Website Makeover Magic - Power Up Your Homepage

How long has "update website" been on your to-do list?
Months? Years?
It feels like a beast, right?
It's an "I need an entire weekend to fix it" tasks that never leaves the list.
You might think, "Ehhhh. How important IS a website in the age of social media and LinkedIn?"
Ahem. It IS still important to have a great freakin' website, and it DOES NOT need to suck the life outta your life to make yours spectacular!
Let the amazing Heather Frechette-Crowley, owner of Root Marketing, unpack EXACTLY how to break down this task…
so you can optimize your website optimization and build your online presence with clarity & authority.
My convo with Heather is filled with golden nuggets you won't want to miss.
Listen in for…
- Heather's step-by-step breakdown of how to wire-frame a user-friendly homepage using her StoryBrand-certified method.
- A complete explanation of the essential components of a homepage, including how to speak to your target audience & crafting effective calls to action.
- Ways to harness your website content and is it across your brand, marketing, and content!
Pull your head out of the sand & let's go cross off "Update website" from your to-do list!
For a great example PLUS all of Heather's goodies, go look at
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Full Transcript
Jen Liddy
Hey, welcome to this week's episode of the Content Creation Made Easy podcast. I am your host, Jen Liddy. Today we're talking about something that I don't think I've really ever addressed on the podcast before, and it's not because it's not important.
It's just because I apparently was waiting for the right person and I found that person. We are talking about websites today. We're gonna be talking about your homepage. In the next episode, we're gonna be talking about About Pages, but today I have an expert to help you wrap your head around what should be on your webpage.
Now, if you're somebody who's thinking, “I'm clicking off because webpages are archaic and only dinosaurs use them” that's a false falsity. We're gonna unpack that today, why your webpage–your homepage needs to be updated, and then how to make it updated.
One of the things I wanted to say before we get started is I know that you have a specialty in your thing. You have an expertise, you have a lot of training, and sometimes when we're an expert or we have an expertise, we get really mired down in giving people a lot of information because we have so much to share.
The reason I'm bringing my friend Heather Frichette-Crowley on today is to talk to us about how to make our web pages, our home pages and our websites less about the shoving information down people's throats and making it more like a come along with me and I'm going to make you feel comfortable on my homepage experience where you don't always have to be the one that's shiny and doing a commercial for yourself, but it also doesn't have to be the answer to that is not more information.
So Heather, I just rambled on a lot. I'm hoping I was clear about what we're talking about today, Heather I'm gonna have you introduce yourself and what you do and let's get started talking about this stuff.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Awesome. Thanks so much, Jen, for having me. So as you said, I'm Heather Frechette-Crowley. I own Root Marketing. I am a marketing strategist and content creator for B2C service providers.
And I'm also a certified Story Brand Guide. And for your listeners who are familiar with Building a StoryBrand, the book by Donald Miller, Marketing Made Simple, he has a number of them.
He also offers a certification course and I am certified in that. So what that gives me access to is his proven framework for really creating content that is going to resonate with your audience.
Jen Liddy
And that's why I wanted to have you on today because sometimes when I fall on somebody's website, I'm either overloaded by the information that they have to share or I'm completely turned off because it's like the me, me show.
And there's got to be something in the middle. And I know the work that you do. Heather and I are actually in a little mini mastermind together. We meet once a month to talk about these things. And I was like, “Can we please talk about freaking websites on Content Creation Made Easy?”
And so here she is. So give us a little bit of insight. How does StoryBrand approach doing a website in ways that are different from maybe how other website designers or creators would approach them?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
So really the crux of the StoryBrand Framework is that you bring your audience, your customer, into the story as the hero of the story. So you as the business, as the brand, you're not the hero.
That's not what we have traditionally been taught, right? Especially with subject matter experts who I know you work with, we're taught, scream loud.
Right? Look at me. But what happens is that turns people off. And when you position yourself and your brand as the guide who helps the hero overcome whatever challenge it is, that position to you is someone that others wanna work with, right?
It's like being at the cocktail party. Nobody wants to be with the boastful person in the corner.
Jen Liddy
I liked StoryBrand the minute I read that book. I was like, I bought into it. I really liked the approach of making your reader–the hero, bringing them into the story of your business.
It's not that hard to do. And it really goes along with my philosophy about your copy always needs to be focused on what your audience is thinking and saying and needs.
And because we're sometimes subject matter experts, or we've been doing this thing a long time, we can forget how to talk to our audience in their voice and in their language because we fall into our expertise language.
Do you find that with the websites that you overhaul?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, 100%. So what's interesting is I think most of my clients fall into one of two categories. One is either they bought into the, I've got to scream it loud and this is how great I am and this is why you should choose me.
Or they're really into that subject matter expert camp where they just kind of put out all of the information, right? And I know you always say word vomit, Jen, which I love.
They just put everything out there because their thought – and they don't necessarily mean to do it, to be boastful and braggy, but if I put it all out there, then I know people will feel like I get them.
And that's not the case because what happens is people are turned off. People don't read websites, they actually scan them. So when you have zero white space and your text blocks on your homepage, people cannot click out of there fast enough.
And it's really what I call the curse of knowledge, right? It's that they're so, as you said, kind of mired down in the weeds that they truly can't see the forest anymore.
Jen Liddy
Yeah. I want to go back to a more fundamental question that I forgot to ask you, which is, do websites matter anymore? When somebody meets you, they can give you their contact information or they send you to Instagram or their LinkedIn. So do websites matter and why?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, they 100% still matter. You know, it's things people used to say, email marketing's dead. Now it's like, “No, email marketing's the way to grow.” For a couple of reasons. One, you need to own your own real estate.
So if you're only on social media platforms, they can go down as we've seen particularly that impacts you, especially if you're an e-commerce brand and you're only selling through a third party platform and that goes down, you're shutting off the pipeline to your business.
That and also people will say, sometimes clients say, “Well, I get referrals, right?” I worked with a chiropractor and she said, “I'm almost 95% referrals.” And I said, “Well, that's great.”
But you should know that when someone tells me about you, the first thing I do is I go online to find your website because I want to make sure you're legitimate. It gives you credibility. And if I can't find your website, quite frankly, this day and age, it is sketchy. I'm like, “Why do they not have a website?”
Jen Liddy
Yes, yes, I had to go get my car inspected. I was a month past due on the inspection. Don't tell anybody. So I went to look locally what are some places and there was this guy that had Greg's garage and he had no web presence whatsoever.
He had like seven Google reviews, they were all glowing, but I'm like, he doesn't even have a website, he has nothing, not even like a basic one page, and it made me not, like I was like not going to go to Greg because I just couldn't go check him out.
You know what's something else that occurred to me while you were talking about socials, which never occurred to me before? If somebody goes to check you out on say Instagram, and either there's like another person with a similar name,or your account has been hacked and duplicated, which I see happen all the time, it's so hard to know.
I find sometimes on Instagram, it's really hard to know, “Is this the right person?” They looked different in their profile picture or whatever. And so I feel like having a website just gives you more gravitas.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
100%. And the other thing too, Jen, that you bring up a great point. If I'm checking on social media, if it's your Facebook page or your Instagram profile, and your last post is two months ago, that screams to me that you're not trustworthy.
You're how, you know, why isn't this kept up to date? Whereas if I go to your website, I don't expect it to be updated every week because that information is foundational.
So certainly while websites are not set it and forget it, which I think we were once taught, you know, we understand that the information on that page is really foundational. So we're not looking for your home site header to change every time we visit.
Jen Liddy
Right. So we, if we are all on board that having a web page, web, I keep saying web page because all you and I are talking about today is that homepage, right? A website can be incredibly deep and incredibly complex, but honestly, it really could just be a one-pager. You really could just have everything you need on that one page, right?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Exactly. And that's one of the things too, that I think deters people from taking on the website project, right? They think it's going to be this year-long project that is going to be a million dollars and is never going to get done.
And depending on your business, it can be, as you said, as simple as, as a landing page, as one simple page telling them, you know, frankly, how they can contact you and what that next step is. But you need to own some real estate out there in the inner webs for sure.
Jen Liddy
Yep, okay. So then we've talked about that, and we've talked about some of the mistakes that people make, you're falling in one of these two camps.
So let's talk about the StoryBrand approach now, because I think people are like, “Oh, we get it, all right, now what the hell are we gonna do about it?” So Heather, what the hell are we gonna do about it?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yes. So the StoryBrand framework itself, as you know, Jen, because you've read the books, is quite deep. You can go very deep into each of those elements. And just to give your listeners who may not be familiar with it just a really brief synopsis.
Essentially, every movie, every story is based on these seven components, which is a hero who has a problem that's preventing them from achieving something. They meet a guide who calls them to action, gives them a plan that ends in success or failure, right?
So, and it's so interesting, if you've ever heard Donald Miller speak, is any movie you can call out, he very quickly is like, here you go.
Jen Liddy
He likes to use, like, I'm not a Star Wars person, but when I first read his book, I was like, “Oh my god, I was teaching English for 1,000 years, and here it is. It's like, it's Hamlet, it's Romeo and Juliet, but it's also Yoda and Luke Skywalker” right?
Like, it's just all there, this story line that is focused on the hero who is not the business.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Exactly, because we all want to be the hero in our own story, right? And that's not being conceited. That's frankly the way we're wired as humans, right? I don't get up in the morning and say, how can I make Jen the hero of her story today?
I may think “How can Jen make me a hero,” right? Because that's the way our brains are wired. So just flipping that is helpful.
Jen Liddy
Yeah, so the audience is the hero and the business is the guide that helps them achieve their goal, overcome their challenge and get to the other side. Love it.
So when you're helping people understand the framework, how is this different from other frameworks that you see touted out there? Like why did you love the StoryBrand framework?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Exactly, I read the book years ago and it was like, I say it's like a post-it note moment for me, right? Like so simple, but oh my gosh, how did we live without it, right? And through my years in corporate America and advanced education, this was really kind of mind-blowing for me.
Like, why didn't we think of this? Of course this makes sense. And seeing the difference it's made for my clients is also huge. It really is, it creates tangible benefits.
Jen Liddy
Yeah, because it's so simple because all our audience cares about is what's in it for me. And it's not that they're being jerks. It's like you said, this is how we're wired. So the StoryBrand framework sets them up to be their own hero.
So let's talk about how could somebody who's like, “Okay, Heather, I have not looked at my website for a long time.” What are some of the things they should be looking for and some of the steps they should be taking to kind of clean that up?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, sure. So first and foremost, you have your homepage in your mind. We're talking about the header, the above the fold section, which is really everything that the visitor sees when they first land on your homepage.
So the header needs to answer three questions.
The first is what you do.
The second is how it helps me as the visitor.
And the third is what I need to do to get it or to work with you.
Jen Liddy
So can you give us an example? How is this on your homepage?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Amazing. Yes. So actually it says, I'm recalling now, it's “Marketing that creates demand.” And then there's a subhead that talks about “From strategy through execution, you know, we expand your reach so that you can focus on doing what you do.” And then there's a book now button.
And those are really, we think oftentimes that we need to be super clever and maybe alliterate, right? Come up with things that are catchy. But what happens is we often do that at the expense of clarity. And so in our minds, we think, what are you talking about? How do you not get that?
That's hilarious, right? Or that's spot on. And the visitor, you literally have three seconds. And if they don't get that in three seconds, they're gone.
Jen Liddy
Totally, I'm thinking about some of the websites I've seen something like you know I'm just trying to think of what it might be like. Empowerment for old souls like I don't know what the frick that is. What are you talking about?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yes, it's so funny that you say that because one of the industries that I do a lot of work with is coaching. And so I see it a lot in that industry. It's a very flowery language, particularly coaches who work specifically with women. It's generally something like ‘Be a better version of you or align yourself’. I don't know what that is.
Jen Liddy
Right, is that chiropractic or is that coaching?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Right, exactly. So, you know, if you were to say, I help women find jobs they love, then I can self identify and raise my hand and say, yeah, that's what I want.
Jen Liddy
Yes, yes. Okay.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, it's interesting because one of the things that Donald Miller says, I swear I'm not getting a kickback from him, but it's just so, so crystal. He said, “It's not the best product or service that consumers buy. What they buy is the one that's communicated the clearest.” And I think.
Jen Liddy
Doesn't he call it the grunt test? Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Oh yes, that is his home page. Yes, his Above the Fold, which I refer to as the decaf test, but yes.
Jen Liddy
Right. Can I understand this before I had my morning coffee? So it's, what do you do? Who do you help? And like, what's the outcome that they get?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, exactly. So it's what you do, how it helps the visitor, and then what the visitor needs to do to buy your service, to get in touch with you.
Jen Liddy
So I would love anybody who's listening to this, you could press pause here, and you could think about how do I say that? And am I saying it in my client's language with their words? Am I clear? Am I crisp? Am I precise? And do I do all of that before they even hit their first scroll?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, yeah, a great way to do that too, Jen, is if you're, you know, at a coffee shop, just say to someone, pull up and say, can you tell me what, what this website does? Right?
Tell them that you're doing research. You can't ask your spouse because they're like, oh my gosh, I've heard it a billion times. Right? Don't ask your mom. Don't ask your friends. Yeah. So really fresh eyes is where the education comes from.
Jen Liddy
Beautiful idea. That's a great call. OK, so then once we kind of clean up our header and we've got that call to action, whatever that is–book a call, download my freebie–whatever you've got going on for your business, what happens then to kind of keep them interested?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, certainly. So on the homepage, you're going to have that direct call to action in the upper right corner. So when people view websites, their eyes generally follow a Z pattern.
So they're going to start in the upper left. It's a great place to have your logo scan to the right and then so on and so forth. So it's really important to have that direct call to action in multiple spots as they scroll down that page.
And we want that direct call to action to be exactly the same. If it's ‘Book a call’ in a red button, then it needs to be ‘Book a call’ in a red button every place it's shown on the homepage. It's a way to short circuit our brains kind of.
Jen Liddy
Okay. So the same call to action. I'm also guessing, not being flowery, not being cutesy, not being catchy.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Right. None of this ‘Learn more’ I don't know what that means. I probably don't have time to learn more. What I have time to do is book a call. So very specific and very strong language. And that's why it's referred to as that direct call to action.
Jen Liddy
Okay. And then what comes kind of after that? Now they started scrolling. They're interested. They're like, “Oh, this is what I need. This person gets me. I'm not really ready to book a call.” There'll be a button down later for me. What else is on this homepage?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, so we want to be sure to really hit on the seven components of the story, which is, we call it a brand script. It's essentially your brand narrative.
So you want to be able to call out what are the problems that they're facing. We want people to be able to read it and say, “Wow, this brand gets me, they can help me.”
And again, it's helpful to be specific here. Another thing that we want to do is we want to add as a guide, you want to include some information about yourself in terms of empathy and authority, right?
So every brand is a personal brand on some level. So I need to be able to express empathy because people don't do business with businesses. People do business with people.
So you want to be able to get that across. And you don't have to write a paragraph about why it's important for you to work with women looking for new positions, but you just need to have a couple of statements saying, “Look, I've been there. I know what it's like to be a woman over 50 looking for a new position in corporate America. I get it.”
And here, you're not in your head, and that's exactly what we want the visitors to do. And then on the flip side of that, we just need to add authority, Jen. So that's your years of experience, your qualifications.
Jen Liddy
And again, this part doesn't need to be enormously in depth or like the story like I was born, we don't need to do that. We'll go more in depth on your about page, but your homepage needs to have your presence.
You're the guide, cause you're the guide. Right, yes, so you're introducing yourself as that.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Exactly. Sure. Yes. Just a little bit. And then what you're going to do, as I said, you have that direct call to action. And then you mentioned a downloadable PDF, which we refer to as a transitional call to action.
It's basically–you're right, they're not ready to book that call, but you wanna give them something else to kind of put them in your funnel. You wanna give them something that prevents them from closing the relationship before it ever starts.
Jen Liddy
Okay, so far I'm hearing. They land on your page, they know what you're about.
They move into this roller coaster of like, “Hey, here's some shit you're dealing with and I really get you,” like that empathic approach or the compassionate approach to, “I see your problem, I see your struggle, whatever that is. This is why I'm uniquely positioned to help you as your guide and move you through that. Here's another transitional call to action that might be something softer, like a downloadable PDF or some mid move.”
And then what happens after that?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, so one of the most important pieces that so many of us miss, myself included before reading the book years ago, is that we don't give people a plan.
So the goal of the plan is how do I get to work with you? What happens? I bridge the gap between where I am on this side of the river and where I'll be on the other side of the river after working with you.
And this is an area where people sometimes lose sight of the bigger goals. So if I'm a real estate agent, my plan might be book a call, we'll discuss your ideal home, three, get ready to move in. Again, they're very high level.
But the goal is to be able to create that bridge between where they are now and where they'll be after working with you.
Jen Liddy
I'm chuckling because I'm thinking about what somebody who's a very nuanced, deeply experienced subject matter expert, like how they might get screwed up by these three steps, be like.
You know, book your call on a time where you have the most compassion for yourself. And then we're going to unpack all of your childhood trauma in our first call together.
And we're talking like sweeping broad, like book a call, let's chat and help you figure out whatever it is you want to figure out that's...
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Absolutely, absolutely. And it's okay to have kind of broad headers, book a call and then a sentence beneath it. We'll discuss where you are today. Step one, two, three.
Three is ideal, we don't wanna have more than four because what happens is at that point, we just look at it and we're like, "Whoa, this is too difficult to work with this person."
I'm gonna go to Greg's garage who may be working out of his van. We're just going to do that because it's easier.
Jen Liddy
Totally. Is that the end or like is there kind of just like a wrap up for people?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, so what's interesting is you need to, as I said, kind of sprinkle in parts of each of those components. And aside from the header, which needs to answer those three primary questions, the order can be flexible
And as long as you have, you know, it's kind of a recipe, as long as you have something from each of those components on the home page, it's going to invite the hero into the story.
Jen Liddy
I love that. Yes, yes, yes. I love that.
So there's like some action steps that they can take on this page.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yes, exactly. And when you look at the page, you're going to have that direct CTA. We in the StoryBrand community often refer to it as the cash register, right? Because that is leading people directly to you.
So sometimes we have it up in the upper right hand corner and that's it because we're like, isn't that redundant? No, it's not redundant. And particularly 90 something percent of people are probably scrolling on their phone. You want to avoid making them scroll back up.
So, because, you know, “Oh, it's my stop on the subway, I'll get to it later.” Nope, it's not gonna happen. We wanna make it easy.
Jen Liddy
So I have a question. In a lot of content, there is an appropriate time for aspirational content. Like you and I already talked about where you're going to talk about their problems, struggle, pain, issue.
Is there a place where you can kind of turn that around on a home page, where you can talk about, like, kind of imagine if-ing with them?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yes, definitely. So that would fall into the success bucket. So essentially every story you call someone to action if they go ahead and follow your plan, they're going to end up in the success bucket.
If they decide not to, they're going to end up in the failure bucket. And failure here sometimes clients back away because they say “No, I don't want to fear monger. That's not my style.
And believe me, we don't have to fear monger, right? It's like salt in a recipe. You just need a little bit. Because what happens is, if I start telling you that if you don't choose Root marketing, you're gonna live in a van for the rest of your life, you know, alone, it's too much.
You don't need that, right? We have enough stressful news in the world today. So just a little bit. And this is important. I want people to understand that failure sometimes just looks like the status quo, right?
It's me never getting my course done. It's me having to write a book on my to-do list for 20 years. It's gonna stay the same.
Jen Liddy
Not getting your car inspected in time before you get a ticket, which is what I'm driving around with my fingers crossed every day.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yes I was in the same position a week ago. But yeah, and then in terms of your aspirational identity, that would be the success bucket, right? What they want to be, how they want to feel after working with you. Exactly.
Jen Liddy
Yeah, something like imagine having a job you look forward to waking, you wake up and look forward to going to, where you didn't have to spend three years trying to find it, and with a bunch of trial and error. That's how I help you cross the bridge, basically. And so there is space for that on the homepage.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yes, definitely.
Jen Liddy
I love the idea that you can kind of play with these because some people feel really uncomfortable leaning into that problem part, that challenge part, and they would love to start with the more aspirational part.
And I think that this gives people kind of permission to move it around except for that top part, which is non-negotiable because people need to know they're in the right place. So this is a really clear outline.
One of the things I would love for people to go do is look at your homepage to get an idea of this. So they can see it very clearly on your homepage. So can you give us your homepage?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yes, yeah, it's
Jen Liddy
Okay, and when you go there, you're gonna see a really clean, sparely designed homepage. I know because Heather helped me with my homepage last year and I used hers a lot for my own reasons.
And it's really clear and easy and then you can model that. But I do want to say, this is one of those jobs that you'll put on your list that'll sit there for 18 months and next year at this time.
Actually a year and a half from now, you'll be like, oh my God, I never freaking did my website. Heather helped me last year, and I'm going to say something. I can be snobby about my copy, because I fancy myself, I'm a good writer.
And so I was like, Heather offered to help me StoryBrand my website. And I was like, oh yes, of course, I'm taking you up on that. But I was like, “I wonder how she's gonna help me.” Well, like she freaking helped me people.
Like she really, really knows her stuff. And so not only is like she giving generously here and if you're a DIY kind of person, I think that you could really get just like this podcast episode can be very helpful.
But I know that you're also offering an audit. So this is like somebody who's an expert's eyes on your website. And then tell us how that audit works because maybe people don't wanna hire a whole makeover, but maybe they just can't see what they can't see. So tell us about the audit.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yeah, sure, thank you for those kind words. It mean so much coming from you.
Jen Liddy
Well, I had to admit I was snobby in order to give you that compliment. What a jerk. Let me insult you on the podcast.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
I love it. No, stop, stop. I was scared at first when you said what I'm gonna say. I was like, oh no.
Right. Okay.So I offer a homepage audit, which does exactly what you just said, Jen. It's my eyes on your homepage. So I create a loom video of your page–it's not just, you know, general suggestions, which we've definitely gone over today, which is useful.
It's a video of me on your homepage. And I go through and give you specific suggestions and really provide actionable insights onto why I'm making those suggestions. And the homepage audit is designed for people who are DIY, who just say, just give me the basics.
And it's designed so that you can implement it yourself. You don't need to turn around to the web designer and deal with that. You can certainly make them yourself.
Jen Liddy
This is a service that I offer, not with web pages, but with sales pages and copy in general for a program that I'm a copy coach in.
And giving people loom feedback where you're talking them through their own copy and explaining why this works or explaining why this doesn't work, and here's a suggestion of what might work better.
It's absolute gold for people because they, it's not just like you've taken it and edited it and it's not like thank you so much, you did it for me. It's like you've taught them a way of thinking about it that they have forever now.
And I think that's why audits like this are so valuable. And not a lot of people do them. So I wanted to share. And I know you've got a great price for our listeners. I think it's $99?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Thank you. Yes, you're spot on, $99 and I'm sure you'll put the link into the show notes, Jen. Yeah, and the super thing is too, I get it out within three days because I as a consumer hate buying something and then I'm like, what happened to Amazon Prime? I want it here yesterday.
And even if you think, here's the secret. Once you understand the formula, once you understand your brand script and what those seven buckets are, you apply those to every page. And yeah, exactly, beyond your website, right? So emails that you send your clients, social media posts, advertisements, everything you can follow that.
Jen Liddy
That's a really good point, which I hope you're using in your own sales copy as a benefit, which is once I audit your webpage, one of the benefits is you can take every single thing that you learn and start to use it in your content across your platforms.
Because then you understand your brand story, you understand your brand voice, you understand what your audience needs to hear, you're not talking bullshit at them anymore. Brilliant.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
And you will be once you clarify that message and you really hone it in and you're speaking to the right audience, you will be amazed at how differently people respond.
Jen Liddy
Oh, this was such good information, Heather. Is there any last piece of information or nugget you need to drop on us that I didn't think to ask?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Goodness, I know now I have to think back what I've been talking about for 40 minutes. I think, you know, it really all does come down to clarifying your message, right?
And you can be clever, but not at the expense of clarity. So if you can be both, that's a bonus. But if you can only be one, choose clarity.
Jen Liddy
You've gave us so much good stuff.
Jen Liddy
Yes. Bravo, bravo. I love that. Heather already told us her website, which is She's at Root Marketing. And she's got a really great little agency, and she knows her stuff. She's a great writer, she's easy to deal with, and she deals with a lot of different types of people.
So I highly recommend going to check her out. You can reach all of her things there at her website, and I will put the link to it in our show notes, plus the link. I think they can go there. Can they get the audit there?
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Yes, they can actually if they go to my Instagram page, which is at @root_mktg. There will be a link that will take you to the audit.
Jen Liddy
Okay, I will put all those links in the show notes. Heather, thank you for, well, thank you for investing in yourself because I know that doing this StoryBrand Marketing thing was a huge leap and it's a really cool thing to have seen you make the decision and then become such an expert in it and speak so fluently about it, I love it.
And I've seen firsthand what an amazing job you do. So thank you for sharing it with us today because I'm really thinking people can take action from everything you shared.
Heather Frechette-Crowley
Oh, thank you, Jen. I appreciate it. Yes, that's my hope. That's my hope. That's what we need to do. Thanks so much, Jen. Take care.
Jen Liddy
Yes, you're awesome. You're awesome. Thanks. Hey, listener, thank you for being here all the way through. I really appreciate you listening. I know there's a bajillion podcasts out there, so you choosing to listen to Conte Creation Made Easy is like, I'm just very grateful.
So thank you so much. And if you could just leave a podcast review and just say, hey, I really like this podcast, I would appreciate it. We are trying to grow this year to get more people, more people's ears on the podcast. So I'll see you next time. Bye.