core piece of content. You can call it your anchor content; I call it homebase content.

It's a piece of content that you create, probably takes you a little bit of time. It could be your blog, your YouTube videos, your podcast, and then we repurpose it.

And I really wanted to dive into unpacking what it takes to create a podcast and get it out there and some of the challenges you might be having because you might want to consider doing a podcast!

Rosemarie is a podcast launch and systems strategist. She's basically an expert in this stuff. Her focus is helping purpose led female coaches move start a podcast off of their vision board and get launched within six weeks. She has a four P framework. We're going to dive into a little bit of that today, but her goal is to help people get their voices out into the world, amplify their voices and inspire others to do the same.

Jen Liddy

And she believes that we all have a story that we've got within us and we should be telling it.

So I'm really excited to finally have this interview scheduled. We've gone back and forth so many times. Rosemarie! I'm so glad the stars aligned and we're ready to go. So thanks for being here.

Rosemarie Callender

Oh, yes, thank you so much, Jen. It's been an absolute pleasure.

Jen Liddy

I'm so excited to talk about this because I think that podcasting is a great venue, but there's a lot of things that can be in our way. Everything from tech to mindset. Right. And then, of course, what to say. But I would love to dive in! Tell us about your journey to get to this place of being a podcast strategist.

Rosemarie Callender

Yeah, well, yes, thank you. So I have been in business two years in September. So what's that? About 21 months.

I started off as a general VA, serving female coaches. I absolutely love working with coaches and I am here, as you mentioned, to really amplify and make sure that women take their seat at the table.

Men have had their moment for far too long. But I started off as a VA and there was just something missing. My background I had is supporting C suite board members in London. I'm over, in essence, in the UK, so I used to travel into London providing PA support.

So very admin systems, processes focused. And so it made sense when I moved into the online space thank you, Covid. To really sort of support female coaches, business owners in that same way.

But supporting someone 2ft away from you and 7-8 women based all around the world is somewhat different, but I tried my best. I felt that I could do more. I wanted to do more. I wanted to put my little stamp on the world and as I said, just really support women in a more impactful way.

 Rosemarie Callender

And so one of my clients, she is one of my clients to this day, she actually got two podcasts, but she was launching a book in the spring and she was guesting on lots of shows in preparation for that.

And my support to her as a VA was taking those transcripts from those guest appearances and pulling quotes for her social media.

Long story short, that's how I got into podcasting. I was like, I've listened to podcasts before, but you never really think deeply, do you? You just accept all this stuff that we have in life.

I kind of just went down the rabbit hole of Google learning more about podcasts. Then Christmas 2020, I took a podcast manager course and the rest, as they say, is history.

This year, I mixed even more into the strategy and the systems piece. And I'm sure we'll dig into this a little bit more, but that's because those are the two areas that I see podcasters not really focus on enough. And those are the two key pieces that I think helps make a podcast successful.

Jen Liddy

Can you describe what it actually looks like when you meet a person who hasn't focused on systems? What is that person struggling with?

Rosemarie Callender

Yes, one of those words, isn't it? Really not quite sure.

But when I talk about systems, I am talking about processes and just using tools to make your life simpler and make your podcasting life simpler. So for me, pretty much around how much of your guest process can you streamline?

No longer do you need to go back and forth 100 times with someone, oh, can you do this time? Can you do this time? Oh my gosh, I haven't got your bio.

So as you and I did for this show, fill out a form, that's it. So how much of that can you streamline? And then we're also thinking about planning ahead. I can say this confidently because I have been there and I have done it before.

I launched my show, I had mapped out the first year of episodes. However, when it came to actually doing the research and sitting there recording them, I was very much a bit embarrassed to say, but very much sort of a few days before the episode was due to go out. And you don't do your best in those? I certainly don't do my best in those circumstances.

Rosemarie Callender

The system around that is batching. What does batching look like for you?

So now at the beginning, well, the end of the month, for the month coming, I will sit down and really map out those, depending on if I have a guest or not, three, four episodes, so that I can get ahead.

I never batched it because for me, that's too much, but a lot of everything else is batched. And I've moved to Seasons as well, so there's lots of different systems that can put in place. But that's kind of where I've seen people burn out because there's not certain things in place to what you're describing.

 Jen Liddy

Is the person who's like, “I'm going to have a podcast because I have ideas and I have things I want to say”, but they haven't thought about all of these little thousands of steps that it takes on the back end for planning and then recording and then editing.

Not only that, and then marketing. All of it is they're all teeny tiny systems that work together 100%.

 Rosemarie Callender

And I think a lot of people don't know all the teeny tiny pieces because there are unfortunately out there people, gurus, experts, who are saying that all you need to start is a mic, a laptop and a message. No.

 Jen Liddy

Okay, well, what do you need?

Rosemarie Callender

Well, you need a heck of more than that, I can tell you that. That's the beginning.

But if you're listening to this and a podcast has been on your vision board, your dream list for a while, I would encourage you to think about what I call the four W's and H. I haven't come up with anything more elaborate as yet, but one day the epiphany will strike.

But starting with your why. So why do you want to start a podcast? I hope and pray it's not because everyone else is doing it.

A bit like when you started your business, there's a way around that. The same for your podcast. Your podcast is an extension of your business, but in a way it's not a separate entity.

But you do want to apply the same to your podcast because in those difficult months when maybe your growth has stopped for a little bit or you're just feeling exhausted, you'll think back to your why.

So what does your why look like? For example, for me and my podcast, at the time I started, I very much wanted to streamline my content creation. Sitting down and writing.

 Rosemarie Callender

I had no structure. I will dig into this a little bit later, but my podcast allows me to create content on a weekly basis. It allows me to when someone drops into my DMs, can you ask him for help?

I've got a podcast episode on this. If a client asks for help about something, here's the transcript.

So it's just a content piece. That's a big part. But then, of course, there's visibility, building authority, credibility. It definitely helps with clients.

I've had a number of clients on the call. I go through my whole spiel and then they're like and then I said, do you have any questions? Oh, no. I've listened to your podcast. I'm good.

What are the next steps?

So everyone's got a different sort of why they want to start a podcast. But just think carefully and make a note.

Have a podcast notebook, if you will, of what your why is, and then we go to the what. So what are you going to speak about?

 I would like to add here that it's not about what you want to speak about, it's about what you're listening because a lot of people have had that calls before and I'm like reflect.

Rosemarie Callender

I mean, it is a mix of both, but more than 90% what your listeners want to hear.

So as a business owner, one caveat I have about a podcast is you have to be really clear. I only work with coaches who usually 18 months, two years in. They're really clear on who they're serving, how they're helping them, what their objections are, what their desires are, what they got, all that kind of stuff because that will feed into your podcast episodes.

So what are you going to talk about, what are the objections, what do they need to hear? All that kind of stuff.

So be really clear about what it is that you're talking about.

It might be that I always use Mindset coaches as an example, but it might be as a Mindset coach, your overall podcast theme could obviously be mindset, but how is that broken down? And really take the time before you set off.

Do as I did, really get those topics, get those draft episode titles written down, use Trello Asana or whatever. Project management tool notebook works as well. And get those mapped out so you've kind of got an idea of what you're doing.

Rosemarie Callender

So that's the what and I touched on this a little bit.

Then we go to the who. Who are you speaking to? Who is your ideal listener?

As a business owner, I would imagine that this is your ideal client, especially if the podcast is an extension of your business.

If you're starting a podcast about knitting and you are a coach, then clearly the two have nothing to do with one another. That is fine.

But if they're both aligned with each other, by all means dip into your sort of client.

 I do client avatar and really pull from that and really work out who it is that you're speaking to.

You might also want to think about, do they listen to podcasts? So before you start on your journey, if you have a Facebook group or you have a community of some kind, do make sure that your community do listen to podcasts.

That goes into the why, because you might want to start a podcast because it works for you. But if your ideal listener doesn't tune in for whatever reason, then you're not necessarily going to see the success with your show. So that's something to kind of think about.

Rosemarie Callender

And then also with the who, when are they likely to tune in?

If they are listeners, so if you're a leadership coach for managers like one of my clients.

Depending on where you are in the world, they might have started commuting into work again. So you might want to take that into consideration whenever they like for you to listen.

Is it on the morning commute? Lunchtime?

That feeds into how long your episodes are.

Then we get to the when.

Something that a lot of people fail to do, and this might be my PA background., is I love a deadline. I love putting a deadline in my calendar. If it's not in my calendar, it's not going to happen.

So a lot of people say, I'm going to start a podcast, I'm going to start a podcast. But they don't actually or anything really any sort of project and they don't actually put that date in the calendar.

Pick a date randomly, kind of look at your schedule, look at what's going on at home in the business and pick a date that feels right. Try to avoid any other launches because a podcast launch is on par with a program launch.

Rosemarie Callender

There's a lot of stuff even if you're working with someone like myself, there's a lot of stuff to consider.

So when are you going to launch? I normally work a six week plan. Depending on if you're doing it yourself, you might need a bit longer, maybe three. I wouldn't say six. You might lose momentum.

But choose a period of time based on your own schedule, how much time you've got going in moms where daughters, we've got all this stuff going on. So choose wisely and put that date in the calendar and work backwards.

What needs to be done, when and finally how and how is around. Are you going to do just the audio piece or we're going to do video, like Jen does for her show.

Video is not an excessive amount of extra work. If you know what you're doing, great. Not a lot of extra work. But because video is on the rise, it makes sense to do both. But it might be that you lead up to that. It might be starting out, it's a bit too much.

Totally understand, but something to keep in mind for the future. So those are the five things that I believe that you should think about before you even start worrying about a microphone.

 Rosemarie Callender

Which is what a lot of people.

 Jen Liddy

You know what that reminds me of is when people say, “I want to start a business.”

The first thing that they do is hire a web designer and a branding person before they do any of the important stuff, and they always suffer. They always suffer.

Then they come back and they're like, “Oh, I don't know who's my who. I don't know what's my why. I don't know even what to be saying on this website!”

Then you have to step back. So I love that you've given this advice because it's foundational and it's not sexy, but it will save you so many hours and so much frustration on the other side.

Rosemarie Callender

Yes. And you will see success, because I think a lot of people — what's the stat? 75% of podcasts have podfaded, which is another term for burnout.

Wow. So the 2.5 million I think we're on at the moment, at the time of recording in June 2022, I think they're around 2.5 million podcasts.

75% of those have podfaded. And when I say podfade, I mean there's anything from three to seven to ten episodes that just stopped.

Yeah, there's no episode that says, “Oh, this is the end of the season.”

It's just very clear. I saw one the other day that had three episodes. It was clearly on launch because they all had the same date, nothing since, and that was in 2020. And that goes back to your idea.

Jen Liddy

Of your point that if you don't have the systems in place, it's so easy. Having just the idea is not enough, because then you get in there and you start mucking around and you're like, oh, I don't have capacity for this.

Rosemarie Callender

That's exactly it. Yeah. I think people really underestimate because they might be looking at the Amy Porterfield and the Jenna Kushners of the world.

We have to remember, they've got teams. I don't know how many people are in their team, but a lot of people or women that I work with are solopreneurs.

They might work with me, they might work for VA, but they definitely don't have a team of 20 who “I get an idea and I can just ping that off to God knows who to make it happen.”

So you just need to be really aware of your capacity. But it pains me when I come across a show, because sometimes I might want information on a topic, and I do a search in Apple podcast, I said, “Oh, this looks good, but 20/25 episodes?”

I'm like, oh, what happened? It really pains me to see this. Right. So if you take nothing else away from this episode, please take the time, as you said, to put those foundational pieces in place, and the rest will come in due course.

 Jen Liddy

I love that advice. So I want to talk about what happens next. Once you get those foundations done and you've carved out time and you've reverse engineered and you know all of your whys, I want to talk about what still might keep people from starting.

 I think there's a belief that if I don't have 5000 downloads every episode, it's not worth my time.

Or, “Oh, here's another celebrity who's putting out another podcast, talking to his or her friends that people are downloading by the millions. So I shouldn't put my podcast out there.”

As a podcaster, I have had those thoughts too. Tell me, do your clients struggle with this? And if so, how do you help them through it?

 Rosemarie Callender

So not those two specifically. Other common beliefs that I have come across are that there's a lot of podcasts out there that are in the same niche. How do I stand out?

Another one is around, “What will I talk about?”

 The fear of kind of running out of ideas, which I think that's just a block because as a business owner, you've got so much knowledge and expertise, that's not even a thing.

Something that pops up: obviously when they come to me to start working together, they’ve decided to launch.

But at some point, I think reality sets in. And my clients won't necessarily tell me, but I can kind of sense it where the mind monkeys, whatever the mind monkey might be, might start cropping up.

One big thing is around that first episode when they sit down to do that first episode, and for me, not everyone does this, but I advocate for the first episode being quite introductory. It doesn't have to be very long, but 15 to 20 minutes to set the scene.

It's a bit of an extension of the trailer, but you're just letting your listeners know a bit more about you, who makes you the person to speak on this topic and kind of what they can expect.

Like I said, setting the scene. Some of my clients, when they sit down to do that, there is very much this, okay, I need to rer-ecord. I need to re-record.

With one client, I had to get really strict. I'm like, “No one is ever going to look back on their first episode. I think, oh, my gosh, that was amazing. So can you just upload it for me, please? Let us move along!

So that's definitely something that I see!

Feedback from a client once I recommend the trailer goes out. Remember, I do a six week plan. So the trailer goes out two weeks before launch dates for week four.

I have noticed to the point where I'm trying to think how I can tweak my own package, my own offer. I don't know, people sometimes feel like, okay, the trailer is here, but I'm not going to say anything about it. So then we go through.

So part of my package, we jump on a call, week two or three, and we formulate a marketing plan. Because as you mentioned, marketing is a key part. If no one knows about your show, then there's just no point.

 Rosemarie Callender

That's where marketing comes in. But marketing is not new to you as a business owner, so it shouldn't be hard, but I don't know, there's something about having a podcast.

I've noticed we do this whole marketing call. We put a plan together. Your trailer goes out.

Yeah, send my email, send Instagram messages or voice notes. And then I'm waiting.

So the trailer goes out they post on trailer release day, but then they're supposed to post in between to just get the audience engaged and subscribed, and then it's crickets.

I'm like, what is going on here? So I think there is that element of, “Oh, my gosh, I'm really doing this!”

And the fair comes in a little bit, so there's lots of different pieces, but I think what holds people back is around, “Who am I to start a podcast? I need to do XYZ before I start a podcast, but I need to launch my book! I need to start my membership!

All that stuff for the business. There's a lot that we allow to hold us, and I was definitely that person. It was February 2021. A coach I was working with, a marketing coach, was trying to find the right marketing route for me.

 Rosemarie Callender

And I was, I don't know Instagram, I don't like social media.

And she said, well, you should start a podcast. And I was just like, no. Talk about what? Because I was only a month or two into my business.

 Jen Liddy

That's right, you started in December 2020.

 Rosemarie Callender

So it was kind of like, no. And then it took me about three, four months of not being able to really write because I'm not a writer, I'm very much a talker. And it was like, the idea was mine. I thought I should start a podcast. She hadn't told me.

Jen Liddy

That's a great idea, Rosemarie!

 Rosemarie Callender

How did you think of that? But I think once I'd be fighting, of course I remembered and I sent her a message to say, I'm going to do it.

But, yeah, I haven't looked back. And looking back, I could have positioned my show a lot better. But you don't know what you don't know.

It's all kind of lessons. Even as the expert, I have certainly learnt lessons and I've passed those on to my clients.

But I think if it's something that you really want to do, I understand the fear of it's funny because there's a fear of visibility, but at the same time, we know we need to be visible. A lot of my clients want to make a bigger impact and there's only so much you could do on social media where they change every 5 seconds, but just give it a go.

Make the plan points 12345. Yeah, make it happen.

Podcasting is growing. I did a post recently around there's a website called The Verge that predicts that the podcasting industry would be $4 billion by 2024. So I think currently it's two. So in a year and a half, that's going to double.

 Jen Liddy

More than double.

Rosemarie Callender

Yeah. So maybe like, I'm a podcasting queen, but the industry is growing, so why not hop on now and reap your benefits?

 Jen Liddy

It's like anything in your business: you have to give yourself the grace and the permission to grow and maybe suck a little bit here and learn a little bit more there.

I never go back and listen to my old podcast episodes. I don't want to hear them. But the reason I started my why was a client said to me in the middle of a session, “I wish I just had a little Jen Liddy in my back pocket for those hard moments.”

And I was like, well, if I do a podcast, she can search whatever she needs in there. It would be and so that was my WHY, really, to serve my clients better.

It just kind of grew from there.

The other thing I've struggled with, “Who am I to put this podcast out? There's so many bigger names talking about podcasting and content and all of the things that I talk about, and why would anyone listen to me?”

 And I always like to remind people, as my father so eloquently says, “There's an ass for every seat,” which means somebody is going to like you.

They might not like that gigantic internet guru, or they want to hear your voice because they can't stand the voice of somebody else.

Jen Liddy

Really. You just never know how you're going to appeal to somebody and it's okay that there's people you're not appealing to.

If we can give ourselves permission to figure out what feels good to us, there's no one right way to do any of this stuff.

 Rosemarie Callender

Yeah, 100%. That is exactly it. How you can make your podcast stand out is just being yourself. You are what makes your podcast unique.

Of course, there's lots of different categories and they're all very, very busy or saturated, if you want. But just remember, a lot of podcasts are not currently live.

So the competition, so to speak, is a lot less than you think it is.

Yeah, so shoot your shot.

I might add here that I think a lot of people might think about one objection that I hear a lot is, “I don't have the time”.

Yes, that's where my podcast name came from. That's definitely where the name came from, because I think a lot of people see it as something else to do.

But I'm really trying to shift that perspective too. As we touched on earlier, your anchor, your core content, whatever it might be, you're not doing content for social media, email list, plus the podcast. Your podcast is taken over. It is the top of your sales funnel, if you want it to be. It's the top of your content funnel. A 15-20 minutes episode. If you put lots of value into it, you transcribe it, you pull out quotes.

Rosemarie Callender

If you do the video, you can take a 30-60-second video and stick it on social media.

You can take, I don't know what is YouTube? I'm not really on YouTube. Maybe a five-minute clip and stick it on YouTube and say, “Check out the full episode” and include the link.

The same for your email list. You are not adding things to your to do list. Your podcast is, in my opinion, a very important asset for your business.

I’ve have had to have very stern conversations with a couple of my clients because they just see it as something else to do.

I've had a client say to me before, what was it? Something along the lines of, “Oh, I have to find time.”

I just thought, no, I wish I was quite as strict with my clients, but I do love them. But on a serious note, it was very much you need to see your podcast as it is.

 Jen Liddy


 Rosemarie Callender

And if you do it in the right way, it will feel and the systems, all that kind of stuff, it will feel effortless and it will feel fun.

But if you go into it thinking it's something else to do, I've got to see clients. I've got I don't know, the washing machine is broken down, whatever it is, and the podcast drops, something else needs to drop.

Not the podcast, because it will, in the long run, serve you better. And I don't know about you, but your Instagram feed is 48 hours. Instagram stories is 24 hours.

If I didn't have my podcast when I did and people DMing me a question, I have to sit down and type out this long response to send a voice note. Now, someone reached out to me about podcast guests and she wanted help with her pitch email.

I quickly looked at it, literally 2 seconds of my life. Immediately, some stuff jumped out at me. Three bullet points linked to my podcast: done!

I can continue to do that as long as my podcast is live.

 Jen Liddy

It's very sticky in that way.

Rosemarie Callender

Yes. And it will continue to work for you. I think I heard recently I don't know where I heard this, but yes, another podcasting guru, more respected than maybe some of the random advice that you hear.

But she said the podcasting lifespan is seven years vs. 48 hours, 24 hours!

LinkedIn you might get a month, but there's no social media platform that will get you anything quite like a podcast.

If you pair a podcast with Pinterest, which is probably a totally different episode, Pinterest is a search engine.

Again, content lives on there for years. So you just have to think, do you want to work smarter or do you want to work harder? And I know which one I would go with. Yeah.

 Jen Liddy

I'm encouraging all people listening to this to do the same. I had Presh Rogers on. I know you know Presh. She's a Pinterest expert.

She talked about Pinterest. So if you're wondering about how to pair Pinterest with your podcast, that's a lot of Ps! Go see go see my episode with Presh because she's got a lot of feedback on that too.

I'm glad you mentioned that the more sticky we can make our stuff, the better, because once people find us and they like us, they generally want to hear from us regularly.

They want to go back, they'll listen to two or three episodes at a time. All of the things you said have been such gems, Rosemarie.

Thank you so much. So how do people find your podcast? Too Busy to Podcast. Where are you? Are you everywhere?

Rosemarie Callender

So I'm everywhere as I should be, but yes, the main platforms Apple, Spotify, Google, Alexa, Audible, all those kind of places where I am online, Instagram, I hang out quite a lot.

Or if you're on LinkedIn, Rosemarie Callender, connect me over there. And then my website is

 Jen Liddy

Co UK?

 Rosemarie Callender


 Jen Liddy

How do people work with you? Do you work one to one with people?

Rosemarie Callender

So I work one to one with my clients done for you, like I mentioned, six week launch, sometimes eight, depending on the client, also done with you.

If you just want someone to keep you accountable, you want to do it yourself, but maybe you want to save yourself the aggravation of Googling all the pieces, I can do that WITH you, we'll meet once a week and we'll follow the same framework as I would with my Done For You clients.

I, of course, do nothing. I just kind of give you the steps and Voxer you during the week to kind of make sure you're making progress.

So that's an option. And if you are someone who wants to do it all yourself or a podcast, you're already a podcaster and maybe you're feeling a little stuck, then I have a Strategy Call as well.

Just jump on Zoom for 75 minutes, and that is your time to ask me anything that might be burning.

Jen Liddy

You know, I wanted to encourage people. If you feel stuck and you have a podcast and you're listening to this, talking with somebody about your podcast can be really powerful.

In fact, about a year and a half ago, I wanted to change directions really more, hone in on general business and talk specifically about content. I was going to do that at the beginning of 2020, and I was scared to death because I had built all of this stuff up and my podcast producer just eased my fears.

We took care of all of the little systems and all the pieces and parts to make it happen.

Here I am today with Content Creation Made Easy, which is so much more specific and so much more searchable.

Again, podcasts are highly searchable, so again, it makes it more sticky. So if you are listening to this podcast and you've listened to the W's and the Hows and all of the foundations and all of the things that Rosemarie has shared with us, and you're thinking maybe…

I’d love to move you from a maybe to a yes, because your people really do need to hear from you!

 Jen Liddy

Again, I always feel like on socials we have that veil between us, right.

It's usually not something we're doing live. It's usually something like a picture or something we wrote before.

But really a podcast is now you're hearing our voice, you're hearing our cadence, you're hearing our interactions.

The other thing I love about having a podcast is that I feel that it adds a level of gravitas to your business and it really develops relationships because Rosemarie and I have had several chats at this point and I love knowing her.

She's in another country and she's great. She's got great content on Instagram. So it's really a relationship developer as well.

Rosemarie Callender

Yes, I was on my podcast with one of my clients recently and one thing she mentioned was for her show, she is about four or five months in and she spoke about how her podcast allows her to reach out to people! Yes, as a guest.

Because unless you're pitching yourself to the Oprah Winfreys of the world, if you're pitching yourself to a normal not saying that Oprah is not normal, but a normal business owner, it's very unlikely you're going to get a “No”.

So if you listen to this and there's someone that you would absolutely love to meet and have a conversation, not saying that this should be your only way, but a benefit of having your podcast would be it will open the doors because podcasts allow people to talk about themselves and the topics that they're passionate about.

Just sit on that a little bit. If there's one or two or three people that you think, oh my God, I would love to spend 30 minutes talking with this person, a podcast will allow you to do that.

Jen Liddy

Don't be afraid of the “Who am I with my pathetic little podcast?”

I want to say this goes both ways. So I’ve invited big names onto my podcast and gotten a yes, and that is amazing.

I've also pitched myself but I'll pitch myself to small podcasts as well as more established podcasts because you don't know who's listening to those podcasts.

Yes, it's really very possible that somebody could find you on a more obscure, smaller podcast and just really connect with you. So I always invite people to not be snobs about who they will say yes and no to, especially when you're trying to gain traction in your own business.

Rosemarie Callender

Yes, 100%. Just make sure they're aligned. So if their audience are gardeners and you work with moms, then clearly that's not going to work.

But yeah. Just kind of be really strategic about that so that you can I mean. At the end of the day it is about giving your listeners value when you have a guest on your show. Making sure that they get value from the episode.

But from your perspective as well.

Something another client taught me when she was a guest on my show was around a very key question to ask who can you introduce me to.

Who should I meet that you know? So if you have a laundry list of people and there's this really big person at the top of that list who will get you, who would have I love that.

Yeah, she told me that about a year ago and it's still stuck in my head. It is a relationship. There's so many pros. I can't think of a con, but as we talked about, it replaces your content creation, there's not a huge and once you get into the launch is tricky because there are so many different pieces.

 Rosemarie Callender

I recommend you work with someone. It doesn't have to be me. I mean, I’d love it to be me, but work with someone to get your show off the ground and then if you want to pick it up yourself or some of the pieces, make sure that they're able to show you the best way to do that so that you can incorporate into your business so it doesn't feel like a burden or a chore.

 Jen Liddy


Rosemarie Callender

But my client launched hers two weeks before she launched a new course and it was her biggest course launch ever. So there are certain things that you need to take into consideration. But there are so many pros. Yes, just do it, you're missing out. It is so rewarding in so many different ways.

Jen Liddy

And don't be put off by the number of podcasts out there. People are going to find your podcast because they like your content with your voice and your flare, the way that you spin things.

Rosemarie Callender

Yes. And just know that you will get better. Episode One, Episode Ten, Episode 25, 100…

I mean, I'm like Jen, I don't listen back. But if you were to listen back, I promise you, even if one of my clients, she did a twelve episode first season and because I'm editing it, I can hear you and the confidence.

But I shared that with her because I wanted her to know. So she knew she was on the right track and she really appreciated that feedback for your listeners. Just know that a bit like with your business, you will grow. So don't seek that's another sort of thing. Don't seek perfection because it's not going to come and you're just holding yourself back from this beautiful space that is podcasting.

 Jen Liddy

Yeah, I could really just bloom as you grow with it!

Rosemarie Callender


 Jen Liddy

Well, Rosemarie, thank you so much for the insights and our conversation and the encouragement that you've given to people. So can you say your website again so people can go find you and also how they can find you on Instagram?

Rosemarie Callender

Yes, so it is 

I divert so don't worry if you get that wrong. And Instagram is @toobusytopodcast.

 Jen Liddy

Love it. Thanks for listening today. I hope that you feel encouraged to put your voice out there. We really need to hear your voice and your content in your way. And don't worry about all of the perfection to get started.

 Rosemarie Callender

Just get going.

 Jen Liddy

So thanks, Rosemarie!.

Rosemarie Callender

Thank you so much.

Jen Liddy

Bye, everyone..


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